Društvo za opazovanje in preučevanje ptic prvi prejemnik državne nagrade Rada Smerduja

GOVSI podkast

GOVSI Podkast: Društvo za opazovanje in preučevanje ptic prvi prejemnik državne nagrade Rada Smerduja 

V novi epizodi GOVSI podkasta je voditelj Zoran Potič imel ob sebi sogovornici, ki prihajata iz javnega in nevladnega sektorja: direktorico Direktorata za naravo na Ministrstvu za naravne vire in prostor dr. Katarino Groznik Zeiler in predsednico Društva za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS). Povod za pogovor je bila namreč podelitev nove državne nagrade, nagrade Radeta Smerduja, ki za prispevek k razvoju stroke na področju ohranjanja narave in k ohranjanju narave. 

Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije je ena večjih nevladnih organizacij na področju varstva narave in okolja v Sloveniji in član globalne organizacije BirdLife International. Društvo je s svojim delovanjem prispevalo k izvedbi konkretnih aktivnosti na terenu, ki so potrjeno že izboljšale stanje vrst ptic in njihovih življenjskih okolij, s tem pa tudi širše stanje naravnih vrednot in biotske raznovrstnosti. Sodelovali so pri ustanovitvi treh zavarovanih območij in predstavljajo središče razvoja stroke na področju varstva ptic in širše naravovarstvene stroke pri nas.

Nagrada je poimenovana po biologu in naravovarstvenik Rado Smerdu (1949 – 1984), ki je s svojim delom pomembno prispeval k oblikovanju metod varstva narave ter k izdaji Inventarja najpomembnejše naravne dediščine leta 1976. Eden njegovih ključnih strokovnih prispevkov je predstavitev in preskus metode vrednotenja naravne dediščine na Planinskem polju. Sodeloval je pri nastajanju strokovnih revij in posnel več filmov z naravoslovno, jamarsko in naravovarstveno vsebino. 

Vabljeni k poslušanju in tudi ogledu. 


GOVSI Podkast: Society for the observation and study of birds, the first recipient of the Rada Smerduja state award 

In the new episode of the GOVSI podcast, host Zoran Potič had interlocutors with him from the public and non-governmental sectors: the director of the Directorate for Nature at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Space, dr. Katarina Groznik Zeiler and president of the Society for the Observation and Study of Birds of Slovenia (DOPPS). The reason for the conversation was the awarding of a new state award, the Radet Smerdu award.

The first recipient of the award is the Society for Observation and Study of Birds of Slovenia (BirdLife Slovenia (DOPPS)), one of the largest non-governmental organisations specialising in nature and environmental conservation in Slovenia and a member of the global organisation BirdLife. Through its activities, the association has contributed to the implementation of concrete activities in the field, which have already been confirmed to improve the condition of bird species and their living environments, and thus also the wider condition of natural values ​​and biodiversity. They participated in the establishment of three protected areas and represent the center of professional development in the field of bird protection and the broader nature conservation profession in our country.

The award is named after the biologist and conservationist Rado Smerd (1949 – 1984), who with his work made a significant contribution to the creation of nature conservation methods and to the publication of the Inventory of the Most Important Natural Heritage in 1976. One of his key professional contributions is the presentation and testing of the natural heritage valuation method in Planinské polje. He participated in the creation of professional magazines and made several films with natural history, caving and nature conservation content. 

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