The Most Important Road Trip Ever

Canucks Talk

Josh Elliott-Wolfe and Thomas Drance discuss the Canucks' potential playoff matchups, noting that Winnipeg’s lack of elite speed could be more favorable than facing Utah. They explore offseason targets, including Nikolaj Ehlers and a linemate for Elias Pettersson, while also considering the possibility of offer sheets. Jason Bukala weighs in on the Canucks’ recent strong performance, questioning if they can sustain momentum or fall back into old habits. Plus, a look at Jonathan Lekkerimäki’s power play potential and how the rising salary cap could impact teams.

This podcast is produced by Dominic Sramaty & Lina Setaghian

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Media Inc. or any affiliate.

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