Career Goals - Career Opertunities, Finances Oh My

Podden: Fe.NoM.Prnuer - Rising (Triathlon Not a sprint)

Navigating your career goals is a lot like running a triathlon race – there's a process, and it's essential to remember that slow and steady wins the race. Consistency is key, and in due time, your efforts will yield the desired results. If you're on Discord, follow the movement

@Barefruit, and catch up on the latest updates. You can also link up with me on Instagram using

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#barefruit.Now, let's talk about being willing to take a curve in your career journey, even if it deviates from your original plan.

Imagine you're in the middle of a race, and suddenly, the path takes an unexpected turn. People around you might question why you didn't follow the planned route. Life threw a curveball, forcing you to detour, and you find yourself approaching things from a different angle. In such moments, it's crucial to acknowledge that you made the best decision based on your circumstances.

Don't let the opinions of others make you back down. Instead, focus on completing what you set out to achieve.

Reflect on how far off course you went, and be ready to adjust your trajectory so you can hit the target the next time. Facing scrutiny and judgment can be challenging, but it's an opportunity to reassess and make the necessary changes. Ask yourself, what adjustments are you willing to make to ensure you hit your target the next time a crucial decision comes your way?

Remember, the journey may have unexpected turns, but with resilience and adaptability, you can still reach your career goals.

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