Tax Stories

Tax Stories
Tax Stories Podcast

Life stories of people dealing with tax, from all over the world. Stories for, about and by businesses, fraudsters, judges, attorneys-at-law, prosecutors, authorities, politicians, professors, writers, journalists. Your host with more than 25 y. experience in tax has some stories too. Tune in to uncover cutting-edge tax and leadership strategies that could save your business thousands. Don't miss out—listen now! The host of the podcast can be reached at: Music by Karlis Lacis; Cover art by Mara Vulfa

  1. Andris Ramoliņš - Latvijas lepnums

    12 SEPT

    Andris Ramoliņš - Latvijas lepnums

    Īss video ieskats sarunā: Cita starpā ar Andri runājām: Par Andri * par misiju - padarīt Latviju par rūpnieciski attīstītu valsti; nav svarīgi, ka uzbūvētā rūpnīca piederēs Andrim - tā būs Latvijā; * kāda motivācija ziedot un vai nodokļu atlaides to ietekmē; * labākajām ceļošanas pieredzēm; * stress visvairāk par biznesu ir nevis Andrim, bet viņa sievai; * par to, ka nav bail kļūdīties; Par Andra biznesu * kā mākslīgo intelektu var izmantot šajā biznesā; * darbiniekus motivē trakas lietas; * par pieredzi, strādājot ar konsultantiem; Par nodokļu politiku * nodokļu slogs pie mums nav maziņš, bet ir ok, ja visi tos maksā; * kā varētu dalīt UIN maksātājus; Par ēnu ekonomiku * kā būtu jācīnās ar ēnu ekonomiku, lai būtu godīgāka konkurence; * problēma - darbinieku ļaunprātības ar slimības lapām; * tiesu iepildītāju piedziņas - iemesls aplokšņu algām; * kā darbinieki krāpjas ar pabalstiem; * kā Stiga RM tika vaļā no PVN shēmotāju piedāvājumiem; * kā vajadzētu atalgot viesstrādniekus pārbaudes periodā; Par VID darbinieku noziegumu * par VID darbinieku veikto EUR 100k kukuļa izspiešanas (pēc konkurenta pasūtījuma) lietu; * tādējādi bija apdraudētas ap EUR 70 milj. investīcijas; * tie paši cilvēki figurē arī citos gadījumos, tikai tur cilvēki maksāja, jo bija skeleti skapī; * vai tādas izspiešanas varētu turpināties; * kā iespējams legalizēt daudzus gadus uzkrātos noziedzīgos līdzekļus; * par šo gadījumu nesen izdoto grāmatu; * kā notiek procesuālie eksperimenti (kā KNAB uzdevumā Andrim bija kā aktierim jāspēlē dažādas lomās, lai pierādītu korumpētā VID Nodokļu policijas ierēdņa vainu); * ko Andris iesaka citiem, ja nu kāds ar ko tādu saskarās. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    1h 7m
  2. Bernard Peeters - acting as a businessman

    29 APR

    Bernard Peeters - acting as a businessman

    A video summary of the episode: In this episode (no.58) you will learn about leadership principles, professional firm management and international tax topicalities. You will also discover about: * what principles did Bernard and his colleagues apply to grow from ~20 tax lawyers in 1990s when he started to more than 120 tax lawyers now and to become Tier 1 tax boutique; * what pricing principles to apply in order not to compromise on quality? * the book Bernard recommends: The World is Flat by the Pulitzer Prize -winning author Thomas L. Friedman and we both agreed that many publications by Simon Sinek are inspiring, including Start With Why; * what could be ‘the Why’ of Tiberghien? * how to separate tax fraud from abuse? * tax authorities: if in doubt, go for a ruling; * Bernard: but then where is the added value of a tax advisor? the advisors should take responsibility and express their opinion; * what does Bernard mean by professional empathy? * what functions does Bernard as a deputy judge do and why is it beneficial for the advisory practice development? * why Bernard is in favour of having a tax arbitration as a dispute resolution tool? * what did Bernard think by writing about himself - thinking as a lawyer, acting like a businessman? * how did Albert Tiberghien establish the firm and was the 1st in Belgium to approach at taxes from legal perspective, not only numbers and accounting; * why MLI might be just a beginning of a series of MLIs; * Bernard shared an interesting story where the won an appeal, but the client decided to pay the tax anyway - you will learn why; * M&A tax issues - how they have evolved over the last 5 years; * why larger countries with deeper pockets will outplay smaller countries in the race for investments now; * what could an ideal tax system look like; what is a positive approach to taxes; what is 1 euro is equal to 1 euro principle in taxation? * we also discussed Singapore, Belgian capital gains taxation, no taxation without representation - how that relates to OECD soft law, and many more topics. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    1h 9m
  3. 25 MAR

    Ep.56 Pēteris Strautiņš - Latvijā dzīvot ir interesanti

    Kopumā pēc intervijas palika gaišs, pozitīvs skats uz dzīvi, komplektā ar atziņu, ka nodokļu sistēma diez vai būtiski ietekmē ekonomikas attīstību valstī. Savukārt, VID nereti ir tikai vēstnesis, kas ‘redzot tādas bilances, kur pat akmenim jāraud’, pasaka biznesam, ka tā modelis nav ilgtspējīgs. Turklāt, ēnu ekonomikas sarukums var samazināt pieprasījumu pēc skaidras naudas. Un ar saukli ‘es nemaksāju nodokļus, jo neticu valstij’ patiesībā cilvēks varbūt meklē attaisnojumu savai rīcībai. Tax Stories podkāstā vēl runājām par: * viņa pirms dažām dienām publicēto video Delfi u.c. par ekonomikas prognozēm; * Pētera ceļošanas galamērķiem; * podkāstiem un grāmatām, piemēram Marsela Prusta Zudušo laiku meklējot, kā arī Džeimsa Džoisa Uliss; * Pētera informācijas avotiem - FT, the Economist, bet arī The Telegraph žurnālists Ambrose Evans-Pritchard; * šī gada valsts ekonomikas attīstības prognozēm gan Latvijā, gan Baltijā; * nodokļu sistēmas nozīmīguma pārspīlēšanu; * kā Latvijā ir radies neloģisks IIN hibrīds - progresivitāte no abiem galiem - likmes un diferencētais neapliekamais minimums, ko būtu jāiestrādā likmēs; * otra Pētera ideja par nodokļu sistēmu - jāievieš akcīzes likmju automātiska indeksācija, kā pensijām; * Francijā 60.-70.gados alkohola patēriņš uz cilvēku bija teju uz 1/2 lielāks, kā tagad Latvijā, un toreiz Francijā strauji attīstījās ekonomika un tika izdomātas brīnišķīgas lietas.. * Latvijas UIN sistēmu var salīdzināt ar lētu biļešu tirdzniecību, lai iekļūtu diskotēkā, kur tirgo dārgus alkohola dzērienus; * VID var salīdzināt ar banku, jo gan viens, gan otrs pavēsta uzņēmumiem, ka viņu biznesa modelis nav ilgtspējīgs; “vēstneša šaušana par sliktām ziņām ir cienījama cilvēces tradīcija”; turklāt gan VID, gan bankām iespējas atbildēt ir ļoti ierobežotas; * par Pētera 2019.g. izdoto grāmatu ‘Latvijā dzīvot ir interesanti - Praktiski padomi dzimtenes mīlēšanā’, kurā apkopoti no ~1500 rakstiem 100, kas nezaudē savu aktualitāti, laikam ejot uz priekšu; “Šī ir grāmata visiem, kas domā par iespējām dzīvi Latvijā un pasaulē darīt labāku, vēlas labāk saprast mūsu zemes neseno vēsturi, kā arī uzzināt par to, kas šeit dzīvi dara interesantu. Tā ir mirkļa iespaidu un plašu vispārinājumu, rūpīgu pārdomu un vārdu spēļu krājums. Arī vaļsirdīgs pārskats par patiesības meklējumu veiksmēm un neveiksmēm,” ievadā saka autors. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    1h 8m
  4. 18 MAR

    Thomas Hoppe (Schwarz Group, GER) - TaxPunk Taxpeditions

    In the Tax Stories podcast (ep.55) we discussed: * triathlon; * the book recommendation - Taxtopia by an anonymous Rebel Accountant; * TaxPunk video-podcast (in German) - with people who do and use tax tech; * - tax IT tools data base (300+ tax IT solutions listed, mostly related to VAT and other taxes, but also regarding, e.g., audit management); * what technologies tax authorities are using; * beer tasting and its link to characterisation of the podcast guest; * CBAM EU regulation IT solutions; * blockchain solutions in tax practice; * generative AI (ChatGPT); * WTS & PSP with a support by Schwarz Group are creating a safe environment where one may ask specific tax questions and get reliable answers without a risk of sensitive data made publicly available, hopefully available within the next months; * Taxpeditions to Taxonia, Vatistan (where VAT is a dominant type of tax and there is no cash in order to get rid of VAT fraud), Dutyland, Exciseland and GenAIsia, where Thomas in his articles (in a German magazine REthinking Tax) travels into the future and explores what the relations to taxpayers and tax authorities might look like; for example, will tax consultants be needed, if online real time tax reporting is implemented everywhere, is TP needed then?; * what is the most challenging part of working inhouse of a multinational company; * what is the advice of Thomas to external tax advisors – what should they do to serve their clients better. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    57 min
  5. 2 MAR

    Ep.54 Philip Baker - a Latvian tax lawyer

    In the podcast we discussed: * his Order of the British Empire - for helping political refugees from China in the UK; * his love to his family, sinology (the study of Chinese law, language, history, customs, and politics) and Arsenal; * that there are already three generations of tax experts in his family - his father, himself and his son; * his Latvian roots in several generations, and his involvement in developing the Latvian tax system; * how a barrister can become a King’s Counsel; and the way how the Tax Chambers operate; * work-life balance; * minimum standards and best practices of protection of taxpayers; * how AI can get it wrong when assisting the tax administration; * the Post Office scandal, and the reports by Dan Neidle and the TV series - on how lives of so many people were ruined because of a software mistake; * how a person can make Philip angry; * principles in life he’s been following; * a book Philip recommends - “Banking on Failure”, Cum-Ex and Why and How Banks Game the System by Richard S Collier; there was an interesting video of the book launch where Philip discusses the scheme together with Richard; the book itself: * includes a detailed description of cum-ex trade - the biggest tax fraud of its type in Europe; * has a never-before-seen explanation of the step-by-step evolution of a complex tax-driven structured financial product; * addresses the root causes of why banks are driven to create highly complex structured tax products; * contributes to the understanding of banks and their roles in exploiting tax systems; * ethical obligations of tax lawyers not to advise on abusing the law; * what enables tax fraud; * the directions tax systems might advance to; Philip predicts: * non-dom tax rules will be abolished this year or the next; * digital services taxes will be implemented as the moratorium on it ends this June, and Pillar 1 is not going to happen; with the different DST systems a threat of double taxation will become relevant; * mostly big accounting companies are going to benefit from Pillar 2, not governments, because of huge compliance costs; * why the progressive taxation is fair, incl. reduction of inequality; * that a family taking an online business to Gibraltar had a tax dispute in the UK for 23 years; * a pro-bono case at the European Court of Human Rights; * we even discussed some politics too, incl. Brexit and the US president elections. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    1h 26m


Life stories of people dealing with tax, from all over the world. Stories for, about and by businesses, fraudsters, judges, attorneys-at-law, prosecutors, authorities, politicians, professors, writers, journalists. Your host with more than 25 y. experience in tax has some stories too. Tune in to uncover cutting-edge tax and leadership strategies that could save your business thousands. Don't miss out—listen now! The host of the podcast can be reached at: Music by Karlis Lacis; Cover art by Mara Vulfa

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