The Best You’ve Ever Been

Dr. Del Millers
The Best You’ve Ever Been Podcast

The Best You’ve Ever Been is the NEW TITLE of my ENERGIZE YOUR LIFE podcast! Are you ready to BE The Best You’ve Ever Been (Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually)? Then join me, Dr. Del, each week as we embark upon a journey of self-discovery. We will explore how to intentionally create (and keep) the body you want, take charge of your mind and emotions, and learn to love yourself again. So, in this podcast, we will explore how to become THE BEST YOU’VE EVER BEEN, by learning how to: • CREATE lasting habits and break old behavioral patterns, by rewiring the brain to create new neural networks. • PRACTICE the mindset, habits, and behaviors of your Future Self daily. • PRIORITIZE the needs of your Future Self over those of your current self.

  1. 06/09/2023

    Are Your Habits Taking You Closer to or Away From Your Goals?

    Most people don’t realize that their daily habits are either taking them closer to their goals or away from their goals.  So, how do you make sure that you’re practicing goal-enhancing habits daily?  Next Steps: JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK FAT LOSS JUMPSTART COURSE!   2)SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST HERE OR: Search for "THE BEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN" on the Apple Podcast App (it's already on your phone or tablet—you can also download it on your Android device), or download the GOOGLE PODCAST app from Google Play. PLEASE Leave a Positive Review & Rating in Apple Podcast!   OTHER FREE PROGRAMS FREE WEBINAR: Get Your Sexy Back! FREE VIDEO TRAININGS:   Rewire Your Brain: How to lose weight and keep it off by changing the brain code to your habits.   WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY group coaching program: Weight Loss Videos & Ebook The Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight for the Last Time! Get them here:   Important links: Dr. Del's Website: Dr. Del’s BOOKSand author page on Sign up for a Free Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del   FOLLOW Facebook: @drdelmillers Instagram: @drdelmillers Twitter: @drdelmillers LinkedIn: @drdelmillers   ABOUT DR. DEL: Dr. Del Millers is an ex-corporate boy turned entrepreneur and pioneer of lifestyle design.  He’s a PhD Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Strategist, author of eight books, and has a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. His personal mission is to help clients deal with a worse today by creating a compelling tomorrow.  He has helped clients on four continents and in six different countries to design a life that fuels and energizes them, achieve sustainable weight loss, get back to their “happy place,” and feel confident and sexy again.

    17 min
  2. 03/07/2023

    Why You Need Stress to Thrive!

    We’ve been conditioned to believe that stress is bad for our health.  But is it really? What if your belief about stress (that stress is bad or good) is the only thing that determines whether you thrive in stressful situations (greater focus, superior problem-solving skills), or experience more of the negative symptoms of stress (lack of concentration, depression, anxiety, moodiness, etc.).   FREE RESOURCES:   FREE WEBINAR: Get Your Sexy Back! FREE VIDEO TRAININGS:   Rewire Your Brain: How to lose weight and keep it off by changing the brain code to your habits.   WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY group coaching program: Weight Loss Videos & Ebook The Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight for the Last Time! Get them here:     Important links: SUBSCRIBE HERE OR: Search for "THE BEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN" on the Apple Podcast App (it's already on your phone or tablet—you can also download it on your Android device), or download the GOOGLE PODCAST app from Google Play. PLEASE Leave a Positive Review & Rating in Apple Podcast! Dr. Del's Website: Dr. Del’s BOOKSand author page on Sign up for a Free Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del   FOLLOW Facebook: @drdelmillers Instagram: @drdelmillers Twitter: @drdelmillers LinkedIn: @drdelmillers   ABOUT DR. DEL: Dr. Del Millers is an ex-corporate boy turned entrepreneur and pioneer of lifestyle design.  He’s a PhD Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Strategist, author of eight books, and has a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. His personal mission is to help clients deal with a worse today by creating a compelling tomorrow.  He has helped clients on four continents and in six different countries to design a life that fuels and energizes them, achieve sustainable weight loss, get back to their “happy place,” and feel confident and sexy again.

    23 min
  3. 11/06/2023

    Break Up with Your Diet!

    At any given moment in this country, 60% of women are trying to lose weight and over the course of their lifetime. Most women will make anywhere from 13 to 20 serious attempts to lose weight and that’s according to the research we’re talking about serious attempts to lose weight. Most will eventually give up because they will get discouraged after getting trapped in the weight loss trap…as I like to call it…the constant losing and regaining, losing and regaining. They will get discouraged and they will give up.And that is quite frankly, one of the best things that can happen to them; to giving up on dieting. FREE VIDEO TRAINING AND E-BOOK: Rewire Your Brain: How to lose weight and keep it off by changing the brain code to your habits.   WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY group coaching program: FREE 3-VIDEO SERIES & E-BOOK ON The Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight for the Last Time! Get them here:   FREE COPY OF MY BOOK: When you subscribe to the podcast, leave a rating and a review I will send you a paperback copy of my first book, Fitness & Spirituality: How to Make the Connection.   Just email a screenshot of your review to along with your mailing address.   Important links: SUBSCRIBE HERE OR: Search for "THE BEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN" on the your Apple Podcast App (it's already on your phone or tablet—you can also download it on your Android device), or download the GOOGLE PODCAST app from Google Play. PLEASE Leave a Positive Review & Rating in Apple Podcast! Dr. Del's Website: Dr. Del’s BOOKSand author page on Sign up for a Free Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del FREE MASTERCLASS: Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight AND Keep it Off FREE WEBINAR: Get Your Sexy Back! FOLLOW Facebook: @drdelmillers Instagram: @drdelmillers Twitter: @drdelmillers LinkedIn: @drdelmillers   ABOUT DR. DEL: Dr. Del Millers is an ex-corporate boy turned entrepreneur and pioneer of lifestyle design.  He’s a PhD Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Strategist, author of eight books, and has a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. His personal mission is to help clients deal with a worse today by creating a compelling tomorrow.  He has helped clients on four continents and in six different countries to design a life that fuels and energizes them, achieve sustainable weight loss, get back to their “happy place,” and feel confident and sexy again.

    27 min
  4. 09/05/2023

    Why it Pays to Create a Future Vision

    Most of us know someone who have lost and regained weight.  In fact, I talk to women every week who have regained massive amounts of weight. And one of the primary reasons why people regain weight is because they focus too much on weight loss, instead of thinking about the person they want to become and the lifestyle they want to live at their new weight. This is true for any habit, not just weight loss.  Learn to begin at the end, by creating a Future Vision of the person you’re becoming and the life you want to live.   FREE VIDEO TRAINING AND E-BOOK:   Rewire Your Brain: How to lose weight and keep it off by changing the brain code to your habits.   WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY group coaching program: FREE 3-VIDEO SERIES & E-BOOK ON The Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight for the Last Time! Get them here:     FREE COPY OF MY BOOK: When you subscribe to the podcast, leave a rating and a review I will send you a paperback copy of my first book, Fitness & Spirituality: How to Make the Connection.   Just email a screenshot of your review to along with your mailing address.   Important links: SUBSCRIBE HERE OR: Search for "THE BEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN" on the your Apple Podcast App (it's already on your phone or tablet—you can also download it on your Android device), or download the GOOGLE PODCAST app from Google Play. PLEASE Leave a Positive Review & Rating in Apple Podcast! Dr. Del's Website: Dr. Del’s BOOKSand author page on Sign up for a Free Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del FREE MASTERCLASS: Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight AND Keep it Off FREE WEBINAR: Get Your Sexy Back! FOLLOW Facebook: @drdelmillers Instagram: @drdelmillers Twitter: @drdelmillers LinkedIn: @drdelmillers   ABOUT DR. DEL: Dr. Del Millers is an ex-corporate boy turned entrepreneur and pioneer of lifestyle design.  He’s a PhD Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Strategist, author of eight books, and has a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. His personal mission is to help clients deal with a worse today by creating a compelling tomorrow.  He has helped clients on four continents and in six different countries to design a life that fuels and energizes them, achieve sustainable weight loss, get back to their “happy place,” and feel confident and sexy again.

    21 min
  5. 03/04/2023

    Popular Nutrition Advice that Sets You Up to Fail!

    Every day I come across well-meaning experts on Social recommending that to get better weight loss and healthy lifestyle results you should cut out added sugar, stop eating white flour, and go plant-based. And while this advice might be suitable for some, it will only lead most people to fail.  In this episode, I’ll share why, and how you can set yourself up to win instead.   FREE VIDEO TRAINING AND E-BOOK: Rewire Your Brain: How to lose weight and keep it off by changing the brain code to your habits.   WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY group coaching program: FREE 3-VIDEO SERIES & E-BOOK ON The Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight for the Last Time! Get them here:   FREE COPY OF MY BOOK: When you subscribe to the podcast, leave a rating and a review I will send you a paperback copy of my first book, Fitness & Spirituality: How to Make the Connection.   Just email a screenshot of your review to along with your mailing address.   Important links: SUBSCRIBE HERE OR: Search for "THE BEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN" on the your Apple Podcast App (it's already on your phone or tablet—you can also download it on your Android device), or download the GOOGLE PODCAST app from Google Play. PLEASE Leave a Positive Review & Rating in Apple Podcast! Dr. Del's Website: Dr. Del’s BOOKSand author page on Sign up for a Free Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del FREE MASTERCLASS: Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight AND Keep it Off FREE WEBINAR: Get Your Sexy Back! FOLLOW Facebook: @drdelmillers Instagram: @drdelmillers Twitter: @drdelmillers LinkedIn: @drdelmillers   ABOUT DR. DEL: Dr. Del Millers is an ex-corporate boy turned entrepreneur and pioneer of lifestyle design.  He’s a PhD Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Strategist, author of eight books, and has a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. His personal mission is to help clients deal with a worse today by creating a compelling tomorrow.  He has helped clients on four continents and in six different countries to design a life that fuels and energizes them, achieve sustainable weight loss, get back to their “happy place,” and feel confident and sexy again.

    19 min
  6. 21/03/2023

    How to Eat 1% Better Everyday!

    So, you want to eat better?  Where do you start?  Start small.  Attempting to change everything you’re eating all at once is just setting yourself up to fail.  To be successful, change only one thing at a time.  This is what I mean by 1% better.   FREE VIDEO TRAINING AND E-BOOK: Rewire Your Brain: How to lose weight and keep it off by changing the brain code to your habits.   WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY group coaching program: FREE 3-VIDEO SERIES & E-BOOK ON The Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight for the Last Time! Get them here:     FREE COPY OF MY BOOK: When you subscribe to the podcast, leave a rating and a review I will send you a paperback copy of my first book, Fitness & Spirituality: How to Make the Connection.   Just email a screenshot of your review to along with your mailing address.   Important links: SUBSCRIBE HERE OR: Search for "THE BEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN" on the your Apple Podcast App (it's already on your phone or tablet—you can also download it on your Android device), or download the GOOGLE PODCAST app from Google Play. PLEASE Leave a Positive Review & Rating in Apple Podcast! Dr. Del's Website: Dr. Del’s BOOKSand author page on Sign up for a Free Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del FREE MASTERCLASS: Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight AND Keep it Off FREE WEBINAR: Get Your Sexy Back! FOLLOW Facebook: @drdelmillers Instagram: @drdelmillers Twitter: @drdelmillers LinkedIn: @drdelmillers   ABOUT DR. DEL: Dr. Del Millers is an ex-corporate boy turned entrepreneur and pioneer of lifestyle design.  He’s a PhD Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Strategist, author of eight books, and has a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. His personal mission is to help clients deal with a worse today by creating a compelling tomorrow.  He has helped clients on four continents and in six different countries to design a life that fuels and energizes them, achieve sustainable weight loss, get back to their “happy place,” and feel confident and sexy again.

    19 min
  7. 11/03/2023

    The Decision

    At some point along your journey, hopefully, at the beginning, you MUST make “The Decision” to prioritize the person you’re becoming over the immediate needs and short-term gratifications of your current self. In other words, to be successful in creating your best body, you will need to make the decision daily that you want the body you’re creating or the person you’re becoming MORE than you want the STUFF you feel like eating in the moment.   FREE VIDEO TRAINING AND E-BOOK: Rewire Your Brain: How to lose weight and keep it off by changing the brain code to your habits.   WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY group coaching program: FREE 3-VIDEO SERIES & E-BOOK ON The Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight for the Last Time! Get them here:   FREE COPY OF MY BOOK: When you subscribe to the podcast, leave a rating and a review I will send you a paperback copy of my first book, Fitness & Spirituality: How to Make the Connection.   Just email a screenshot of your review to along with your mailing address.   Important links: SUBSCRIBE HERE OR: Search for "THE BEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN" on the your Apple Podcast App (it's already on your phone or tablet—you can also download it on your Android device), or download the GOOGLE PODCAST app from Google Play. PLEASE Leave a Positive Review & Rating in Apple Podcast! Dr. Del's Website: Dr. Del’s BOOKSand author page on Sign up for a Free Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del FREE MASTERCLASS: Top Three Things You MUST do to Lose Weight AND Keep it Off FREE WEBINAR: Get Your Sexy Back! FOLLOW Facebook: @drdelmillers Instagram: @drdelmillers Twitter: @drdelmillers LinkedIn: @drdelmillers   ABOUT DR. DEL: Dr. Del Millers is an ex-corporate boy turned entrepreneur and pioneer of lifestyle design.  He’s a PhD Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Strategist, author of eight books, and has a Master’s degree in counseling psychology. His personal mission is to help clients deal with a worse today by creating a compelling tomorrow.  He has helped clients on four continents and in six different countries to design a life that fuels and energizes them, achieve sustainable weight loss, get back to their “happy place,” and feel confident and sexy again.

    19 min


The Best You’ve Ever Been is the NEW TITLE of my ENERGIZE YOUR LIFE podcast! Are you ready to BE The Best You’ve Ever Been (Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually)? Then join me, Dr. Del, each week as we embark upon a journey of self-discovery. We will explore how to intentionally create (and keep) the body you want, take charge of your mind and emotions, and learn to love yourself again. So, in this podcast, we will explore how to become THE BEST YOU’VE EVER BEEN, by learning how to: • CREATE lasting habits and break old behavioral patterns, by rewiring the brain to create new neural networks. • PRACTICE the mindset, habits, and behaviors of your Future Self daily. • PRIORITIZE the needs of your Future Self over those of your current self.

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