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Helping women have better births and better birth experiences. Our experts share their perspectives on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. These are raw, honest stories about the experience of labor from the professional's point of view. Listen and get inside your OB/GYN or midwife's head.

Our goal is to share the truth about pregnancy and birth with the listener and to explain our thought process. We see our role as one in which we guide and inform, presenting facts so that the laboring mother can make the best decisions for her.   If there are concerns during pregnancy or issues that need to be addressed before the birth, we present them, opening a dialogue and encouraging conversation; we give the options, but we can not and will not decide for the patient. We leave it up to her and her family. We are here to be as straightforward and transparent as possible and help a birthing woman have the optimal pregnancy, labor and birth experience.

We serve the truth straight up in common English and steer clear of medical jargon. Our goal is to make medicine, obstetrics, and all relevant information as easily digestible as possible for the listener to enjoy, share and learn from.

Each episode covers birth and prenatal topics through the eyes of Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak, a NYC metro area Perinatologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor, and his trusty side kick, Certified Nurse Midwife Kristin Mallon.

True Birth Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak & Kristin Mallon, RN, CNM

    • Здоровье и фитнес


Helping women have better births and better birth experiences. Our experts share their perspectives on pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. These are raw, honest stories about the experience of labor from the professional's point of view. Listen and get inside your OB/GYN or midwife's head.

Our goal is to share the truth about pregnancy and birth with the listener and to explain our thought process. We see our role as one in which we guide and inform, presenting facts so that the laboring mother can make the best decisions for her.   If there are concerns during pregnancy or issues that need to be addressed before the birth, we present them, opening a dialogue and encouraging conversation; we give the options, but we can not and will not decide for the patient. We leave it up to her and her family. We are here to be as straightforward and transparent as possible and help a birthing woman have the optimal pregnancy, labor and birth experience.

We serve the truth straight up in common English and steer clear of medical jargon. Our goal is to make medicine, obstetrics, and all relevant information as easily digestible as possible for the listener to enjoy, share and learn from.

Each episode covers birth and prenatal topics through the eyes of Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak, a NYC metro area Perinatologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor, and his trusty side kick, Certified Nurse Midwife Kristin Mallon.

    Twin Vaginal Delivery. What to Expect. Episdoe #153

    Twin Vaginal Delivery. What to Expect. Episdoe #153

    Today, we're diving into a fascinating and important topic: what to expect during a twin vaginal delivery. Twin pregnancies come with their own unique set of considerations, and understanding the process can help expectant parents feel more prepared and confident.
    In this episode, we'll explore the stages of labor, the role of the medical team, and the potential challenges and joys of delivering twins vaginally. Whether you're expecting twins yourself or simply curious about the intricacies of twin births, we've got you covered. Let's get started on this journey through the remarkable experience of bringing two new lives into the world at the same time.


    Your feedback is essential to us! We would love to hear from you. Please consider leaving us a review on your podcast platform or sending us an email at info@maternalresources.org. Your input helps us tailor our content to better serve the needs of our listeners.
    For additional resources and information, be sure to visit our website at Maternal Resources: https://www.maternalresources.org/. You can also connect with us on our social channels to stay up-to-date with the latest news, episodes, and community engagement:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/integrativeob
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/maternalresources
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integrativeobgyn/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntegrativeOB
    Thank you for being part of our community, and until next time, let's continue to support, uplift, and celebrate the incredible journey of working moms and parenthood. Together, we can create a more equitable and nurturing world for all.

    • 54 мин.
    Coping with Perinatal Loss: Episode #152

    Coping with Perinatal Loss: Episode #152

    Welcome to True Birth, where we provide raw, honest insights into pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak, a Perinatologist, and Certified Nurse Midwife Kristin Mallon are here to share their professional perspectives straight from the trenches of the labor floor.
    Episode Overview: In this special episode, we delve into the sensitive topic of coping with perinatal loss. We recognize the profound impact that pregnancy loss can have on individuals and families, and our goal is to offer compassionate guidance and support.
    Discussion Points:
    Understanding Perinatal Loss:
    Dr. Abdelhak and Kristin provide insights into what perinatal loss entails, discussing its various forms and the emotional toll it can take on parents. Navigating Grief and Emotions:
    Coping with the loss of a pregnancy can evoke a range of emotions. Our hosts offer advice on how to navigate grief and provide support for individuals and couples experiencing loss. Honoring the Experience:
    We emphasize the importance of validating the grieving process and honoring the memory of the baby lost. Our hosts discuss various ways individuals and families can commemorate their loss and find healing. Seeking Support:
    Dr. Abdelhak and Kristin highlight the significance of seeking support from loved ones, support groups, and mental health professionals during this challenging time. They provide resources and strategies for finding the support needed. No path forward is really the wrong path. All feelins are valid We want to express our deepest empathy for anyone who has experienced perinatal loss. Remember, you are not alone, and it's okay to seek support as you navigate this difficult time. Stay tuned for more honest discussions and support on True Birth.
    Your feedback is essential to us! We would love to hear from you. Please consider leaving us a review on your podcast platform or sending us an email at info@maternalresources.org. Your input helps us tailor our content to better serve the needs of our listeners.
    For additional resources and information, be sure to visit our website at Maternal Resources: https://www.maternalresources.org/. You can also connect with us on our social channels to stay up-to-date with the latest news, episodes, and community engagement:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/integrativeob
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/maternalresources
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integrativeobgyn/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntegrativeOB
    Thank you for being part of our community, and until next time, let's continue to support, uplift, and celebrate the incredible journey of working moms and parenthood. Together, we can create a more equitable and nurturing world for all.

    • 27 мин.
    The Importance of the Right Location for Birth: Episode #151

    The Importance of the Right Location for Birth: Episode #151

    When expecting a baby, among the flurry of decisions to be made, choosing where to deliver stands out as one of the most significant. It's a choice that goes beyond mere geography or convenience; it's about where you'll welcome your child into the world and the first level of care both of you will receive. It's about safety, support, and a positive birth experience. Today, we're spotlighting Hackensack University Medical Center (HUMC) as an exemplary choice for families looking to ensure the best start for their newborns.
    The Importance of the Right Location The location you choose for delivery impacts the medical care quality, emotional support, and the array of services available to you and your baby. A hospital equipped with top-tier facilities, specialized care, and a nurturing environment can make a significant difference in your childbirth experience. It's not just about the immediate moments post-birth but also about the comprehensive care leading up to and following this life-changing event.
    Why Hackensack University Medical Center Stands Apart Magnet Hospital Recognition: A Mark of Nursing Excellence HUMC isn't just any hospital; it's recognized as a Magnet hospital. This prestigious designation is the gold standard for nursing excellence and quality patient care. It signals a supportive environment not just for patients but for the medical professionals dedicated to your care, ensuring that you receive the best possible support during this critical time.
    Level III NICU: Ready for Every Possibility Babies don't always arrive as expected, and some need a little extra help getting started. HUMC's Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is equipped for a high level of neonatal care. This means that even the smallest or sickest of newborns receive top-notch, specialized care, offering peace of mind that, should your baby need it, the best possible support is right there.
    All Private Rooms: Comfort, Privacy, and Bonding The benefits of all private rooms cannot be overstated. Privacy during these first moments can significantly impact a mother's stress levels and overall recovery. HUMC offers this serenity, facilitating a peaceful environment where families can bond with their new arrivals without the intrusion of a shared space.
    Lactation Consultations 7 Days a Week: Support for Breastfeeding Mothers Breastfeeding, while natural, can come with its set of challenges. HUMC's commitment to lactation consultations seven days a week ensures that mothers receive the support and guidance they need, promoting successful breastfeeding practices and addressing any concerns promptly.
    High-Level Experience: A Team You Can Trust At HUMC, you're in good hands. The hospital prides itself on its highly experienced team of obstetricians, pediatricians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and compassion to their roles. This high level of experience means that expectant parents can relax, knowing they're supported by some of the best in the field.
    Choosing where to give birth is a pivotal decision for expecting families. It's about more than just the physical location—it's about the care, the support, and the environment that will surround you and your baby during one of life's most momentous occasions. Hackensack University Medical Center stands out as a beacon of excellence in this regard, offering everything from unparalleled medical care to the peace and privacy families deserve. As you consider your options, remember the difference the right location can make—not just for the birth itself but for the lifelong memories it will help create.
    Your feedback is essential to us! We would love to hear from you. Please consider leaving us a review on your podcast platform or sending us an email at info@maternalresources.org. Your input helps us tailor our content to better serve the needs of our listeners.
    For additional resources and information, be sure to visit our website at Ma

    • 32 мин.
    A Day in the Life of an OB/GYN

    A Day in the Life of an OB/GYN

    A typical day for an OB/GYN on the labor floor in Labor and Delivery (L&D) is dynamic and multifaceted, blending clinical acumen with compassionate patient care. Their day begins with rounding on patients who are in various stages of labor, assessing their progress, and managing any complications that arise. Throughout the day, the OB/GYN is constantly on the move, alternating between the labor ward, the operating room for cesarean sections, and the antepartum unit for high-risk pregnancies. They collaborate closely with nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals to develop care plans, conduct deliveries, and provide postpartum care. The OB/GYN must be prepared to make quick decisions in response to emergent situations, such as fetal distress or pre-eclampsia, ensuring the health and safety of both mother and baby. Amidst the clinical duties, they also find time to counsel and reassure expectant parents, guiding them through one of the most significant moments of their lives. Each day is unpredictable and rewarding, filled with the joy of new beginnings and the satisfaction of overcoming challenges.
    Your feedback is essential to us! We would love to hear from you. Please consider leaving us a review on your podcast platform or sending us an email at info@maternalresources.org. Your input helps us tailor our content to better serve the needs of our listeners.
    For additional resources and information, be sure to visit our website at Maternal Resources: https://www.maternalresources.org/. You can also connect with us on our social channels to stay up-to-date with the latest news, episodes, and community engagement:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/integrativeob
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/maternalresources
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integrativeobgyn/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntegrativeOB
    Thank you for being part of our community, and until next time, let's continue to support, uplift, and celebrate the incredible journey of working moms and parenthood. Together, we can create a more equitable and nurturing world for all.

    • 58 мин.
    Back pain in Pregnancy. Episode: #149

    Back pain in Pregnancy. Episode: #149

    Easing Back Pain During Pregnancy: Tips and Insights
    Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation and joy, but it can also bring about a less welcomed companion: back pain. Many expectant mothers experience back pain, particularly in the second and third trimesters. This discomfort arises from the natural changes your body undergoes to accommodate the growing baby. However, the good news is there are several strategies to manage and reduce back pain during this special time. Let’s explore some effective ways to find relief and enjoy your pregnancy with more comfort.
    Understanding Back Pain in Pregnancy
    Back pain during pregnancy can result from a combination of factors. As your baby grows, your center of gravity shifts forward, placing additional strain on your lower back. Hormonal changes also play a role; the body releases a hormone called relaxin, which loosens ligaments and joints in the pelvis but can also lead to instability and pain in the back.
    Back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint and can be caused by a variety of factors related to the physical and hormonal changes a woman experiences during this time. Here are the main causes:
    Weight Gain: Pregnancy involves significant weight gain within a relatively short period, typically around 25 to 35 pounds (11 to 16 kilograms) for a single pregnancy. The spine has to support this increased weight, which can lead to lower back pain.
    Posture Changes: As the uterus expands, a woman's center of gravity shifts forward. To compensate, many women change their posture and the way they move, which can strain the back and result in pain.
    Hormonal Changes: During pregnancy, the body produces a hormone called relaxin, which helps prepare the pelvis for childbirth by relaxing ligaments and joints. However, this loosening can also reduce the support for the spine, leading to instability and pain.
    Muscle Separation: As the uterus expands, two parallel sheets of muscles (the rectus abdominis muscles) that run from the rib cage to the pubic bone may separate along the center seam. This separation can worsen back pain.
    Stress: Emotional stress can cause muscle tension in the back, which may be felt as back pain or back spasms. Pregnant women may experience increased levels of stress, contributing to back pain.
    Changes in the Pelvic Area: As the body prepares for labor, the pelvis can begin to move and shift, affecting the balance and alignment, which can lead to pain in the lower back.
    Understanding these causes can help in finding appropriate ways to manage and alleviate back pain during pregnancy, such as through exercise, proper posture, and other supportive measures. Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice and treatment options suitable for your pregnancy.
    Effective Strategies for Relief
    Exercise Regularly: Engaging in regular, pregnancy-safe exercise can strengthen your back and reduce discomfort. Prenatal yoga and swimming are excellent for strengthening your muscles without putting too much strain on your back.
    Maintain Good Posture: As your belly grows, it's tempting to lean back to compensate, but this can worsen back pain. Try to stand up straight and use a comfortable, supportive chair when sitting. Placing a pillow behind your lower back for support can also help.
    Wear Supportive Footwear: Skip the high heels and opt for flat, supportive shoes. The right footwear can prevent additional strain on your back.
    Lift Properly: When lifting small objects, bend your knees and squat rather than bending at your waist. This technique helps avoid putting extra stress on your back.
    Sleep on Your Side: Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees can take pressure off your back. A pregnancy pillow can provide additional support and comfort.
    Prenatal Massage: A massage by a therapist trained in prenatal techniques can relieve back pain and provide relaxation.
    Heat and Cold Therapy:

    • 24 мин.
    How to Choose a VBAC Friendly Provider: Episode #147

    How to Choose a VBAC Friendly Provider: Episode #147

    Navigating the Path toward a Successful VBAC: Essential Questions for Your Healthcare Provider
    As strong advocates for informed and empowered childbirth, this episdoe addresses a topic close to the hearts of many expectant parents: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). Choosing a VBAC-friendly provider is a critical step in this journey, not just for the success of the procedure, but for the overall experience of childbirth. Here are key aspects to consider and questions to ask your healthcare provider:
    Understanding VBAC Success Rates: The first and perhaps most crucial question to ask is about the provider’s VBAC success rates. This statistic not only reveals their experience with VBACs but also reflects their commitment to supporting them. A provider who believes in the possibility of a successful VBAC and has a track record to prove it is more likely to offer the supportive and positive environment needed.
    Gauging Provider’s Attitude towards VBAC: When you bring up the topic of VBAC, observe their reaction. Do they seem supportive and enthusiastic, or hesitant and discouraging? Their immediate response can be very telling about their philosophy and approach towards VBAC. You want a provider who is not just tolerant of VBAC but is genuinely supportive and optimistic about it.
    Policies on Inducing VBACs: Induction can be a contentious topic in the context of VBAC. Ask your provider about their policies and views on inducing labor in VBAC cases. Some providers are more conservative and prefer to avoid induction, while others may be open to it under certain circumstances. Understanding their approach helps align your birth plan with their practices.
    Coverage and Continuity of Care: It’s essential to know who will cover for your provider if they are unavailable when you go into labor. Ask about the backup plan and the qualifications of the covering providers. Are they equally supportive of VBAC? Will they respect the birth plan you’ve developed with your primary provider? The continuity of care is crucial for a comfortable and confident birthing experience.
    VBAC Support Resources: Finally, inquire about additional resources and support for VBAC patients. Does the provider offer educational resources, workshops, or support groups? Are there specific prenatal classes focusing on VBAC preparation? Access to these resources can greatly enhance your understanding and comfort level with the process.
    Leveraging Social Networks and the Doula Community for Insights: In the age of digital connectivity, don't underestimate the power of social networks in making an informed decision. Participating in Facebook groups, WhatsApp chats, and reaching out to the doula community can provide invaluable insights. Members of these groups often share their personal experiences with various providers, which can give you a more rounded view of your options. Doulas, in particular, are a treasure trove of information as they work closely with various providers and understand their approaches towards VBAC. Their experiences can help you gauge the provider's true VBAC friendliness beyond what is stated officially. Remember, firsthand accounts from those who have walked the path you're on can be both enlightening and reassuring

    Choosing a VBAC-friendly provider is about finding someone who aligns with your values and needs for childbirth. It's not just about their success rates, but also their attitudes, policies, and the support system they offer. As you navigate this journey, remember that your empowerment comes from asking the right questions and making informed choices. Trust in your ability to advocate for the birth experience you desire and deserve.
     Your feedback is essential to us! We would love to hear from you. Please consider leaving us a review on your podcast platform or sending us an email at info@maternalresources.org. Your input helps us tailor our content to better serve the needs of our listeners.

    • 19 мин.

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