Expat Coffee Break

Javier Salomon
Expat Coffee Break

This is a bilingual Podcast dedicated to sharing the experiences of immigrants and telling their stories moving to a new country. My name is Javier and I will be telling my story as a Mexican living in the United States, and interview guests that also immigrated. Este es un Podcast bilingüe dedicado a compartir las experiencias de inmigrantes y contar sus historias de al mudarse a un nuevo país. Mi nombre es Javier y voy a compartir mi historia como Mexicano viviendo en Estados Unidos, y entrevistaré a personas que también han emigrado.

  1. 26/12/2021

    Ep 26 My friend Martin MEX-USA ENG Pt 3 - Dealing with cultural shock

    Hello and welcome! To another episode of the Expat Coffee break podcast, my name is Javier and this show is dedicated to sharing personal experiences of immigrants and telling their stories of what it´s like to move to a new country. This is part three of my conversation with my friend Martin sharing his experience immigrating to the United States. Martin immigrated to the United States from Mexico two years ago, he did it with an L1B Work Visa which is for intracompany transferees, meaning, he was already working for the company that sponsored the visa and got a job offer that led to the Visa. In this episode, Martin shares what were the cultural shocks that we´ve faced, some funny stories ordering in the drive thru, and the challenge for Martin´s son trying to interact with other children that don´t speak spanish. . Keep in mind the main focus of this content is sharing our personal experience, we are by no means considered experts, and we are not giving a guide on "how to" live abroad, each person would have a different situation or process, and in this podcast, we share our personal experience. With our story and sharing the experiences that you don´t usually know about until you have already moved, we hope to assist in making a more educated decision to whoever is interested in immigrating to the United States, whether it is with a Professional Career and Working Visa, or trying to build up from scratch. Whether you are considering immigrating to the United States and want to learn more, or just looking to learn about the USA from an immigrant´s experience, this podcast is for you. Please like, share and subscribe, I am starting out and it will be of tremendous help! Reach out! I appreciate your feedback! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram:  jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon Music Credits: Intro & Outro: Little latin jazz introby oymaldonado

    38 min
  2. 19/12/2021

    Ep 25 My friend Martin MEX-USA ENG Pt 2 - Getting a loan without credit score

    Hello and welcome! To another episode of the Expat Coffee break podcast, my name is Javier and this show is dedicated to sharing personal experiences of immigrants and telling their stories of what it´s like to move to a new country. This is part two of my conversation with my friend Martin sharing his experience immigrating to the United States. Martin immigrated to the United States from Mexico two years ago, he did it with an L1B Work Visa which is for intracompany transferees, meaning, he was already working for the company that sponsored the visa and got a job offer that led to the Visa. In this episode, Martin shares what it was like to buy a car with credit when credit was not available, finding an apartment, the pressure to perform at work when relocating, and more. Keep in mind the main focus of this content is sharing our personal experience, we are by no means considered experts, and we are not giving a guide on "how to" live abroad, each person would have a different situation or process, and in this podcast, we share our personal experience. With our story and sharing the experiences that you don´t usually know about until you have already moved, we hope to assist in making a more educated decision to whoever is interested in immigrating to the United States, whether it is with a Professional Career and Working Visa, or trying to build up from scratch. Whether you are considering immigrating to the United States and want to learn more, or just looking to learn about the USA from an immigrant´s experience, this podcast is for you. Please like, share and subscribe, I am starting out and it will be of tremendous help! Reach out! I appreciate your feedback! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram:  jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon Music Credits: Intro & Outro: Little latin jazz introby oymaldonado

    32 min
  3. 12/12/2021

    Ep 24 My friend Martin MEX-USA ENG Pt 1 - The stress of the first 30 days

    Hello and welcome! To another episode of the Expat Coffee break podcast, my name is Javier and this show is dedicated to sharing personal experiences of immigrants and telling their stories of what it´s like to move to a new country. In this episode, I have a very dear friend sharing his story of immigrating to the United States. Martin immigrated to the United States from Mexico two years ago, he did it with an L1B Work Visa which is for intracompany transferees, meaning, he was already working for the company that sponsored the visa and got a job offer that led to the Visa. In this episode, Martin shares what it was like the first thirty days moving into the United States, from getting the keys to the temporary house, getting a social security number, bank account, drivers license, etc. Keep in mind the main focus of this content is sharing our personal experience, we are by no means considered experts, and we are not giving a guide on "how to" live abroad, each person would have a different situation or process, and in this podcast, we share our personal experience. With our story and sharing the experiences that you don´t usually know about until you have already moved, we hope to assist in making a more educated decision to whoever is interested in immigrating to the United States, whether it is with a Professional Career and Working Visa, or trying to build up from scratch. Whether you are considering immigrating to the United States and want to learn more, or just looking to learn about the USA from an immigrant´s experience, this podcast is for you. Please like, share and subscribe, I am starting out and it will be of tremendous help! Reach out! I appreciate your feedback! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram:  jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon Music Credits: Intro & Outro: Little latin jazz introby oymaldonado

    42 min
  4. 05/12/2021

    Ep 23 Discussing Immigration topics on Reddit ENG - Stress, work pressure, easy visa?

    Hello and welcome! To another episode of the Expat Coffee break podcast, my name is Javier and this show is dedicated to sharing personal experiences of immigrants and telling their stories of what it´s like to move to a new country. In this episode, I will talk about some topics, questions or interesting comments I saw on a reddit community r/expats, this is a very useful comunity that I´ve used several times to get to know other expats perspectives on living abroad. Keep in mind the main focus of this content is sharing my personal experience, I am by no means an expert, and I am not giving a guide on "how to" get a visa or live abroad, each person would have a different situation or process, and in this podcast, I share my own. With my story and sharing the experiences that you don´t usually know about until you have already moved, I hope to assist in making a more educated decision to whoever is interested in immigrating to the United States, whether it is with a Professional Career and Working Visa, or trying to build up from scratch. Whether you are considering immigrating to the United States and want to learn more, or just looking to learn about the USA from an immigrant´s experience, this podcast is for you. Please like, share and subscribe, I am starting out and it will be of tremendous help! Reach out! I appreciate your feedback! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram:  jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon

    40 min
  5. 28/11/2021

    Ep 22 Hablando temas de Reddit ESP - Estrés, presión en el trabajo, visa fácil?

    Hola a todos, bienvenidos a otro episodio de Expat Coffee Break, este es un podcast bilingüe dedicado a compartir las experiencias personales de inmigrantes y contar nuestras historias viviendo en el extranjero. En este episodio, hablo de temas en la comunidad r/expats de reddit, diferentes preguntas o temas de discusión de otras personas viviendo en el extranjero, y lo comparo con mi experiencia. Hago este contenido con la finalidad de compartir experiencias, situaciones y sentimientos de los que normalmente no te enteras. Ya que mi perspectiva es que muchas de las personas que no han vivido en otro país tienen una imagen romántica de lo que es vivir en el extranjero. Esta imagen es generada por familiares, amigos o conocidos que nos cuentan maravillas de su experiencia, así como los medios de comunicación y redes sociales que se encargan de pintártela color de rosa. Se tiende a platicar solamente de lo bien que nos va, y difícilmente se platican las dificultades que se tuvieron que superar. Esto genera una falsa expectativa de lo que es vivir en otro país, especialmente en Estados Unidos, y puede que influya en que alguien decida emigrar pensando que todo es fácil sin, saber en qué se mete realmente. Muy pocos te platican la otra cara de la moneda. Obviamente hay muchas situaciones, y dependiendo como logres emigrar, será tu experiencia. Como dice el dicho, cada quien cuenta cómo le va en la feria. Si te gusto el episodio, dale like, compártelo, suscríbete y pon en los comentarios que te parece el contenido. Estoy empezando, y me harías un gran favor si lo compartes con tus amigos. Date una vuelta por mis redes! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram: jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon Music Credits: Intro & Outro: Little latin jazz intro by oymaldonado

    23 min
  6. 21/11/2021

    Ep 21 My experience getting an L1B Work Visa

    Hello and welcome! To another episode of the Expat Coffee break podcast, my name is Javier and this show is dedicated to sharing personal experiences of immigrants and telling their stories of what it´s like to move to a new country. In this episode, I will talk about my experience getting an L1B Work Visa though my employer. This was inspired a bit by a reddit community called Expats. I posted a question asking what topics would people be interested about, and the answer was how to get a Visa. Keep in mind the main focus of this content is sharing my personal experience, I am by no means an expert, and I am not giving a guide on "how to" get a visa, each person would have a different situation or process, and in this podcast, I share my own. With my story and sharing the experiences that you don´t usually know about until you have already moved, I hope to assist in making a more educated decision to whoever is interested in immigrating to the United States, whether it is with a Professional Career and Working Visa, or trying to build up from scratch. Whether you are considering immigrating to the United States and want to learn more, or just looking to learn about the USA from an immigrant´s experience, this podcast is for you. Please like, share and subscribe, I am starting out and it will be of tremendous help! Reach out! I appreciate your feedback! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram:  jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon Music Credits: Intro & Outro: Little latin jazz introby oymaldonado

    28 min
  7. 14/11/2021

    Ep 20 Mi amigo Agustin MEX-USA Pt 3 Expat Coffee Break

    Hola a todos, bienvenidos a otro episodio de Expat Coffee Break, este es un podcast bilingüe dedicado a compartir las experiencias personales de inmigrantes y contar nuestras historias viviendo en el extranjero. En esta ocasión, les vengo manejando otra entrevista, mas bien, una conversación donde me acompaña mi amigo Agustin. Este es el segundo capitulo de una serie de tres partes. En este episodio, Agustin nos cuenta que es lo que más le gusta de vivir en Estados Unidos, hablamos del ingenio Mexicano y las Mexicanadas, que consejo le daría a un joven que esté pensando emigrar y que cambiaría de Estados Unidos independientemente de las limitaciones, algo asi como si tuviera una varita mágica. Hacemos este contenido con la finalidad de compartir experiencias, situaciones y sentimientos acerca de vivir en el extranjero de los que normalmente no te enteras. Muy pocos te platican la otra cara de la moneda. Obviamente hay muchas situaciones, y dependiendo como logres emigrar, será tu experiencia. Como dice el dicho, cada quien cuenta cómo le va en la feria. Si te gusto el episodio, dale like, compártelo y pon en los comentarios que te parece el contenido. Estoy empezando, y me harías un gran favor si lo compartes con tus amigos. Date una vuelta por mis redes! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram: jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon Music Credits: Intro & Outro: Little latin jazz intro by oymaldonado

    52 min
  8. 07/11/2021

    Ep 19 Mi amigo Agustin MEX-USA Pt 2 Expat Coffee Break

    Hola a todos, bienvenidos a otro episodio de Expat Coffee Break, este es un podcast bilingüe dedicado a compartir las experiencias personales de inmigrantes y contar nuestras historias viviendo en el extranjero. En esta ocasión, les vengo manejando otra entrevista, mas bien, una conversación donde me acompaña mi amigo Agustin. Este es el segundo capitulo de una serie de tres partes. En este episodio, platicamos acerca de la educación que nos dieron nuestros padres, como esas bases nos han ayudado a superar retos, cual ha sido la lección más grande de Agustin al vivir en Estados Unidos, como ven a México en el extranjero y que es lo que más extraña de México. Hacemos este contenido con la finalidad de compartir experiencias, situaciones y sentimientos acerca de vivir en el extranjero de los que normalmente no te enteras. Muy pocos te platican la otra cara de la moneda. Obviamente hay muchas situaciones, y dependiendo como logres emigrar, será tu experiencia. Como dice el dicho, cada quien cuenta cómo le va en la feria. Si te gusto el episodio, dale like, compártelo y pon en los comentarios que te parece el contenido. Estoy empezando, y me harías un gran favor si lo compartes con tus amigos. Date una vuelta por mis redes! Facebook: javiersalomonpodcast Instagram: jasalomonc Spotify: Expat Coffee Break Youtube: Javier Salomon Music Credits: Intro & Outro: Little latin jazz intro by oymaldonado

    49 min


This is a bilingual Podcast dedicated to sharing the experiences of immigrants and telling their stories moving to a new country. My name is Javier and I will be telling my story as a Mexican living in the United States, and interview guests that also immigrated. Este es un Podcast bilingüe dedicado a compartir las experiencias de inmigrantes y contar sus historias de al mudarse a un nuevo país. Mi nombre es Javier y voy a compartir mi historia como Mexicano viviendo en Estados Unidos, y entrevistaré a personas que también han emigrado.

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