A boy in Delhi (short motivational story with background music) by Mks

Podden: English with Mks

Hello folks! I came with another interesting concept. It is a English story of a village boy who go to the city first time. It made me hard to make story, writing in a proper standard, audio narration and composition background  music. See, the thing is, right now I don't have a adequate equipments to record, editing and something like that. Although, I tried my best, but even you might have heard some noises, for that I apologies, but later I will fix this soon for sure and will give you best quality.   

*Note = Use headphones for the best experience  

You can also see this podcast with subtitles in YouTube below:

For Hindi + English Transcripts of the story:

Some words should be looked out twice: (Ascending order, A-Z) = For those person whose mother tongue is HINDI or English learners.  
Achieve = हासिल करना/ पाना
Ahead = आगे
Ambition = महत्वाकांक्षा/ लालसा
Acquaintance = परिचित व्यक्ति/ जान पहचान वाला
Barely = मुश्किल से
Bread = रोटी
Cheat = धोखा
Choice = पसंद
Compromise = समझौता
Desire = इच्छा/ तमन्ना
Fault/Mistake = दोष/ गलती
However/ Although = हालांकि/ तो भी/ मगर
Misconception = ग़लतफ़हमी/ वहम Murmuring = बुदबुदाना/ बड़बड़ाना
Necessity = आवश्यक
Obviously = जाहिर है/ प्रत्यक्ष रूप से/ स्पष्टतः
Personality = व्यक्तित्व
Passion = जुनून
Psychiatric treatment = मानसिक रोगों का इलाज
Panicked badly = बुरी तरह घबरा गया
Reason being = कारण है कि
Stereotype =  एक समूह के स्वभाव वाले
Sooner = जल्द ही
* Some time = कुछ समय, Sometimes = कभी कभी  
Tiredness = थकान
Unfortunately = दुर्भाग्य से/ बदकिस्मत
Valued = महत्व
Vision = नज़र/ दृष्टि
Wrap = लपेटना   

* Long sentences:
Afraid of go to the city = शहर जाने से डर लगता है
Conclusion is uncertain = निष्कर्ष अनिश्चित (परिवर्तनशील) है
The things went on like that for a while = कुछ समय ऐसे ही बिता
Due to lack of money = पैसे की कमी के कारण
Was not his fear or madness at all = उसका भय या पागलपन बिल्कुल भी नहीं था
While wandering for some time = कुछ समय तक भटकने के दौरान  

If you have your own English videos, own written story, and thoughts to be shared, so I am your man. You are most welcome to join with us. You can send your own English materials in the below telegram ID anytime as the other people did.  
*Telegram ID = @englishwithmks
* Gmail = englishwithmks@gmail.com  

If you have any query, feel free to ask in the below comment section box.  

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