Level Up Awareness

Level Up Awareness

Level Up Awareness’ Intention is to Raise Your Vibration & Expand Your Consciousness. Joff is a Messenger of Love Sharing Spiritual Enlightenment, Personal Evolution Assistance, Truth Awareness, Unconditional Love & other High Vibration & High Conscious Teachings. Check Out LevelUp111.com For Spiritual Enlightenment & Other High Vibe Awareness. Peace & Love To You All✌🏽❤️ Namaste.

  1. Ep 190: Self Worth Awareness & It's Importance!

    2 DAYS AGO

    Ep 190: Self Worth Awareness & It's Importance!

    This "Self Worth Awareness & It's Importance!" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. This is a powerful transmission that is very important on the awakening journey. The system/matrix is designed to put humans into low self worth & make them feel like shit about themselves so that that energy can overflow to the next human & to the next human, etc. This little game is played to maintain the illusion of the matrix & keep the legendary humans small whereas the legendary humans are unlimited, so powerful & so capable of not only achieving their dreams but overflowing that positive energy for others around them! This is why this message is so important as their little mental enslavement game is over as everyone is beginning to wake up to who they are & what they are! Be brave my brothers & sisters and be yourself! Emit your unique signature (sign of nature) & be free legendary soul! Remember who you are & value you because you are so beautiful & so powerful! Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #MotherGaia #MotherEarth #MotherNature

    27 min
  2. Ep 189: The Power Of OM

    2 MAR

    Ep 189: The Power Of OM

    This "The Power Of OM" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. Making the sound OM is one of, if not the most cleansing & powerful chant! There are many chants that do many things & this one here in my opinion is the most cleansing, purifying, stress-releasing & calming chant out there. Practice it so 2-5mins straight & see how you feel the environment you are in feels. Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #om #chanting #purify

    7 min
  3. Ep 188: Mother Gaia In All Her Glory!

    23 FEB

    Ep 188: Mother Gaia In All Her Glory!

    This "Mother Gaia In All Her Glory!" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. I feel very honoured to be a humble messenger of Mother Gaia! She is so glorious, so nurturing, so loving, so powerful, so purifying, so sexy & so beautiful... I love her! We all are connected to Mother Gaia whether we know it or not & deepening a connection with her will only deepen your connection with not only yourself by those around you. Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #MotherGaia #MotherEarth #MotherNature

    10 min
  4. Ep 187: Why The Breath Is Important To Living In Freedom!

    16 FEB

    Ep 187: Why The Breath Is Important To Living In Freedom!

    This "Why The Breath Is Important To Living In Freedom!" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. The breath is so powerful in living the life you really want... how & why?! Well it is the gateway to our unique powers & actually being in the present moment. Where else would you be if you're not in the present moment? Well potentially in your head & in your subconscious programming (check out my YouTube videos to go deeper with subconscious programming) & the gateway to the present moment is through being in your breath. So whatever is taking your breath away, point attention to it & purify that energy or let it go. Consciously breathing is so powerful & practicing this life hack will assist you back to the moment. Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #breathwork #breath #breathing

    17 min
  5. Ep 186: Is Having Solo Time Important?

    9 FEB

    Ep 186: Is Having Solo Time Important?

    This "Is Having Solo Time Important?" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. Having time by yourself allows you to remember who you are, allows you to catch up to the many upgrade opportunities that have come your way, allows you to heal, allows you to remove stress, allows you to do the things that your inner compass want you to do, etc. There are a variety of reasons why creating space & time for yourself will not only assist your experience but also assist others experience as you will be overflowing pure positive energy. Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #solotime #healing #calmnesswithin

    9 min
  6. Ep 185: Body Scan Meditation

    2 FEB

    Ep 185: Body Scan Meditation

    This "Body Scan Meditation" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. This is a short yet effective body scan with an intention to calm & relax your body, mind & soul. This short yet powerful message is a reminder of how quickly you can calm yourself down with focus & discipline. Enjoy, Namaste Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Special Thanks to Meditative Mind for their awesome 432Hz Frequency Music :) Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #meditation #bodyscan #bodyscanmeditation

    11 min
  7. Ep 184: New Day's Resolution/Intention

    26 JAN

    Ep 184: New Day's Resolution/Intention

    This "New Day's Resolution/Intention" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. As a collective, we look at the New Year to set powerful intentions to take throughout the year to make us accountable, disciplined & upgrade our lives... Could it be that we do this on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis?! Will this upgrade us & allow us to live the life we want to live?! Enjoy, Namaste Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Converted into an audio file on Podcasts by https://www.freeconvert.com. Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #newyearsintention #newyearsresolution #positivity

    9 min
  8. Ep 183: Finding Peace Within

    19 JAN

    Ep 183: Finding Peace Within

    This "Finding Peace Within" message is happily brought to you by LevelUp111.com, the Home of High Vibrational Awareness & Positivity. Could it be that everyone is simply seeking peace within? We naturally overflow our state of being to others around us & beyond... so is finding peace within the hack to peace on this beautiful planet we call Mother Gaia? Please Feel Free To Like & Share This Message If That Resonates With You. LEVELUP111.COM: A Website With An Intention To Raise Your Vibration & Heighten Your Awareness. Wisdom, Awareness, Information, Personal Evolution, Healthy Hacks, Zen Teachings, Spirituality etc. 4 High Vibe Activations Now Available On LEVELUP111.COM: Zen Activation: Discover The Power Of The Breath: https://www.levelup111.com/breathingupgrade Purification Activation: Simple High Vibe Hacks: https://www.levelup111.com/healthyhacksupgrade Communication Upgrade: https://www.levelup111.com/communicationupgrade Great Awakening Guide: https://www.levelup111.com/thegreatawakeningguide Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/level-up-awareness/id1629447293 Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3clNt8dUwo86R0VszLAbWM?si=wTAkteFVR8CoAgFKJnfUow Amazon Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/532f085b-330a-435f-9136-f91427f5e327/level-up-awareness Converted into an audio file on Podcasts by https://www.freeconvert.com. Gratitude Gratitude Energy Exchange: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joffa369 ✌🏽❤️💪🏽Peace, Love & Strength To You All. Namaste #peacewithin #findingpeace #peacefulness

    34 min


Level Up Awareness’ Intention is to Raise Your Vibration & Expand Your Consciousness. Joff is a Messenger of Love Sharing Spiritual Enlightenment, Personal Evolution Assistance, Truth Awareness, Unconditional Love & other High Vibration & High Conscious Teachings. Check Out LevelUp111.com For Spiritual Enlightenment & Other High Vibe Awareness. Peace & Love To You All✌🏽❤️ Namaste.

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