How to get started with coding | Ep 15

Podden: Journal Of Small Musings

Java Resources : C++ Resources : Python Resources: Background Music : Instagram : Hello and welcome back for episode 15 of journal of small musings, So recently I did an IG question story where I asked what are you all learning like technically and many of the replies were like "Bro, I want to start coding and stuff but I really don't know where to start?" and I know, It can be very very overwhelming to start programming since their are tons of languages and choices and this makes it very confusing. Hence to answer this particular question, I have recorded this episode. First thing, we have to decide which programming language we have to learn? I personally suggest you 3 choices: 1.Java 2.Python 3.C++ If you are the type of person who good at grasping different concepts and has the patience to do something consistently I will suggest you work with Java. Personally, I have some good memories with Java, but that will be for some other video. Now, If you are the curious type, The kind of person who doesn't like secrets somebody who loves to see how things work. I will recommend you to move forward with C++. It will really open a door of possibilities for you. Studying c++ will increase your understanding of technical aspects big time. C++ was my first programming language and it really gave me perspective in my career. Next, If you are the kind of person who hates complicated stuff and loves to take things slow. Python is perfect for you. In my opinion, Python will be the easiest to learn among these three as well as will also give you an overview of different programming [concepts. It]('s a really great language to get started. Now the next question is from where to study all this? So I would personally suggest you have somebody as a mentor who has experience in the field, but it isn't necessary you can still learn the same on your own. So assuming you are learning on your own. For java: I would suggest tutorials from a website named [](, They have touched every important topic one by one and have small sections that explain every concept deeply. Similarly for learning C++ there's a website called []( that allows you to learn c++ from scratch. I'll be linking all of them in my bio, so you don't have trouble finding it. Now for Python, you can put your trust in []( they have a complete tutorial in python, which also have videos that can help you to understand clearly. I have personally used all these sources and hence, I believe they will turn out to be very very helpful regarding. One last thing is that learning to code is all about patience, consistency and self-belief. You'll get there just keep trying, It's as simple as that. and believe me that joy of seeing something that you have built is euphoric, you'll feel crazy when it happens and that is what pushes most of the programmers out there. I guess that's all I have to say, actually there's one more thing. I'm currently teaching a few of my friends to code and I'd really love more students so if you are interested you can hit me up on my Instagram account or comment down below. Anyways keep hustling Byeeeeee.

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