84 | Sex in Philosophy w/ Dr. Manon Garcia

What's Left of Philosophy

In this episode, we talk with Manon Garcia about the problem of women’s submissiveness in feminist philosophy.  Then we discuss longstanding feminist criticisms of the concept of consent, what we want from consent in the first place, and what it could mean in the future. And we wonder if the reason it’s so hard to talk about sex in philosophy is that we don’t really think about it philosophically enough, which is too bad, since as it turns out, good sex is an integral part of the good life.

leftofphilosophy.com | @leftofphil


Manon Garcia, We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women’s Lives (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021).

Manon Garcia, The Joy of Consent: A Philosophy of Good Sex (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2023).


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