34 avsnitt

I created Safe Space Made Simple to amplify the inspiring work that clinical leaders, managers and executives are doing every day, and to interview the thought leaders, authors and change-agents who want to support them to revolutionize healthcare.

This podcast is for clinical managers, leaders, executives or organizational development professionals who want to create a safe space and amplify the positive changes that are happening in healthcare every day.

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When you do this it provides what we need to continue to amplify the positive changes that all of us want to see.

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Safe Space Made Simple Trace Hobson and Periodic Co-Host Caroline Veerman

    • Hälsa och motion

I created Safe Space Made Simple to amplify the inspiring work that clinical leaders, managers and executives are doing every day, and to interview the thought leaders, authors and change-agents who want to support them to revolutionize healthcare.

This podcast is for clinical managers, leaders, executives or organizational development professionals who want to create a safe space and amplify the positive changes that are happening in healthcare every day.

If you enjoy the podcast please support us by:

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When you do this it provides what we need to continue to amplify the positive changes that all of us want to see.

Thank you for your support!

    How Systemic Team Coaching Helps You Lead Your Team with Betty Mutwiri (#034)

    How Systemic Team Coaching Helps You Lead Your Team with Betty Mutwiri (#034)

    In this episode of Safe Space Made Simple, host Trace Hobson is joined by Betty Mutwiri, a leadership coach, executive consultant, author, and speaker specializing in leadership development in healthcare and EDI. Betty shares her insights on systemic team coaching and its potential to transform the healthcare industry by empowering clinical leaders, managers, and teams.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Importance of Team Coaching: Betty's background in organization development and patient-centred care highlights the pivotal role of teams in driving change and innovation in healthcare.

    Systemic Team Coaching Framework: Betty emphasizes aligning team members towards a shared purpose, understanding stakeholders' perspectives, and creating psychological safety for open communication and collaboration.

    Psychological Health and Safety: Addressing the challenges of reactiveness, disrespectful conduct, and discrimination in healthcare culture through self-awareness, emotional regulation, and vulnerability.

    Creating Safe Spaces: Betty advocates for leaders to prioritize relationship-building, vulnerability, and shared leadership to foster trust, collaboration, and resilience within teams.

    Time Management for Leaders: Strategies for leaders to carve out time for team development amidst operational demands, emphasizing the ROI of investing in relationships and communication.

    Betty's Projects: Betty shares her current projects, including developing a leadership framework for distributed leadership and revamping the LEADS Leadership Foundation course for healthcare leaders in Canada.

    Connect with Betty Mitwery:

    Website: BM Coaching Consulting

    LinkedIn: Betty Mutwiri

     Would you like something actionable you can read about related to this podcast? 

     Try out the newsletter accompaniment that goes deeper with practical tips and tactics for each podcast.

     Click here for a 4-minute read of The Sunday Safe Space Leader

    Would you like Free Access to the Free Course I created for clinical leaders called the Relationship Regulator? Click Here!
    If this episode resonated with you, please consider doing one of the following:

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    This helps us to amplify a positive message in Canadian Healthcare!

    Together, we can cultivate compassionate clinical leadership and build safer spaces in healthcare.

    I appreciate your support!

    • 34 min
    How to Create Safe Spaces in High-Stress Environments—Like Families! (#033)

    How to Create Safe Spaces in High-Stress Environments—Like Families! (#033)

    Title: How to Create Safe Spaces in High-Stress Environments—Like Families!
    In this episode of Safe Space Made Simple, host Trace Hobson delves into the transformative power of creating safe spaces within families. Through a personal example of a family call, Trace explores how nurturing environments can lead to personal and professional growth, emphasizing the importance of acceptance, trust, and care in fostering a supportive atmosphere.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Creating Safe Spaces: The principles of acceptance, trust, and care as the foundation for transformation within families and teams.

    Personal Growth: The impact of supportive environments in overcoming challenges and fostering growth.

    Nurturing Environments: The analogy of fertile soil for growth and the necessity of intentional time for personal development.

    Family Connection: Creating a safe space within Trace's family through intentional communication and support.

    Presence and Acceptance: The role of presence and self-acceptance in building compassionate relationships within families.

    Healing Through Presence: How conscious presence and acceptance can heal past wounds and foster deeper connections.

    Would you like something actionable you can read about related to this podcast? 

    Try out the newsletter accompaniment that goes deeper with practical tips and tactics for each podcast.Click here for a 4-minute read of The Sunday Safe Space Leader

    Would you like Free Access to the Free Course I created for clinical leaders called the Relationship Regulator? Click Here!


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    This helps us to amplify a positive message in Canadian Healthcare!

    Together, we can cultivate compassionate clinical leadership and build safer spaces in healthcare.

    I appreciate your support!

    • 23 min
    How to create relief and clinical learning with self-compassion (#032)

    How to create relief and clinical learning with self-compassion (#032)

    Title: How to create relief and clinical learning with self-compassion (#032)

    In this Safe Space Made Simple episode, host Trace Hobson converses with Ellison Chung, an emergency room nurse, nurse educator, and clinical education consultant. Together, they explore the importance of creating safe spaces in healthcare environments, focusing on the well-being of nurses, managers, clinical leaders, and executives.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Ellison's Journey: Ellison shares his experience working in emergency departments and his transition into education to address inequities in healthcare.

    Shifting Focus to Education: The role of education in empowering nursing students to make a positive impact and drive change in healthcare systems.

    Resilience vs. System Support: Challenging the notion of resilience and emphasizing the need for systemic support to prevent burnout and promote well-being.

    Cultivating Safe Spaces: Teaching students to be self-aware, express their feelings authentically, and seek support when needed.

    Overcoming Internal Barriers: Encouraging vulnerability, self-reflection, and compassion to create a psychologically safe environment for learning and growth.

    The Power of Vulnerability: Sharing personal experiences of failure and mistakes to foster a culture of openness and learning.

    Leading with Curiosity: Embracing curiosity, empathy, and compassion are essential for effective leadership and mentorship.

    Systemic Change: Advocating for leaders to proactively engage with staff, address barriers, and prioritize professional development to create supportive work environments.

    Practicing Self-Compassion: Acknowledging personal efforts and accepting imperfections as part of learning and growth.

    Connect with Ellison Chung:

    LinkedIn: Ellison Chung's LinkedIn Profile

    Would you like something actionable you can read about related to this podcast? 

    Try out the newsletter accompaniment that goes deeper with practical tips and tactics for each podcast.Click here for a 4-minute read of The Sunday Safe Space Leader

    If this episode resonated with you, please consider doing one of the following:

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    This helps us to amplify a positive message in Canadian Healthcare!

    Together, we can cultivate compassionate clinical leadership and build safer spaces in healthcare.

    I appreciate your support!

    • 44 min
    How to Navigate Toxic Team Members (#031)

    How to Navigate Toxic Team Members (#031)

    Title: How to Navigate Toxicity in the Workplace (#031)

    In this episode of Safe Space Made Simple, host Trace Hobson delves into navigating toxicity in the workplace, specifically focusing on high-pressure sectors like healthcare. Trace shares experiences and insights on creating a psychologically healthy and safe team space, even in challenging environments.

    Key Points Discussed:

     Misconceptions About Safe Spaces: Addressing the misconception that safe spaces mean tolerating undesirable behaviour when in reality, it requires courage, curiosity, and clear communication to create a psychologically safe environment.
     The Three Laws of Performance: Exploring the Three Laws of Performance by Steve Zafron and Dave Logan emphasizes the direct correlation between performance, how situations occur for individuals, the language used, and the power of generative language to create a new future.
     Steps to Manage Toxicity: Provide three actionable steps for managers and leaders to handle toxic team members effectively, including setting clear boundaries, enrolling team members in the vision, and being prepared to let go if necessary.
     Importance of Self-Differentiation: Highlighting the significance of self-differentiation in leadership, where leaders take radical responsibility for their internal responses and set boundaries based on personal needs and values.
     Creating a Safe Space: Emphasizing the role of clear communication, setting boundaries, and fostering open dialogue to establish psychologically safe environments where team members feel empowered to speak up and contribute positively.

    Would you like something actionable you can read about related to this podcast? 

    Try out the newsletter accompaniment that goes deeper with practical tips and tactics for each podcast.Click here for a 4-minute read of The Sunday Safe Space Leader

    If this episode resonated with you, please consider doing one of the following:

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    This helps us to amplify a positive message in Canadian Healthcare!

    Together, we can cultivate compassionate clinical leadership and build safer spaces in healthcare.

    I appreciate your support!

    • 30 min
    How to Create a Safe Space & Show Your True Colors (#030)

    How to Create a Safe Space & Show Your True Colors (#030)

    Title: How to Create a Safe Space to Show Your True Colors

    In this episode of Safe Space Made Simple, host Trace Hobson candidly talks with Caroline Veerman, a healthcare leader in Holland and periodic co-host of the podcast. They reflect on Caroline's journey toward becoming a transformational presence in healthcare leadership, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, vulnerability, and self-realization—under pressure.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Embracing Authenticity: Caroline shares her experience of transitioning from fear and hesitation to speaking her truth and owning her unique contribution to healthcare.

    Creating Safe Spaces: The discussion highlights the significance of generating safe spaces in healthcare amidst disruptions and chaos, fostering trust and support within teams.

    Journey to Self-Realization: Caroline's journey from unconscious management to conscious leadership, bringing awareness and consciousness into the workspace.

    Overcoming Fear: Caroline's initial reluctance to share her true voice and perspective and the pivotal moment of stepping forward to initiate a pilot program focused on consciousness in the organization.

    Healing and Growth: The evolution of Caroline's leadership style, focusing on self-realization, personal leadership, and embracing her true self over the years.

    Surrender and Trust: Caroline's insights on surrendering to a bigger consciousness, letting go of the need for external control, and finding trust and certainty within oneself.

    Would you like something actionable you can read about related to this podcast? 

    Try out the newsletter accompaniment that goes deeper with practical tips and tactics for each podcast.Click here for a 4-minute read of The Sunday Safe Space Leader

    If this episode resonated with you, please consider doing one of the following:

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    This helps us to amplify a positive message in Canadian Healthcare!

    Together, we can cultivate compassionate clinical leadership and build safer spaces in healthcare.

    I appreciate your support!

    • 27 min
    How to Create Psychological Safety: Healthcare Leadership with Suzanne Fox (#029)

    How to Create Psychological Safety: Healthcare Leadership with Suzanne Fox (#029)

    Title: How to Create Psychological Safety: Healthcare Leadership with Suzanne Fox

    In this engaging episode of Safe Space Made Simple, host Trace Hobson sits down with Suzanne Fox, the founder and principal of Fox Den Consulting. With her extensive background in healthcare management and executive leadership, Suzanne shares valuable insights on creating psychologically and neurobiologically safe spaces for teams and leaders in healthcare.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Suzanne's Journey: From a registered nurse to an executive leader, coach and leadership development facilitator, Suzanne shares her passion for supporting leaders in improving their lives by understanding their values and fostering a clear vision.
    Disrupting the Status Quo: Suzanne's role as a resilience architect, optimist, and disruptor of the status quo in healthcare leadership. Pushing boundaries is essential to finding better operating methods and fostering fresh perspectives.
    Bridging Gaps in Healthcare Leadership: Addressing the hierarchical gaps between frontline care, clinical leadership, and executive leadership. Open perspectives and empowering teams to make necessary changes at all levels are needed.
    Relational Equity and Team Dynamics: The significance of building trust and supporting teams to soar by providing a clear vision and allowing flexibility for innovation and growth.
    Developing Intention and Focus: Suzanne's leadership development and coaching approach emphasizes the importance of intentional leadership, future focus, and maintaining a balance between day-to-day operations and long-term goals.
    Psychological Health and Safety: The individual responsibility in creating and maintaining psychological safety in teams through emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and understanding neurobiological responses to stress.
    Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation: Self-awareness, self-regulation, and co-regulation within teams are essential to fostering a safe and supportive environment for effective collaboration and decision-making.

    Would you like something actionable you can read about related to this podcast? Try out the newsletter accompaniment that goes deeper with practical tips and tactics for each podcast.Click here for a 4-minute read of The Sunday Safe Space Leader

    Connect with Suzanne Fox:

    Website: Fox Den Consulting
    LinkedIn: Suzanne Fox

    If this episode resonated with you, please consider doing one of the following:

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    This helps us to amplify a positive message in Canadian Healthcare!

    Together, we can cultivate compassionate clinical leadership and build safer spaces in healthcare.

    I appreciate your support!

    • 35 min

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