"My name is Sibylle. I traveled the world as a freelancer, made films and reports as well as TV features, unable to work since spring 2017, in a constant downward health spiral since 2014. I have been banished from a full, sometimes stressful, very mobile life to the isolated horizontal of my own four walls. I was diagnosed with ME/CFS in 2018. And I knew very well that unfortunately - although it was bad enough - that it was and still is only part of the truth. Meanwhile, I am also diagnosed with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity also known as FQAD (Fluoroquinolone Associated Disability), POTS, MCAS and Cranio Cervical Instability CCI a whole bunch of reactivated infections, from Herpes to Lyme, and have the full blown painful picture of SmallFiber Neuropathy symptoms, but no access anymore to tests. AND: as many others, I do not receive proper medical treatments. Any form of exertion, which can be mental or physical, makes my body crash. Immediately. Even sitting is difficult and hardly possible due to muscle weakness, palpitations, blood pressure derailments. Other symptoms include weight loss, pain in muscles, tendons, nerves and bones, vibrating - as if electricity and shards run through the body - and burning all over the body, muscle and nerve twitching, balance problems, dizziness, shortness of breath, cardiac arrhythmias/spikes and tachycardia and many more of the long list. For me personally the huge medical neglect is one of the biggest medical scandals ever. So many people all over the world. It’s devastating. It makes me angry every day. And as I wrote once, please never write, If I am going to die, that I passed away peacefully: you can write: she died in anger about the shameful medical history. A medical world who lost its moral and ethics. Thank you very much for given me the opportunity to do this podcast. And please excuse me, my bad english and pronunciation. Thank you, and please take care. Something has to change, very soon. S." You can find Sibylle's website at https://sibylledahrendorf.jimdofree.com/ Please let the Millions Missing Podcast help platform your own incredibly important testimony, by emailing to millionsmissingpodcast@gmail.com
- Program
- Publicerad15 oktober 2023 kl. 16:41 UTC
- Längd14 min
- Säsong1
- Avsnitt8
- ÅldersgränsBarnvänligt