23 episodes

Awaken your creativity and true joyous nature with Beth Amine as she shares steps to help you live the life of your dreams. Enjoy an 'Unplugged' segment with 'the twins', Patti Teel and Beth Amine, as they openly discuss spiritual principles and life's challenges.

Joyous Every Day Living with Beth Amine Beth Amine

    • Health & Fitness

Awaken your creativity and true joyous nature with Beth Amine as she shares steps to help you live the life of your dreams. Enjoy an 'Unplugged' segment with 'the twins', Patti Teel and Beth Amine, as they openly discuss spiritual principles and life's challenges.

    Living a consistently Joyous Life

    Living a consistently Joyous Life

    Theme: Welcome to our exploration of living a consistently Joyous life. Party till checkout time!
    Hello everyone, Welcome and Happy New Year! This is my first show of the year with Hub for Humanity and my dear friend Patti Teel. Patti and I go way back we’ll finally be doing a regular series and I am so thrilled to be spending time with you. We will be sharing experiences and insights with you about how to lead a vibrant, healthy happy life or as my tag line says, party till checkout time! We will use the structure from my new book, Joyous Every Day Living and also spontaneous topics that just come up to be explored.
    The basic subject of all the talks is how to generate and maintain Joy or happiness throughout our lives and become accustomed to feeling good and choosing what makes us feel good. Believing that is our essential nature and purpose, so that we are in tune with and reflect the source of our aliveness.  That is the unblocked sense of self or life force and possibility.
    Every year I decide to choose a word that describes my intention or direction for the year. Mine is Unlimited. After many years of paying homage to limitations and the accompanying forcing that it takes to move forward. Relaxed therefore, my backup word. Think about it, a theme will usually easily appear. Abundance, love, courage, self-care, expansion? What is your word for the New Year?
    I recently had my first health experience, started with our natural disasters here in SB brought everything to the surface. I actually spent much of the holiday season doing “winter” or taking it easy and reflecting and identifying some of these learned patterns that were restricting me in every area. I didn’t dwell there but I did spend some time looking at where I was congested and looking at its source from my different parental lineages. We tend to focus so much on the pain rather than the message, what is it telling us me and what’s next.
    Three part process of identify, I spent some great time looking at the patterns and their origins, not to stay there but to be able to differentiate between that and create new.  Be happy enjoy life now in a state of positive expectation.
    Tell that new Story!!! So therefore the party how about choosing happiness? How about 2019 to be a year of fun and play! Sing and dance and laugh and smile and rejoice
    Chapter one, one the of biggest ways to party and have life filled with Joy is movement.
    For our unplugged segment:
    Anger over the current politics and news, body parts, value in life and what they have done with it trauma over political system fear of being who you are.
    It also brings up the topic of not letting outside influences disturb your happiness. in is that you allow the very forces that you are fighting against or disturbed by to win by giving them your power and your health and your attention. It is much more productive to place your attention elsewhere such is on all the positive things that are happening or that you could do yourself?
    Joyous Longevity Segment 1:
    Movement is essential for happiness, physical, mental and emotional. Get up and move or just sit and breathe. Find one way to do this daily!

    • 34 min
    Your Unique Dream

    Your Unique Dream

    Theme: Your unique dream and comfort with creative process keeps life fresh and new.
    Hello every one and welcome to Joyous Every Day Living. I’m Beth Amine and am so pleased to be with you, Patti Teel and Hub for Humanity for our second episode.
    I am so excited about this new show and discussing so many topics that I hear you talking about in my daily conversations with so many people. There are recurring themes in our overall topic of living a joyous life, many having to do with relationship to self and the self-love that you engender, embody or cultivate as the basis of living a deeply joyous life. The fifth chapter of the book, Joyous Every Day Living called Create goes into this in depth. Freshness, newness.
    Last week we chose a word for the New Year that would give us direction. If you haven’t done that yet think about it after the show or just let it come to you. It’s your intention or focus. This is very different from a goal or resolution. It’s like a guiding light. Mine was Unlimited with a sub or secondary word of Relaxed, because if I am relaxed I am unlimited, without blockages to my life. Patti chose courageous. Yours might be abundance, love any word that has an inner direction and feels right when you say or think it. Let it come. Don’t edit!
    We also suggested writing a new story for the year that would identify your dream. In a way this is one of your biggest creative projects. In other words how in your imagination would you like your life to look? I have found that there is a deep importance to having a dream. It is very different than having a goal which is more forced. This is more like a destination that takes you on an adventure. You know that saying the journey is more important that the destination? That really is true in my experience, and a happy journey is joy in your now moments. It is all about the growth and expansion of your being or inner life. I have found that this is a universal process and when we expand in sync with the universe around us, we are in a state of true aliveness. We are living in a changing universe in an expanding world.
    This brings me to creative process, or our relationship to the unknown as life unfolds. Since life is always in motion and has a basis in expansion it is very necessary to every day joy to have fluidity or flow with circumstances and what life and your dream bring. In my personal experience recently Patti and I had dreamed of an interactive talk show for years. It was an evolving process of clearing the past limitations of what we thought we could do and taking it a step at a time. It is often a circuitous route, learning this or that that doesn’t seem relevant at the time but adds to the entire creation. Such as me giving classes to elders and seeing what the pulse is out there of aging America and just how people view themselves in general. Or Patti getting a myriad of work experience with recording and event marketing.
    One thing I want to say is that it is not always comfortable but you’re always moving towards the joy the release the next expansion, That is why you need a dream it is all about the growth that is how you feel alive, moving to the next place. Yes you can stay comfortable if you choose it’s just that nature and space are continually expanding. The substance of who you are is so you need to expand with that. The joy is very deep. Being in sync with that creates deep harmony.
    So this is about being comfortable with newness even though it isn’t always comfortable but you are ok with that. Constantly throwing off and moving into the new. Learning a choreography or a new language or maybe it is even as deep as moving to a new location or an unexpected loss of some kind, not just your own choice of growth. Ultimately it’s fluidity with change. The thing about it is that you are enjoying where you are and you move to the next place. Remember you’re your neural pathways fresh and there are no mistakes is art!
    So this

    • 51 min
    Honor Yourself and your Story

    Honor Yourself and your Story

    Theme: Keeping your thoughts and perceptions self-honoring first. What others think and the path to your own happiness.
    Hello and welcome to our third Joyous Every Day Living Radio Show. I am Beth Amine here with my dear friend Patti Teel and Hub for Humanity. The basic focus of all the segments of the radio show is how to consistently cultivate Joy and stay in a state of vital, vibrant aliveness. This centers around having a beautiful loving fantastic relationship with yourself and keeping all your thoughts self-honoring first.  There are our two main themes, joy and self love.
    Here’s a little recap of our two previous shows. Our first was close to New Year’s and we picked a word that would give us a direction or a focus for the year and then we imagined and write the story of our lives that reflects your biggest more positive dream, a plan for your gift of a life here. This is exactly what you want, no hold barred even though you may be experiencing something different in the moment. I made mine in four segments, self, relationship, abundance and career or relationship to the world.
    Just so you know I’m in there with you and this show is working me as well. So I wrote my own story for the new year thinking it quite brilliant and timely and then I remembered I had written a story three or four years ago. I pulled it up on the computer and it was identical almost and it felt like I had not moved or changed much! At first I freaked out like I am an insane person on a treadmill. What have I been doing the last five years, so busy! I often process things physically so I tore a bunch of stuff out of my cluttered closet and started throwing things away. I had some deep need for simplicity.
    A couple of hours into it I got the AHA! And realized that I was satisfied to just happy with who I am and what I’ve got. I found that so peaceful and solid feeling. That is back to our circuitous theme of self love as the basis of your stability in life. Time to let go a bit and let life fill in. Like I said I am in the same lab of life as you, working through it all. Satisfied with what is and expecting the best.
    I let go into my new story and thought about all the learning and growth that the destination brought me even though all the results are not yet here. And the pieces fit, my health issues, I had to find another approach, my vehicle was getting burnt out, in order to expand to my dream, I had to let go and expand.
    My container was just too small. So this week my experience of that was around my story. I had so much creative fire and drove myself without balance and then I got myself sick because of it overworking burn out and now I’m letting go and living in the happy place such as business partners instead of the big load doing everything myself. So now it’s time to really embody it.  It’s the road I took that is important, the journey, and I also had to grow into the story. It took me years to grow into my story and I think I am there now. I had to cast off a lot from the past.
    At every minute you have the opportunity to pick war or peace, happy not happy, love myself or not,  in our other words there’s going to be conflict or contrast because that’s the way we grow and we are guided towards what we want but you want to create the highroad and stick there.
    Yes, you and your happiness matters. I listen to the conversations around me during the week dear friend, a very successful artist and a friend’s daughter who is  an artist and both were afraid to show up and value their unique expression. Another friend at 52 is getting a divorce and said she feels like she is going back to being 25 and asking who am I without the pleasing of others? What all my products are about. This is the re-occurring theme of self love. You do matter! This is big and in my new book it is the first section. Again I repeat what is your story, dream.
    You have to be tenacious about finding and being who you are. I do care, but

    • 42 min
    Engaging with Others!

    Engaging with Others!

    Theme: Joining your happy, loved self with others to expand your own joy and fulfillment. There are our two main show themes: joy and aspects of connecting to love.
    Hello and welcome to our fourth Joyous Every Day Living Radio Show. I am Beth Amine here with my dear friend Patti Teel and Hub for Humanity. The basic focus of all the segments of the radio show is how to consistently craft a joyous fulfilling expansive fully vibrant life and maintain a state of vital aliveness. A major component of this joy is having a beautiful loving fantastic relationship with yourself. Today we are going to explore bringing that loved self into relationship or connection with others. Our weekly topics are circuitous and overlap, weaving a tapestry of information for you to feel, experience and of course enjoy. It is loosely based on my book Joyous Every Day Living, and it’s tagline: party till check out time!
    Here’s a little recap of our three previous shows. Our first was close to New Year’s and we picked a word that would give us a direction or a focus for the year and then we imagined and wrote the story of our lives that reflects our biggest more positive dream, a blueprint for your gift of a life here. We used four segments, self, relationship, abundance and career. This is exactly what you want, no hold barred, even though you may be experiencing something different in the moment. We re-wrote the story that we usually tell into a more expansive new one and discussed creative process and the growth it takes you on.  So in moving towards your story there’s a whole experiential journey of transformation, letting go and re-creating and we talked about self-love being kind to and believing in yourself as a major component of this. This is personal power. So the next step is now that we are unfolding as fabulous, who and what do we unite or join with?
    Chapter 6 of my book Joyous Every Day Living is called Join. We are a combination of socially interdependent beings and the individual creators of our own lives. We are innately and biologically wired as a tribe or social group and studies show that those with no social contact live shorter sadder lives. Even our bodies are cooperative components of trillions of cells that constantly communicate with one another.
    This is a collaborative and co-operative model that I am looking at so much in my own life right now. For much of my almost 50 year career as a visual artist, dancer, performer and party starter, inventor, I did so much of it on my own. Power tools, business and negotiating contract agreements, marketing.
    That model is no longer working for me. I mentioned last week that I had to take some time off, otherwise known as a minor health issue, because my container was not big enough for where my life is meant to go. In other words I can’t do it all myself and that is not even fun!  It sparked a very huge change in my life, involving other talents into a co-operative creative mode. Now there’s nothing to do but join. Even this radio show is the symbol of that and is all about staying connected. I’m grateful that I spending so much time alone I am able to love my own company and created so much, although everyone would imagine I am the most social person in the world because I’m on stage so much but what I can accomplish on my own is so limited and my word for the year is unlimited. I have another artist girlfriend who is experiencing this and she is getting out of the studio and collaborating with dance studios and other media artists now.
    Collaborating powerfully in business is part of my big new dream and everywhere really. Not lifting stuff is another. I had an old habit of carrying burdens. I got a sore throat this weekend, another message from my body to rest, release all pressure and live in the joyous present. I got the idea to ask my Facebook community their favorite remedy. I got close to 200 home remedies! Sore throat went away, it was fun. So there are m

    • 37 min
    Creating Your Own Reality

    Creating Your Own Reality

    Theme: Do you believe that you can and do consciously create your future? Do you believe that that anything is possible and the thoughts you consistently think create your reality?
    There are our two main show themes: Cultivating consistent joy and staying connected to love.
    Hello and welcome to our fifth Joyous Every Day Living Radio Show. I am Beth Amine here with my dear friend Patti Teel and Hub for Humanity. The basic focus of all the segments of the radio show is how to consistently create a joyous fulfilling, expansive and vibrant life. It is loosely based on my book Joyous Every Day Living, and its tagline: party till check out time!
    I am so excited about this radio show, every week it seems to write itself. Every week the topic presents itself according to how I am growing and all the conversations around me. In our past four segments we discussed picking a word for the year that is in alignment with your growth, re-writing the story that you usually tell to one of the most positive and desired future, and the creative process or journey into the unknown that these two take you on and the result: connecting to personal power. Then we experienced the fulfillment of joining our new self-loved self with others in community.
    I realized when I was thinking about our past shows that so much of the premise of living in joy lies in the belief that you can create your own life and your own reality. In order to create a joyous life you have to believe that you have this power, and practice it! Culturally, science gives us models of understanding of the world we live in and we are affected by these beliefs. We have been very used to an old scientific Newtonian model of reality based on cause and effect, waiting for something outside of us to change how we feel inside. Events are predictable and you essentially live life as a victim of others, your environment and circumstances. So things happen to you. We have a new model of reality now in Quantum physics where everything is a vibration or energy that slows down to become matter and the outcome of experiments are affected by the input of the observer. In the quantum model, you cause the effect! What you think and feel now creates the reality; you don’t wait for it to happen. This is true creative power that we as humans all have.
    So where do we get caught in all of this? It is our usual habits or unconscious programming that stands in the way.
    I have been noticing that if I’m not careful, I get up in the morning and think the same things I did before. Oh I don’t have enough of that, where am I going to get it, problems first.  EEEK!
    So what are these habits that define and control us? They are an unconscious set of automatic behaviors and responses that you have done so many times you don’t even know you are doing it or how it happens. It’s just like an automatic computer program. You tell your same story over again through the same circuits in your past, old memories, old problems. So if you start your day in the past, the past will most likely become your predictable future. How do these habits form? Responses to parents and culture, but that is not as important as noticing them and finding the ones that are not liberating your joy! If you can and do believe that your thoughts create your current reality, in order to create a fresh future you have to think greater or different than the past. If you think everything the same all the time, you are being run by your own program and you are not fully alive because you are not using your free will or choice. You’ve got to change up the memorized behaviors and responses.
    When I observe, I cannot believe how many things I do unconsciously the same way I eat, pick up a fork, freak out when the gas gage gets empty which I always let it do, endless. I had an enforced vacation at the end of the year last year where I knew that if I didn’t change I was headed for real a health disaster, my body did not want to put

    • 35 min
    Podcast Episode 7 Joyous Every Day Living

    Podcast Episode 7 Joyous Every Day Living

    Beth explains why she doesn't recommend New Year's Resolutions and shares innovative advice on Creating the Life of your Dreams.  Contact her for individual coaching or any questions at her email   bethamine@cox.net and visit her website at https://www.bethamine.com  Her book, Joyous Every Day Living, can be purchased on Amazon.

    • 15 min

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