AUGUST 2010: Discussion of Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome and SAMHD1

Podden: AUGUST 2010: Discussion of Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome and SAMHD1

Authors Professor Yanick J Crow(Prof of Genetic Medicine, Manchester University) and Dr Vijeya Ganesan(Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Child Health, London, and Consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London) discuss the bacground of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and the most recently idenitfied gene, SAMHD1 with Editor In Chief of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dr Peter Baxter. Please see below for a link to the paper: Intracerebral large artery disease in Aicardi–Goutières syndrome implicates SAMHD1 in vascular homeostasis (p 725-732) VENKATESWARAN RAMESH, BRUNO BERNARDI, ALTIN STAFA, CATERINA GARONE, EMILIO FRANZONI, MARIO ABINUN, PATRICK MITCHELL, DIPAYAN MITRA, MARK FRISWELL, JOHN NELSON, STAVIT A SHALEV, GILLIAN I RICE, HANNAH GORNALL, MARCIN SZYNKIEWICZ, FRANÇOIS AYMARD, VIJEYA GANESAN, JULIE PRENDIVILLE, JOHN H LIVINGSTON, YANICK J CROW PDF:


Authors Professor Yanick J Crow(Prof of Genetic Medicine, Manchester University) and Dr Vijeya Ganesan(Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Child Health, London, and Consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London) discuss the bacground of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and the most recently idenitfied gene, SAMHD1 with Editor In Chief of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dr Peter Baxter. Please see below for a link to the paper: Intracerebral large artery disease in Aicardi–Goutières syndrome implicates SAMHD1 in vascular homeostasis (p 725-732) VENKATESWARAN RAMESH, BRUNO BERNARDI, ALTIN STAFA, CATERINA GARONE, EMILIO FRANZONI, MARIO ABINUN, PATRICK MITCHELL, DIPAYAN MITRA, MARK FRISWELL, JOHN NELSON, STAVIT A SHALEV, GILLIAN I RICE, HANNAH GORNALL, MARCIN SZYNKIEWICZ, FRANÇOIS AYMARD, VIJEYA GANESAN, JULIE PRENDIVILLE, JOHN H LIVINGSTON, YANICK J CROW PDF:

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