080 Change, Control, Courage, and Cougars (feat. Kellie Parks, CPB)

Accounting High

Episode 80 | Recorded May 9, 2022

The Accounting High Booster Club, thank you GoProposal for the support!

GoProposal https://goproposal.com

Today we have Scott and Kellie Parks CPB chatting during their time in Paradise Point San Diego. Hop on a conversation that revolves around change and why there is no stopping the Big Shift that our industry is currently on. Kellie shares how change has been a very fun experience for her and how she embraced these changes over time. Aren’t you tired of the current practices that you’re doing in your firm? Or are you content with everything right now that these changes seem more like a chore? Tune in as Scott and Kellie dissect these changes and how they continue to cope with what’s hot

0 - The SaaSy Accounting Coach

3 - Scott and Kellie in Paradise Point San Diego

6 - I do lots of accounting but I’m not an accountant

10 - How Kellie found her love for accounting

13 - I do one personal tax return a year and every single year that client does not pay me and complains about the job that I did

Shoutout to Ryan Lazanis, CPA, Chad Davis, Brian Clare, Rachel Fisch, CPB

Shoutout to our sponsors GoProposal

20 - “Change is hard. Not changing will be harder” - Kellie Parks

25 - People who have trouble with change have not experienced the fun of it

28 - The fun factor in implementing tech is waaaaay underrated

Shoutout to Zapier, 17Hats, Acuity Scheduling, Acuity Accounting, Matthew May

37 - We control numbers and then we try to control everything else around us

Shoutout to Blake Oliver, CPA, Kyle Turriff

41 - Coms: from COMpetitors to COMmunity

Shoutout to Jason Staats, CPA, MBA

47 - Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

53 - Go get the things you need to get, don’t have them shipped to you

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