The General Practice Podcast

Ben Gowland
Подкаст «The General Practice Podcast»

Ben Gowland talks to those making real change happen in healthcare, getting underneath what they did, how they managed to do it, and the challenges they faced along the way

  1. 8 ВЕР.

    Podcast – Tara Humphrey – GPs in the Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme

    Should GPs be added to the Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme? Join Ben & Tara Humphrey from THC Primary Care, as they dissect the details of the new funding scheme specifically allocated for GPs and its potential impact on PCNs. Tara shares her insights on learning from past experiences, avoiding resource dilution, and the practicalities of financial feasibility. Together, they look at the recent funds allocation by NHS England for hiring more GPs, debating the most effective distribution of this funding, and providing practical advice on making the most of this opportunity despite its potential limitations. Don't miss this thought-provoking discussion on the evolving landscape of GP roles in PCNs. Introduction (00:09)  Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme.. (00:39)  Making decisions.. (02:46)  Making the most of the Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme (03:56)  One GP per PCN? (04:59)  How to get the most value out of the GPs? (06:43) Is a new service required? (08:22)  A focal point for this new role.. (09:01)  Impact GP’s could have to the additional role teams? (09:59)  Sharing resources.. (10:54) Restrictions for GPs.. (11:51) Releasing information.. (13:43) How can we offer people any security (16:03)  Price competition (18:03) Preparation for PCNs.. (20:53)  Getting in touch.. (22:20)  To contact Tara directly, visit her LinkedIn here.  For all enquiries about the Ockham podcast, please contact Ben Gowland here.

    23 хв
  2. 1 ВЕР.

    Podcast – Adrian Down & Darren Altus – K2 Healthcare

    Join Ben for his first episode back as he talks with Adrian Down & Darren Altus, as they explore the fascinating journey of K2 Healthcare. They focus on the strategic approach to healthcare model implementation, emphasising the importance of tailoring funding and structure around a predefined model. Explore the methods of measuring success, the feedback loop from clinicians, and the long term impact of sustained interventions. They also discuss the challenges of managing multiple PCNs and the role of federations in the future of healthcare delivery. To wrap up the episode, they highlight the need for PCNs to think beyond traditional roles and engage in integrated community partnerships, balancing collaborative efforts with maintaining individuality. Join Ben, Adrian & Darren for an insightful conversation on the future developments in the neighbourhood team model and much more. Introduction (00:09)  The Federation - K2 (02:51)  Pre PCN.. (04:04) Funding.. (05:08) What was the impact of PCNs on your federation? (06:28)  Tension between federations.. (09:22) K2 & PCNs.. (10:37) Keeping contact with practices.. (12:59) Integrated neighbourhood teams (14:47)  Measuring success (16:58) Seeing the results.. (18:45) Involvement in pilots.. (19:34)  How do you see the role of federations in the future? (20:38)  Getting in touch.. (22:47) Contact Adrian via email here, & Darren here.  For all enquiries about the Ockham podcast, please contact Ben Gowland here.

    23 хв
  3. 21 ЛИП.

    Podcast – Mahmud Mamayusupov & Ruhina Kassam – Innovative Training for Future Pharmacists

    Join Ben as he explores the evolving role of pharmacists in general practice, with special guests Ruhina Kassam & Mahmud Mamayusupov from Clinical Pharmacist Solutions. They share insights on the push for pharmacists to become prescribers, emphasising the importance of this shift to meet increasing healthcare demands. Ruhina & Mahmud introduce the DPP Finder service, designed to connect pharmacists with designated prescribing practitioners, facilitating the required practice hours for their prescribing qualification. They also discuss the balance between community pharmacy and PCN pharmacists, improvements in workforce distribution, and the Pharmacy First scheme. Don't miss this insightful discussion that highlights the significant developments and opportunities in the pharmacy profession. Introduction (00:09) Updates from Clinical Pharmacist Solutions.. (00:29)  Becoming advanced practitioners.. (01:16)  Do pharmacists want to become prescribing pharmacists? (03:15)  The scheme.. (04:13) Pharmacists in their own practice (06:34) Mentorship.. (07:08)  90 hours.. (08:56) Is the scheme funded? (09:40) Limits to the prescribing qualification.. (11:33) Additional qualifications (13:09) Specialist vs general approach (13:40) Thoughts on the way that pharmacists are being used in general practice and by PCNs? (14:07) Quality of supervision offered via PCNs.. (15:58) Turnover of pharmacists.. (16:57) Impact on community pharmacy.. (20:32)  Pharmacy First (21:16)  Getting in touch.. (23:01) Visit the DPP Connect website here. For all enquiries about the Ockham podcast, please contact Ben Gowland here.

    24 хв
  4. 30 ЧЕРВ.

    Podcast – Steph Cook and Jennifer Greenlaw – Transforming Women's Healthcare with Innovative Hubs

    Join us this week as Ben welcomes Dr. Steph Cook and Dr. Jennifer Greenlaw to discuss the groundbreaking concept of women's health hubs. Steph and Jennifer are both experienced GPs with a focus on women's health, and share their innovative work in Liverpool and Manchester. Discover how these hubs bring together existing services to provide comprehensive care, reducing the need for multiple appointments and learn about the impact of the Women's Health Strategy. They also explore the success and feedback from women accessing contraceptive services, highlighting the popularity of convenient options like Saturday clinics. Understand the logistics of providing these services, including self-referral processes, short wait times, and the flexibility of primary care networks. Tune in to hear how the Women's Health Strategy is bringing renewed focus to these essential services and improving access, experience, and outcomes for women, especially those in underserved populations. Introduction (00:09)  Women's Health Hubs (01:30) Single locations? (03:27)  Women's Health Strategy (04:28)  Funding.. (05:31)  General practice & PCNs.. (06:25) Making that shift for Women’s health (08:49) Feedback from women.. (11:05)  Payments for services.. (12:03) Support from the ICB’s (17:41) Top tips.. (21:04) Accessing the toolkit (21:50) Getting in touch.. (22:55)  Access ‘The Women’s Health Hub Toolkit’ here. Contact Steph by email here & Jennifer here. Listen to a previous episode introducing ‘Urban Village Medical Practice’ here and learn their Innovative Strategies to Support Homelessness here. For all enquiries about the Ockham podcast, please contact Ben Gowland here.

    24 хв
  5. 23 ЧЕРВ.

    Podcast – Robert McCartney – The Premises Cost Directions

    Robert McCartney, an associate at Hemsons, is back again, as they explore his recent work on PCNs and integrated neighbourhood teams. Robert shares his insights into the complexities of creating legal constructs for these collaborations, emphasising the importance of contractual agreements with community services and third parties like pharmacies and charities.  Ben & Robert also touch on the broader landscape of how PCNs are evolving and the impact this has on healthcare delivery and collaboration. In this episode, they focus on the recent updates to the premises cost directions, which govern funding and access to funds for GP premises. These changes include the potential for 100% improvement grants and funding for land purchases, offering some relief to practices facing financial pressures due to increased demand and the influx of PCN staff. They look at the implications of these updates, such as the expanded ability for commissioners to use a broader range of valuers, the impact on VAT negotiations, and practical steps practices should take to navigate these new directions effectively. Introduction (00:09)  Finding ways of developing new services together (00:37) Contractual agreement.. (01:11) The premises cost directions (01:48)  Why now? (02:53) What are the main changes in the new updates? (03:53) Carrying out necessary extensions.. (05:53)  What’s the catch? (06:48) 18 year commitment (08:06)  Last man standing (09:14) But the money isn’t there.. (09:46) How to get better access to the funds.. (11:25) Other changes.. (12:06)  Further guidance.. (13:17) Freedom for practices.. (13:54) PCNs.. (15:27) VAT implications.. (16:19)  Next steps.. (17:18) Is this positive? (18:29) Getting in touch.. (19:37) Contact Robert via email here.  For all enquiries about the Ockham podcast, please contact Ben Gowland here.

    20 хв


Ben Gowland talks to those making real change happen in healthcare, getting underneath what they did, how they managed to do it, and the challenges they faced along the way

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