No Gruffs Given with Sean Avery

Sean Avery: A 12-year NHL Hockey career and one of the most legendary NY Rangers who called Madison Square Garden, “The Most Famous Arena in The World”, home. In a NY Ranger Jersey, Sean was the first professional athlete from the “Big 4” to endorse New York State’s push for Marriage Equality as well as the first pro to intern at Vogue Magazine during the off-season. Sean Avery wrote the best-selling memoir, Ice Capade, on the Penguin Random House imprint. He then transitioned into a brand-new acting career with credits to-date in director Peter Berg’s Patriots Day, Mile 22 and most recently, Chris Nolan’s upcoming blockbuster TENET. So naturally, the No Gruffs Given Podcast was the next step. An unapologetic conversation only a true narcissist like Sean can only have with himself, which people will hate, and people will love. Enjoy one of greatest trash talkers ever in professional sports on his podcast, No Gruffs Given.
- 1 avsnitt
Värdar och gäster
Kickin’ it w/ Sean
I love the show 🤘🏼
- Skapad avActionPark Media
- Aktiva år2019 - 2022
- Avsnitt1
- ÅldersgränsVuxet innehåll
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