Heart Speaks to Heart

Archdiocese of Toronto
Heart Speaks to Heart

On April 28, 2021, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, released a new pastoral letter on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, "Heart Speaks to Heart." This is a significant reflection on one of the most sacred symbols in the Catholic faith and what it can teach us in these difficult times. We pray that this letter will be a helpful tool both personally and in your own ministry. For more information visit www.archtoronto.org/sacredheart



On April 28, 2021, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, released a new pastoral letter on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, "Heart Speaks to Heart." This is a significant reflection on one of the most sacred symbols in the Catholic faith and what it can teach us in these difficult times. We pray that this letter will be a helpful tool both personally and in your own ministry. For more information visit www.archtoronto.org/sacredheart

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