Welcome to another episode of the Shameless Parenting Podcast with Ryan and Steph!
This week, we're diving into an intriguing listener question that's sure to get a conversation going:
"Dear podcast, I’ve quite the shameless story for you. For context, I grew up quite conservative. I have memories of my dad literally getting up and leaving the dinner table when my mum or sister would mention anything to do with their periods. So when my breastfeeding wife asked me to help her ‘unblock’ her milk duct the other week, I really didn’t react so well. If I’m brutally honest, there is a part of me that is quite squeamish about all the changes her body has gone through. I understand it is all natural and I love my wife, but she now looks so different I can’t help feel a little put off. I’m trying not to come to the conclusion that I’m a bad guy. How should I handle this?"
Ryan and Steph discuss the complexities of this listener's dilemma, from the conservative upbringing that influences his views to the awkwardness and discomfort of dealing with bodily changes during and after pregnancy. We explore how partners can better support each other through these sensitive transitions and find common ground despite differing comfort levels.
In addition to this listener's story, we also delve into the realities of breastfeeding, from common challenges to solutions that work. We share our best and worst products for nursing mothers, offering insights into what's worth investing in and what to avoid.
----------------------------- The best way to support the show is to become a subscriber! Join the family and subscribe to Shameless Parenting to receive bonus AO episodes, merch drops, exclusive social events and early access to our parenting product launches! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/not-mum/subscribe ------------------------------ Best products from this week's episode: Nipple shields : https://amzn.to/3QlWyjp
Lanolin healing cream: https://www.amazon.com.au/Lansinoh-Emolient-15g-Tube/dp/B077PQ4YKX?crid=YTR7JZEC6PWO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.iR83UPCJyObfj2R9gpJLsUG_oL4aoUOaC90DvZ9iXOC2rK9Aci4pVqNdJIQTUcvxRb__6UiicdSCFMIYYXthF2_HU54oVCi7tXuI6boslg4Xd4iKbUTSuUHnosgeQr19qBLd4nccovZEwzetGr1aocjLKkPGuBXSdrk-W4oo0CgclMWcfJcgEkXuHMK934NJRTAzv_UMGwHnu8mzlm4cB3JHJle79xPNKsgt_H-JzkS8rNGxWpdwjlyowgvgKy6F88xVXxMHy2LkW1OWYN_CQfoHY9ygMfd4BrsHS64eryo.Q4W8X5MmOX7UVVXvoMyaxpZC6Wl2s8g0auaXjfJ4pGA&dib_tag=se&keywords=lanolin+nipple+cream&qid=1714308010&sprefix=lanolin+%2Caps%2C247&sr=8-5&linkCode=sl1&tag=shamelesspare-22&linkId=bd6098d2e3ae79f3d9a5192455d602bd&language=en_AU&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Professional bra fitting
- Program
- FrekvensVarje vecka
- Publicerad28 april 2024 kl. 12:49 UTC
- Längd33 min
- Säsong1
- Avsnitt7
- ÅldersgränsVuxet innehåll