In the Movement Podcast

In the Movement Podcast Podcast

Welcome to "In The Movement" a podcast about what's happening in our Credit Union Movement. Each episode we will bring in leaders of our movement, to talk history, current affairs, and what is needed to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.

  1. 25/10/2021

    Juntos Avanzamos  ”Together We Advance”  with Pablo DeFilippi

    In The Movement Podcast Episode 11 Juntos Avanzamos  "Together We Advance"  with Pablo DeFilippi   Welcome to In The Movement Podcast with your show hosts Christopher Kemm and Austin De Bey, to discuss what's happening in the credit union movement. Each episode will feature leaders talking about history and current affairs and how we can utilize our expertise to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.   Meet Pablo DeFillipi   Pablo is a passionate financial executive who serves as the Senior Vice President for networking and membership engagement at Inclusive. Originally from Chile, he started his credit union career in the United States based on a recommendation from a social studies teacher. Starting with Municipal Credit Union in New York City, Pablo then joined the Lower Eastside People's Federal Credit Union - a nationally recognized credit union serving underserved populations in New York City. He became the CEO of Lower Eastside in 2004 and went on to work with the World Council Credit Union, and is currently serving as an executive at Inclusive.   Giving Access to Basic Financial Services to Underserved Populations Even though New York City is a major global financial hub, many of its residents don't have access to essential financial services. "I couldn't understand how that worked." He quickly realized that big corporations weren't willing to close the financial gaps he found in the banking industry.    Listen in to find out how credit unions can make financial tools available to minorities, how Pablo and his company are filling the financial gap for minorities, and three of the best lessons Pablo has learned during his career in finance. Share this podcast with a friend and leave us a review!   Show Notes: [04:34] Pablo’s journey from his early days in banking to his current executive banking position.  [07:56] When Pablo discovered that the underserved population in NYC didn’t have basic financial services. [11:43] Immigrants want to build their lives, communities, and future in the US. [20:53] Three biggest takeaways Pablo has learned through his career journey. [36:02] The financial framework that can break through ethnic and economic barriers.   Episode Links and Resources Pablo - inclusiv  Follow Inclusiv on Twitter Pablo on Linkedin Subscribe to our show on Podbean Connect with us on social media Tweet with us on Twitter  Austin on Linkedin Chris on Linkedin Contact Chris via email

    53 min
  2. 10/05/2021

    What it means to become purpose driven w/Stephanie Teubner, CEO, Blue FCU

    In The Movement Podcast Episode 10 What it means to become purpose driven w/Stephanie Teubner, CEO, Blue FCU   Welcome to In The Movement Podcast with your show hosts Christopher Kemm and Austin De Bey discuss all things happening in the credit union movement. Each episode will feature leaders talking about history and current affairs and how we can utilize our expertise to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.   Today, our guest is Stephanie Teubner, who is a leader in the credit union movement. Starting with a small credit union, she worked her way up to her present position of CEO. A Wyoming native, Stephanie left for a while then returned for her job in the credit union.   Guest Bio   Stephanie Teubner is a successful credit union and community leader who dedicates her time and talent to the credit union movement and the community she calls home, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Stephanie has led Blue Federal Credit Union toward tremendous success over the past 18 years. As the biggest financial institution headquartered in Wyoming, Blue is more than $1 billion in assets, serves over 81,000 members worldwide, and has 13 branch locations in Wyoming and Northern Colorado. Stephanie leads by example and believes in 'doing good. As a civic-minded leader, she serves on various boards, including the Wyoming Children's Society, Laramie County Economic Development Authority, Centennial Lending Board of Managers, and Western CUNA Management School (WCMS) Board of Trustees. Stephanie is a Development Educator with the National Credit Union Foundation and a Certified Executive with the Credit Union Executives Society (CUES). Receiving local, state, and national certification and recognition are some of Stephanie's many accomplishments. The Mountain West Credit Union Association recognized her as the 2008 Professional of the year, the 2016 Wyoming Women of Influence in Finance award by the Wyoming Business Report, and the 2017 Trailblazer CEO of the Year by the Credit Union Times. Stephanie holds an Executive MBA and a Bachelor's in Business Management and Finance from the University of Wyoming. Stephanie enjoys spending time and being active with her two sons, Jack (19) and Josh (14). Their favorite activities are skiing, camping, hiking, scuba diving, and going to the movies. Stephanie is an avid runner. She participates in numerous races throughout the United States.   Expanding to serve members in Colorado   Her credit union realized that they were serving many military men and women who were living in Colorado and driving back and forth to their base. With her merger in 2016, she expanded her territory farther south into Colorado. As a result, her credit union decided to open branches based on the data of where their clients were able to afford to live.    When members move on to the next level   When military personnel move on from active duty they settle in many parts of the country, expanding the need to find better ways to serve our members and challenging staff to become more efficient operating in different cities and states.    Listen in to find out how they accommodate employees during COVID, why she wanted to make a difference inside the credit union, and how she became successful in the credit union movement. Learn how she deals with being introverted in her position and how her rural demographic doesn’t allow for large credit unions to be successful in her state.   Share this podcast with a friend and leave us a review!   Show Notes: [05:25] Stephanie is a dynamic and thoughtful leader who has received several awards in the credit union circle. [07:36] She tells us her story and how she rose to where she is in her career today. [16:14] How Stephanie’s credit union is serving multiple generations of families. [18:42] Protocols for taking care of her employees during COVID. [23:00] Moving forward post-COVID seeing employees coming back to work. [24:57] How she jumped into leadership with

    51 min
  3. 26/04/2021

    Open your Eyes to "OPEN YOUR EYES"w/Christopher Lorence, CU Awareness

    In The Movement Podcast Episode 9 Open your eyes to “OPEN YOUR EYES” with Chris Lorence   Welcome to In The Movement Podcast with your show hosts Christopher Kemm and Austin De Bey discuss all things happening in the credit union movement. Each episode will feature leaders talking about history and current affairs and how we can utilize our expertise to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.   Today, our guest host is Patti Hazlett, who is the Director of Public Affairs with MWCUA. She joins Chris and Austin as they interview Chris Lorence with CU Awareness on the show. He has been in financial services his entire life, with his first memories of his mom going through the drive-through at their local bank. He was fortunate enough to land a position as the Executive Director for the first big credit union banking campaign in 2018.    Guest Bio   Chris began his career in the credit union movement, serving in several capacities at Spectrum Federal Credit Union and FDIC Employees Federal Credit Union. In 2014, Chris was named to the FORBES 50 Influential CMO's in the Social Media list and the Top 100 CMO's on Twitter by Social Media Marketing Magazine.   Chris Lorence is executive director of CU Awareness, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA). Lorence leads Credit Union Awareness and the Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union® campaign, a digital-first marketing campaign aiming to raise consumer consideration of credit unions.   Lorence brings more than twenty-five years of marketing, engagement, and growth strategy to Credit Union Awareness. He spent two decades in the financial services association sector, most recently serving as Group Executive Vice President of Engagement & Strategy/Chief Marketing Officer. He developed and deployed digital and social media marketing programs that significantly increased website traffic, market share, and digital advertising revenues in his most recent role.   Putting a New Perspective on “Open Your Eyes” Credit Union Campaign   Chris was excited about this campaign when he first saw the announcement in 2018. He immediately went back to his office to apply for the executive director position and landed the position. Ecstatic about his new job to go to bat for credit unions nationwide, Chris enjoys being the voice to let consumers know more about credit unions and why they should join their local branch.   He comments on the purpose of the campaign, “We aren’t selling a campaign; we are trying to fix a problem.” With credit unions, the best kept financial secret, Chris’s job is to reveal the benefits of using credit unions to consumers nationwide for more consumers to take advantage of the benefits of putting your money into credit unions.   The Purpose of the Credit Union Campaign   “What we are doing, in essence, is reaching up into the stratosphere of consumers and capturing those folks while they are in the market for financial services,” Chris comments that they are leading consumers down the credit union path and answering objections and questions along the way for them to understand that all consumers can join a credit union.   Listen in to find out how Chris plans on reaching new audiences with the campaign, how Chris positions his campaign around authenticity, and how credit unions can utilize their assets for better business. Learn how Chris and his team are progressing through the marketing campaign and how they focus their campaign.   Share this podcast with a friend and leave us a review!   Show Notes: [06:05] The first branding campaign for credit unions in 2018. [11:32] Credit Union “Open Your Eyes” campaign details. [14:25] The purpose of the campaign for credit unions. [16:13] How consumer-friendly is your credit union website? [19:46] Changing the message for better consumer fit and reach. [23:12] Learning to work together with other credit unions. [25:55] Launching the n

    48 min
  4. 05/04/2021

    Arizona State Treasurer Kimberly Yee, Building a solid foundation with financial education.

    In The Movement Podcast Episode 8 with Arizona’s State Treasurer Kimberly Yee Building a solid foundation with fianancial education Welcome to In The Movement Podcast with your show hosts Christopher Kemm and Austin De Bey discuss all things happening in the credit union movement. Each episode will feature leaders talking about history and current affairs and how we can utilize our expertise to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement. Today, our special guest is State Treasurer, Kimberly Yee who oversees the cash management of Arizona's $40 billion state budget and payments to agencies, local governments, and schools. Upon taking office in January 2019, assets under management were at $15.4 billion. Today, assets under management stand at $21.9 billion, increasing over 42 percent in two years. Treasurer Yee led the effort to pass a state law requiring students to have financial education in high school before graduation and was the first State Treasurer to have visited all 15 counties in Arizona during the first year of her administration. Guest Bio Born and raised in Arizona, Treasurer Kimberly Yee is the first Asian American elected to a statewide office in Arizona’s history. She is also the first Chinese American Republican woman to win a major statewide office in the history of the United States. In 2010, she became the first Asian American woman elected to the Arizona Legislature, where she served for eight years in the House and the Senate. Kimberly served as Senate Republican Majority Leader and became the second woman elected to this position in Arizona’s history, following U.S. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who served the role in 1973, forty-four years earlier. Before elected office, she worked in the administrations of two governors Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and former State Treasurer Dean Martin. Kimberly Yee is a graduate of Pepperdine University, where she earned degrees in English and Political Science, and she holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from Arizona State University. Intentionally Diversifying Law Making Daughter of a US Army Veteran and Public Teacher, Kimberly grew up living in public service.  After attending college, Treasurer Yee went to work for two California Governors and then worked with State Treasurer Dean Martin in Arizona. She decided to run for office when someone suggested she run for the State Legislature in Arizona. “All of the opportunities allowed for me to be a better elected official.” She doesn’t run party lines when creating policy; she wants to bring everyone to the table. “You bring everyone to the table, whether you agree with them or not. There are so many important perspectives when you’re making important laws.” She states the importance of bringing great thinking leaders from different perspectives to create a more robust policy and better laws. “It’s really important to have a diverse set of voices when we are making policy.” Financial Education at the Core of Her Service “For me, financial education comes from the heart.” Her mother grew up in a family with nine children who shared one bathroom. Her mother intentionally taught in a Title One school district for 38 years because those were the kids who needed caring and education the most. When it comes to financial education, it’s more than just policy to Treasurer Yee as she has a passion to bring families out of poverty and give them success. “When I look back at my family’s history and what I experienced as a child, it helps me to have that perspective when I’m choosing which laws to promote and what I can do as a legacy piece.” Financial education and literacy are vital to essential financial stability, and those who are poor don’t get that education. Listen in to find out how Treasurer Yee manages Arizona’s state assets, how she is promoting Arizona’s Education Savings Plan, and tips on educating your kids on financi

    42 min
  5. 01/03/2021

    Congressman Ruben Gallego (AZ-7) Behind the scenes look at his journey to Congress and the path to being a key advocate.

    In The Movement Podcast Episode 7 Congressman Ruben Gallego (AZ-7) Behind the scenes look at his journey to Congress and the path to being a key advocate.   Welcome to In The Movement Podcast with your show hosts Christopher Kemm and Austin De Bey discuss all things happening in the credit union movement. Each episode will feature leaders talking about history and current affairs and how we can utilize our expertise to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.   Today, we have a special guest who is a member of Congress in Arizona. United States Representative Reuben Gallego represents Arizona’s 7th District, including parts of Phoenix, Glendale, and Tolleson, in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was first elected in 2014 and is a Marine Corps combat veteran, a lifelong community leader, and the son of Hispanic immigrants. He was the first in his family to attend college, graduating from Harvard University.   Guest Bio   Congressman Gallego enlisted in the Marine Corps and deployed to Iraq in 2005 as an infantryman, serving with Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. His Company saw some of the worst fighting of the Iraq War, losing 22 Marines and a Navy Corpsman to enemy action in eight months. Following his experience in Iraq, Congressman Gallego committed to ensuring that servicemen and –women are never sent into harm’s way without a plan for winning the fight, securing the peace, and providing post-conflict medical, psychological and familial care. Representative Gallego has focused mainly on U.S. national security in his time in Washington.   As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, he has led the response to Russia’s attack on NATO, maintaining the European Deterrence Initiative following President Trump’s efforts to cut the vital defense program. He has led the effort to support front-line allies like the Baltic States and protect our forces in Germany and across Europe. He has ensured that U.S. Forces Korea – the front line of our defense against North Korea – remains a credible deterrent force. He has led the response to companies like Huawei and ZTE, criminal state-directed organizations that threaten our national security and our next-generation infrastructure. He believes in retaining the United States’ qualitative military edge and employing U.S. military power only when necessary.   Changing the Landscape of Political Power for Latinos    “I looked around, and I found that many of the political leaders were weak, and there wasn’t anyone afraid of them and their political clout, and I decided that it was time to step up.” He decided to quit his cushy job to dedicate his time to running his first political campaign to win a congressional seat. He talks about how younger representatives are shaping his party.   He speaks about the young leaders in the party and his future perspective on moving forward inside the party. The way representatives govern has changed since Congressman Reuben has taken office. “How people look at Democrats is starting to change. There’s going to be a new class of democrats coming up that no one has seen on the national scale.”   Being Responsible for His Community   Congressman Reuben gives out his phone number, which drives his staff crazy. “The best way for me to be a chief of staff is to give my phone number to every community leader in my district.” This gave his community leaders access to him when they needed help with community issues and gave him great insights into what is happening in his district. “To this day, those community leaders have my number, and they text me when they have a problem.”   Listen in to find out what real effective advocacy is for Congressman Reuben, why John Lewis inspires Reuben to this day, and what he has learned about himself since becoming a father. Learn why he enjoys being a member of Congress and how he puts family first in his life.   Share this podcast wi

    33 min
  6. 19/02/2021

    Felicity Guerin, Answering the greater call with philanthropy and advocacy

    In The Movement Podcast Episode 6 Felicity Guerin - Answering the greater call with philanthropy and advocacy  Welcome to In The Movement Podcast with your show hosts Christopher Kemm and Austin De Bey discuss all things happening in the credit union movement. Each episode will feature leaders talking about history and current affairs and how we can utilize our expertise to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.   Today, Felicity Guerin is dedicated to the credit union movement family. She was introduced to the credit union as her first career. “Working with Callahan was great because they allowed me to explore my passions within the credit union industry.” Through Callahan, she found Children’s Miracle Network and stayed engaged with them through her career with other credit unions.   Guest Bio   Felicity Guerin’s passion for the credit union movement began with her first “real” job at Callahan & Associates. Currently, Felicity works for the American Association of Credit Union Leagues (AACUL). She spent her first eight years at AACUL supporting the “Credit Unions for Kids” program nationally, in a position generously sponsored by CO-OP Financial Services. She is currently managing AACUL’s communications efforts and supporting the Executive Director on special projects.   Coordinating Credit Unions for Kids   Felicity loves to see credit unions coming together and cooperating on behalf of kids across the nation in Credit Unions for Kids. The #1 cause of bankruptcy in America is unforeseen medical costs and programs such as Credit Unions for Kids helps to mitigate this statistic.    She also coordinates Children’s Miracle Hospital interactions with credit unions across the country and enjoys every minute of her work. “One out of five families use Children’s Miracle Hospital for a member of their family.”   AACUL Brand and Purpose   AACUL lives by four pillars of work advocacy, communicate, collaborate, and influence policy. She works with AACUL to make the process more effective and efficient. “My goal is for credit unions to see the league system as a whole, powerful, thought-leadership enterprise that they can benefit from.”   Listen in to find out what the GAC role is playing inside the credit movement, how AACUL is working with and supporting children’s hospitals, and why this is a good year for credit union advocacy. Learn who the speakers will be at this year’s credit union conference and how Felicity holds conversations with elected officials about promoting credit unions.   Share this podcast with a friend and leave us a review!   Show Notes: [03:23] Felicity introduces herself and gives her backstory. [07:06] Coordinating credit unions for kids on a national scale. [09:26] How AACUL influences policy for credit unions.   [20:28] Washington Hilton credit union conference and convention. [25:10] Why this year is a key year for advocacy. [29:31] Speakers at this year's conference. [36:54] The politics of having conversations with elected officials.   Episode Links and Resources Subscribe to our show on Podbean Connect with us on social media Tweet with us on Twitter Contact Chris via email  Visit Mountain West Credit Union on the web Children's Miracle Network  @AACUL on Twitter  American Association of Credit Union Leagues on LinkedIn

    49 min
  7. 08/02/2021

    Coaching and Mentorship within the Executive Leadership Program

    In The Movement Podcast Episode 5 Welcome to In The Movement Podcast with your show hosts Christopher Kemm and Austin De Bey discuss all things happening in the credit union movement. Each episode will feature leaders talking about history and current affairs and how we can utilize our expertise to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.   Today, Caroline is chatting with Jeff Rendel a Certified Speaking Professional. A leader in the financial services marketplace, Jeff has experience as a federal banking regulator, financial services executive, and Congressional lobbyist; he understands the balancing act of safety, soundness, sales, and strategy. As President of Rising Above Enterprises, Jeff works with financial services providers who want elite and entrepreneurial sales, service, and strategy. Each year, he addresses and facilitates for nearly 100 credit unions and their business partners. Guest Insider Host Bio Caroline Barragan is the Foundation Manager of Development and Administration.  She has been with Mountain West Credit Union Association (MWCUA) for 6 years.  Previously to MWCUA, she was with Pima Federal Credit Union for 17 years, and with the credit union movement for over 23 years.  Working many positions within the credit union, she found her passion in the Marketing Department as the Business Development Officer.  She has a passion for serving her community.     The credit union movement has allowed Caroline to not only serve the members but serve their communities through leadership development and various community giving opportunities.  As a graduate of the Disney Institute, she strongly believes in developing future leaders and providing exceptional customer service.    Guest Bio Jeff Rendel, Certified Speaking Professional, knows financial services. He understands the balancing act of safety, soundness, sales, and strategy with experience as a federal banking regulator, financial services executive, and Congressional lobbyist. As President of Rising Above Enterprises, Jeff works with financial services providers that want entrepreneurial results in sales, service, and strategy. Each year, he addresses and facilitates for nearly 100 financial institutions and their business partners. Exited the stage and off an airplane, Jeff is an avid reader and aspiring ice hockey referee. He and his wife enjoy tending to their land and their respective loyalties to their college teams. It’s a divided home from time to time. A teenage daughter adds a daily dose of liveliness. Weekly, she and Jeff can be found on a sheet of ice, as she figuratively and literally skates circles around him.   Serving as a Mentor in the Credit Union Community   Jeff was honored that he was asked to be a mentor. “I’ve seen a lot and learned a lot from other credit union professionals and listened to how the credit union professional executives are running their institutions.” He believes that the credit union banking model is better for consumers and small businesses, which is why he is a big advocate for credit unions.   Listen in to find out how the executive leadership program benefits leaders inside the credit union movement and how Jeff understands the required changes at the high levels of decision-making. Learn the most beneficial elements of the executive program, everyday issues that executives face, and how Jeff keeps his skillset up-to-date.   Share this podcast with a friend and leave us a review!   Show Notes: [02:23] Jeff’s history in the credit union movement. [08:20] Benefits of being a participant in the executive leadership program.  [10:33] How Jeff predicts the future corporate-level credit union changes in the industry.  [13:20] What resources Jeff would add to the executive program. [15:33] How Jeff keeps his mentorship skills up-to-date. [20:29] Why companies need to look for a good fit with an executive.   Episode Links and Resources Subscribe to our show on Pod

    26 min


Welcome to "In The Movement" a podcast about what's happening in our Credit Union Movement. Each episode we will bring in leaders of our movement, to talk history, current affairs, and what is needed to educate, communicate, and mobilize to better serve our movement.

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