Weaving Wisdom

Rhiannon Lynn
Podden: Weaving Wisdom

Welcome to the Weaving Wisdom Podcast. You will be hearing my newest creative work of heart ~ Conversational Journeys through the Elemental Dimensions! I will be journeying with fellow Wisdom Keepers, Way Showers, Earth Oracles and Guiding Lights ~ Women who are forging their Soul Guided Path by listening with the Gifts alive in their Wholeness. I will guide our conversation into the Elemental Dimensions ~ the potent fields of energy that makeup our Soul Embodied Human ecology. We will be meeting each guest in their present moment truth ~ listening with what is unfurling in the current of their reality and the gems of wisdom that have birthed from their constellation of experience. We will hear what their Heart is guiding them into, how they connect with their guidance, what they are alchemizing in their shadows, how their actual bodies speak to them, and how Nature plays an integral role in their lives. We will learn what they are cultivating with their Gifts and how those pursuits weave into their transformative growth! weavingwisdom.substack.com

  1. Perfectionism and Summoning Archetypal Guides to Enrich our Human Learnings ~ A Conversational Journey with Tara Kimes

    10 JULI

    Perfectionism and Summoning Archetypal Guides to Enrich our Human Learnings ~ A Conversational Journey with Tara Kimes

    Today I am journeying with Tara Kimes! Tara and I follow the thread of Perfectionism, listening with the many ways Archetypal Guides arrive to deepen our learning and offer us symbolic reflections that shift our perspectives. Lilith drops in to remind us of the raw truths we walk with, The Tower emerges to reshape our understanding of liberating moments, The Sun brings in the Father energy and reminds us of the beauty in our perfectionist approach, and Animal Guides show up to sharpen our clarity around going for what we want AND being playful in the process. We touch into some very human shadows that stem from the perfectionism storyline, and somehow find the LIGHT in what is presenting as fear. This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and our Guest's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece: Perfectionism and Summoning Archetypal Guides to Enrich our Human Learnings Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com Links to Explore Tara's Field of Magic: Website Substack TikTok Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic: WeavingWisdom.Love Weaving Wisdom Substack 1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe

    1 tim 18 min
  2. Inquiry as a Pathway to Trust and Intimacy with Life Itself~ A Conversational Journey with Portia Gough

    4 JULI

    Inquiry as a Pathway to Trust and Intimacy with Life Itself~ A Conversational Journey with Portia Gough

    Today I am journeying with Portia Gough! We touched into the power of Inquiry as the pathway of cultivating intimacy with ourselves and with the intricate mystery that is Life here on Earth. Portia shares about her relationship with Nature as a safe place to listen and be heard, introducing us to a few wonderful Plant Guides and the Elemental energies that resonate deeply with her Soul Truth. We explore the body and emotions as powerful communications and how to BE with the intensity that we experience. We share our love of Not Knowing and the curiosities we have around the true Human History. This conversation spoke deeply to restoring and remembering how to Trust. This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and our Guest's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece: Inquiry as a Pathway to Trust and Intimacy with Life Itself Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com Links to Explore Portia's Field of Magic: Instagram: @root_and_crown Substack: Root + Crown Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic: WeavingWisdom.Love Weaving Wisdom Substack 1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe

    1 tim 45 min
  3. 2 JULI

    The Heart Field is a Consciousness ~ The Power of Your Resonance is in the Hands of Your Heart

    Today we journey into the Dimension of Heart to listen with the Remembrance offered INTO our current Wisdom Spiral. The Dimension of Heart touches into the convergence of your Wholeness. I feel that all the dimensions meet in our Heart field to be integrated and purified INTO our unique melody of truth. It is here that our divine lessons emerge, leading us in and through the Soul Guided path that we came to embody. The sanctuary of our Heart is our safe space, the home of our Soul, the voice of our knowing. Spelling Attunements through rhythmically poetic language evokes Remembrance. Layers of meaning dance with the melody, breathing inquiry into the multidimensional consciousness of your Soul Ecology. This spiralic path of intentional activation opens you into an intimate conversation with the current of transformation alive in your Elemental Dimensions. Each Spell an invitation, initiating restoration with the intrinsic channels of communion that weave the reality you breathe. Let this spell be kindling for the hearth of your Heart’s Truth. Click this link to access this published piece in its Wholeness which includes the written spell, photos, and further links ~ The Heart Field is a Consciousness Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic: WeavingWisdom.Love Weaving Wisdom Substack 1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe

    28 min
  4. The Gift of Getting in Our Own Way~ A Conversational Journey with Carrie Bancroft

    27 JUNI

    The Gift of Getting in Our Own Way~ A Conversational Journey with Carrie Bancroft

    Today I am journeying with Carrie Bancroft! We navigate the hilarity of our human behavior in response to the Soul Guided journey that we are here to walk. We touch into the various ways we cloud our own reception through rebellious choices that lead to us tuning out, and the unconscious behaviors that lead to profound epiphanies through the mundane human moments of reaction. All of these beautiful lessons are in service to our Heart Centered Gridwork ~ the stillness point of presence that ripples deep healing into the song lines of our reality. This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and Carrie's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece: The Gift of Getting in Our Own Way Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com Links to Explore Carrie's Field of Magic: Carrie's Write and Hike Retreats Carrie's Substack Soul Joy Carrie's Instagram Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic: WeavingWisdom.Love Weaving Wisdom Substack 1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe

    1 tim 54 min
  5. Meeting the Moment with Curious Compassion ~ A Conversational Journey with Emily P. Perry

    20 JUNI

    Meeting the Moment with Curious Compassion ~ A Conversational Journey with Emily P. Perry

    Today I am journeying with Emily P. Perry. We explore the power of meeting each moment as a Guide, approaching all that is emerging with Curious Compassion and the desire to create intimate communion with the fragmented aspects of self. Emily shares powerful wisdom about tuning in to ourselves as a prayer and setting down the stories to listen with the communications of our body’s primal language. She offers brilliant practices and approaches to gently cultivate a receptive relationship with our Embodied Wholeness. This podcast episode was published as a dynamic post with photos, quotes, a synthesized overview and Emily's bio via the Weaving Wisdom Substack! Here is a link to the beautifully published piece: Meeting the Moment with Curious Compassion Interested in Journeying with the Elemental Dimensions to TUNE IN with your Field?Elemental Soul Mapping is an Immersive 3 Hour Session opening communion with your 5 Elemental Dimensions. We will explore your: Current Channeled Guidance, Emerging Gifts, Thresholds of Growth, Divine Alignments, Heart’s Desires, Vital Needs, and Shedding Identities as a present moment Map for your Soul Embodied Human Journey. You will be Guided INTO each Dimension through Invocations and Ritual Writing, woven with Intuitive Channeling and Reflective Inquiry to reveal the Wisdom specific for your current journey. This journey functions as a Reading of your field! Email me to schedule our time together: WeavingWisdom.Love@gmail.com Links to Explore Emily's Field of Magic: Emily's Substack: Hear Love Here, Love Emily's Instagram Links to Explore Rhiannon's Field of Magic: WeavingWisdom.Love Weaving Wisdom Substack 1:1 Journeys with Rhiannon Get full access to Weaving Wisdom at weavingwisdom.substack.com/subscribe

    1 tim 22 min


Welcome to the Weaving Wisdom Podcast. You will be hearing my newest creative work of heart ~ Conversational Journeys through the Elemental Dimensions! I will be journeying with fellow Wisdom Keepers, Way Showers, Earth Oracles and Guiding Lights ~ Women who are forging their Soul Guided Path by listening with the Gifts alive in their Wholeness. I will guide our conversation into the Elemental Dimensions ~ the potent fields of energy that makeup our Soul Embodied Human ecology. We will be meeting each guest in their present moment truth ~ listening with what is unfurling in the current of their reality and the gems of wisdom that have birthed from their constellation of experience. We will hear what their Heart is guiding them into, how they connect with their guidance, what they are alchemizing in their shadows, how their actual bodies speak to them, and how Nature plays an integral role in their lives. We will learn what they are cultivating with their Gifts and how those pursuits weave into their transformative growth! weavingwisdom.substack.com

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