Выпусков: 17

Journey Back, presented by Cliff Aguirre CH (certified hypnotist), is a podcast that will include discussions about past-life regression, ghosts, alternative realities, UFO's and much more. In some shows, Cliff will include actual recordings of the past-life regressions used in his book Journey Back - The Amazing Memories of Individuals Through Past-Life Regression. There will also be interviews with world-wide experts and researchers in the area of past lives, ghosts and all of the topics of this podcast.

Journey Back Cliff Aguirre

    • Общество и культура

Journey Back, presented by Cliff Aguirre CH (certified hypnotist), is a podcast that will include discussions about past-life regression, ghosts, alternative realities, UFO's and much more. In some shows, Cliff will include actual recordings of the past-life regressions used in his book Journey Back - The Amazing Memories of Individuals Through Past-Life Regression. There will also be interviews with world-wide experts and researchers in the area of past lives, ghosts and all of the topics of this podcast.

    I'm Back

    I'm Back

    After ten months of being in California taking care of my 106 year old mother, I am back.  While taking care of my mother I had some past life revelations.

    • 2 мин.
    Reincarnation and DNA

    Reincarnation and DNA

    Scientists speak about DNA and what DNA tells us about individuals. It can tell us about family lineage and more.  In this episode I am going to talk about an area of DNA that haven't really been touched upon.  The theory that in past lives we had different DNA lineage than we do in our present life.  Our DNA in the past, was based upon the parents we had in a previous life and the lineage of the past family.  Please join me for this episode called Reincarnation and DNA.



    Mind Balance Hypnosis

    • 6 мин.
    Bettina Remembers Normandy World War 2

    Bettina Remembers Normandy World War 2

    Bettina is in her mid 20's and in her past life regression remembers being a young boy in the midwest in 1935.  Then she remembers when she is in her 20's in her past life and being sent to fight in Normandy in World War 2.




    • 6 мин.
    Future Lives

    Future Lives

    In this episode volunteers will be going into their future lives.

    Mind Balance Hypnosis

    Cliff Books Music





    • 29 мин.
    Katy B Looking For Medical Answers In The Past

    Katy B Looking For Medical Answers In The Past

    Katy was looking for the reasons behind the terrible pain in her hands. On the path to finding the answer, she discovers a disable 13 year old girl, a woman in Hong Kong and a mountain climber that freezes to death, among other lives.




    • 27 мин.
    Interview with Nicole Murphy Past Life Volunteer

    Interview with Nicole Murphy Past Life Volunteer

    Nicole Murphy was a volunteer for my book Journey Back The Amazing Memories of Individuals Through Past Life Regression.  Nicole will talk about her experience of going into past lives; being a man in Montana, disabled in the medieval times and more.





    • 32 мин.

Топ подкастов в категории «Общество и культура»

Горячая Линия с Мари Новосад
Мари Новосад
Психология с Александрой Яковлевой
Александра Яковлева
Дороже денег
Ксения Падерина
дочь разбойника
Мужской разговор
Александра Кретова

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