Truth or Propaganda

Brittany Lucent & Eric Koblick
Подкаст «Truth or Propaganda»

Calling all truth seekers! Has it all been one BIG LIE?? We dig deep into the news stories and events of the past and present that really matter and effect us. A fact based podcast that shares what the mainstream media does not report. Whether it is Aliens, Spirituality, or Elite Powerful Families, no topic is too controversial. Truth or Propaganda? We do the research and present the facts- so you decide. 


Calling all truth seekers! Has it all been one BIG LIE?? We dig deep into the news stories and events of the past and present that really matter and effect us. A fact based podcast that shares what the mainstream media does not report. Whether it is Aliens, Spirituality, or Elite Powerful Families, no topic is too controversial. Truth or Propaganda? We do the research and present the facts- so you decide. 

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