#impact | Social Impact, Social Entrepreneurship, Careers for Social Good

Regina Larko
#impact | Social Impact, Social Entrepreneurship, Careers for Social Good Podcast

#impact invites you in to eavesdrop on intimate, raw and honest conversations on creating positive change in the world. Brought to you, with love, by Regina Larko, the voice that encourages you to get curious about what making an impact means to you. www.hashtagimpact.com

  1. 21 AUG

    Nurturing and Nourishing Impact Ecosystems

    In this episode, you will meet Dorothy Lam, Co-Founder and Chief Catalyst at Dream Impact and Dr Nimisha Vandan, Co-founder & Director of OkayMinds Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. Dorothy Lam With a multi-dimensional background and experience in emerging technology, social innovation and arts in New York City, Hong Kong, Berlin & Abu Dhabi, Dorothy integrates various disciplines of wellness, resilience and innovation of how businesses can integrate community-driven and human-centric solutions to solve today’s pressing social issues. Having successfully built a network of 160+ social startups, NGOs, universities, impact investors and corporates to work on cross-sector collaborations, through a co-working and events collaboration hub, ESG & impact solutions advisory, and impact capital services. Dream Impact is the leading impact ecosystem builder in Hong Kong. Dream Impact 夢創成真 – Hong Kong’s Largest Network of Social Ventures Dr Nimisha Vandan At okayminds they empower individuals and communities to bring mental health at forefront by prioritizing to deal with emotional and social concerns, needs, and challenges.Dr. Nimisha Vandan, is a former Post-Doctoral Fellow of the School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong. She was part of a global research team that is researching the impact of Covid-19 on public health in Canada, UK, China, and Hong Kong. She is certified to conduct Mental Health First Aid and carries certification in Mental Health Literacy. Okay Minds – MENTAL HEALTH FOR EVERYONE You will hear Nimisha share her journey from academia to mental health advocacy, emphasizing the importance of destigmatizing mental health issues and promoting wellness. Dorothy discusses the significance of sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives, focusing on the importance of personal transformation and localizing global mandates. Together, they provide valuable insights and practical tips for fostering a positive impact on both a local and global scale. Spotlights: * Nimisha on Mental Health: * Discussion on the stigma and taboos surrounding mental health globally. * Statistics: 1 in 4 people will experience mental health issues in their lifetime. * The importance of recognizing mental health conditions early and understanding their impact. * Stress as a precursor to more severe mental health conditions. * Empowering individuals through awareness and simple wellness practices. * Analogy of mental health to a phone battery – essential for optimal functioning. * Dorothy on Sustainability and ESG: * The role of Hong Kong as a bridge between China and the world in ESG development. * Helping companies localize global ESG mandates.

    45 min
  2. 16 JUL

    Who inspires you in the way they build community?

    Who inspires you in the way they build community? This is the final question we ask all of our Season 6 guests, and they always share the most beautiful examples. Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. Hear the voices of our community After a short update from Regina, reflecting on how #impact Season 6 has been going so far, you will hear from people within our community—fellow changemakers, podcasters, impact makers, collaborators, and partners. They all have some beautiful stories to share, and you can get inspired by them. This podcast is not a one-way street—we would love to hear your voice as well! You can send us your voice note at: https://www.speakpipe.com/makeanimpact Find a helpful storytelling guide on how to tell your best impact story here: https://www.hashtagimpact.com/story/ Hear the voices of our community and find out who inspires them. Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. Voices featured in this episode: In chronological order as heard in the episode: * Stephanie Fuccio https://www.linkedin.com/in/dstephfuccio/ * Akshita Raj Sinha https://www.linkedin.com/in/akshita-raj-sinha-425904186/ * April Nordyke https://www.linkedin.com/in/doorkeypod/ * Amy Choy https://www.instagram.com/coachamychoy/ * Gathoni Ngumba https://www.linkedin.com/in/gathoningumba/ Connect with us  Connect with the #impact team on Instagram @hashtagimpact  or just send us an email at hello@hashtagimpact.com  Want to start your own Podcast?  Click HERE to get our free guide.  Get on our email news/love letter HERE & we will send something super special your way.

    14 min
  3. 18 JUN

    Bridging Race and Disability in Advocacy | Erika L Watson | Intersection Collective

    “A community means including the voices, including the experiences, including the wisdom of the very community that you are trying to be in service to.” Erika L Watson Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. Meet Erika Watson Meet Erika L. Watson, founder and CEO of The Intersection Collective, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to advocating for and empowering individuals at the intersection of race and disability.Erika’s work is focusing on improving the lives of children of color with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and communities. She also supports executives on their journey to becoming more intentionally inclusive in their leadership. Erika’s impressive resume includes serving on the Equitable Nutrition in Schools Advisory Council to First Lady Michelle Obama, contributing to the historic Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 2010. She also founded Dress for Success in Washington, D.C., a nonprofit that has empowered over 30,000 women, many of whom are disabled, BIPOC, formerly incarcerated, and possess intersecting identities, to build skills and secure meaningful career opportunities. “Nothing about us without us” Erika sheds light on her personal journey and the motivations behind her work. As a mother and caregiver for a parent with cognitive disabilities, she has firsthand experience of the challenges faced by those with disabilities. The Intersection Collective’s mantra, “Nothing about us without us,” highlights the importance of including voices from the disability community in advocacy and decision-making processes. Emphasizing the need for intentional inclusivity It’s a team effort. Sylvia Nyegenye (on the left) and Kelly Green(on the right) are part of the Intersection Collective team. Erika shares her vision for The Intersection Collective, emphasizing the need for intentional inclusivity. She recounts the everyday struggles and triumphs of caring for her mother, revealing the systemic barriers that people with marginalized identities and with disabilities face. Through her work, Erika aims to bring purposefulness and intentionality to making the world more inclusive for people with intersectional identities. Building the village One of the key projects The Intersection Collective is currently working on is a pilot program called “The Village.” This initiative aims to empower parents of color with children with learning differences and disabilities to become more effective advocates for their children. By providing culturally responsive and inclusive advocacy training, The Village seeks to build a community network that amplifies voices and fosters equity in education. Celebrating milestones Erika emphasizes the importance of celebrating milestones, big and small, in the journey of social impact work. She shares personal anecdotes about the transformative power of recognizing and honoring achievements, no matter how minor they may seem. For Erika, celebrating milestones is crucial for maintaining motivation and sustaining the often challenging work of advocacy and leadership.She describes how acknowledging successes, such as completing a grant proposal or making strides in a pilot program,

    43 min
  4. 21 MAY

    It Takes a Village - Motherhood Revisited | Marlene Hofer | Grow Human

    “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.” – Maya Angelou Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. Meet Marlene Hofer Marlene Hofer is a Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, and Postpartum Doula, who passionately champions women’s causes. She’s not only dedicated to her work but also to fostering a supportive community for mothers in Zurich, Switzerland. Marlene’s journey intersects with that of #impact founder Regina Larko, her close friend of over two decades, starting from their days as Sinology students at the University of Vienna.In this episode, Marlene and Regina talk about something that is very close to both of their hearts. You will hear them talk about an adventure that’s both beautiful and heartbreaking, something that fills them personally with so much love, joy but also rage and despair. The Emotional Spectrum of Motherhood “Love, joy, rage, despair.” These are just a few of the emotional coordinates on the map of motherhood within the complex system mothers find themselves.Marlene elaborates on the multifaceted nature of these feelings and invites us to explore the depths of how we personally experience motherhood. The Hardest Thing About Becoming a Mom What’s the hardest thing about becoming a mom? Marlene and Regina reflect on the challenges, offering vulnerable insights into the profound changes that they have experienced in their own lives as they became mothers. “And while it makes perfect sense , that the mother and the baby are a unit even after the baby is born (…) That’s the human condition that the women and the kid are connected but that’s why it’s also so easy and a real pitfall that women lose themselves in the process. They give so much and they dissolve. They do not even transform in the process of becoming a mother (…) their boundaries get all mixed up.”Marlene Hofer Building “The Village” Marlene is building a nurturing community for mothers, aptly named “The Village.” It’s not just a community; it’s a safe space for mothers to find support and understanding. Mothering the Mother What does this expression mean to Marlene, and how does it translate into her work and advocacy for mothers? “Mother is a verb” Marlene Hofer Marlene challenges conventional ideas of power, portraying motherhood as a bottom-up force, the root of family and society, an entity that transcends traditional power dynamics. The Birth of Postpartum Doula Work “How did your postpartum doula work come to be?” They explore.Marlene shares her story – a tale of passion, empathy, and the desire to support women during one of the most transformative phases of their lives. A Passion for Change Marlene advocates for unity among women and families, emphasizing the strength found in collective action against systemic challenges. Sharing experiences, whether online or offline,

    54 min
  5. 30 APR

    Celebrating Community: 7 years of #impact Podcast

    Listen in to join the 7 years of #impact Podcast anniversary that’s sees old and new podcast guests, community members, guest host, the most loyal fans and friends of the #impact come together as they share their voices and personal notes on what the show means to them. Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. “This podcast is a gift that keeps giving.”Regina Larko Learn about the podcast’s beginnings, its challenges, and the triumphs that have made it a top-ranking show.  But this isn’t just #impact founder Regina Larko’s story – it’s a snapshot from community members who have been touched by #impact. As we listen to co-host Belinda Esterhammer and guests reminisce, laugh, and occasionally tear up, we are reminded of the power of community.  “It’s been my greatest joy to see this community of #impact grow.”Regina Larko From the first sponsor (thank you, Retykle!) who believed in the vision to the guests who became hosts and mentors, every story underscores the podcast’s core message: together, we can make a difference. This episode is for anyone who strives to create change.  “”I’m feeling a lot of emotions. I’m feeling happy and grateful.”Regina Larko Regina’s reflection on the 1134 liters of coffee consumed in service of the podcast is a humorous nod to the tireless dedication behind the scenes. As the episode draws to a close with a cake reveal and a collective high-five, listeners are left with a sense of hope.  #impact podcast has not only provided a platform for impactful stories but has also inspired listeners to embark on their own journeys of change. So, whether you’ve been with #impact from the start or are just tuning in, this episode is a celebration of all that has been achieved and all that is yet to come.  Join the party, share in the joy, and be inspired to make your own impact in the world.  Listen now and become part of a community that believes in the power of positive change. Listen on Apple, Spotify or any of your favorite Podcast players. Featured guests: * Regina Larko https://www.linkedin.com/in/regina-larko/ * Belinda Esterhammer https://www.linkedin.com/in/esterhammer/ * S.Alice Mong https://www.linkedin.com/in/s-alice-mong-4267bb15/ * Amel Derragui https://www.linkedin.com/in/amel-derragui-3a11384/

    1h 5m
  6. 1 APR

    From Crises to Courage | Catherine Gurtin | PathFinders

    Meet Catherine Gurtin, Chief Executive Officer of PathFinders Hong Kong. PathFinders mission is to ensure the most vulnerable and unsupported children in Hong Kong are protected and respected, and their migrant mothers are empowered to find a path to a brighter future. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts or any of your favorite Podcast players. A Journey of Passion and Purpose Catherine Gurtin’s journey spans over a decade of work on child rights and protection across Asia. Passionate about uniting people for common goals, Catherine’s commitment led her to PathFinders in 2019, after a significant tenure with Save the Children. But her story doesn’t stop at the professional; she’s also a devoted wife, mother of two, and, in Hong Kong, a working professional thanks to the invaluable support of a migrant domestic worker. Lessons in Humanity PathFinders, in its 15th year, strives to protect vulnerable children and empower migrant mothers toward brighter futures. In our conversation, Catherine shares insights into her complex and transformative experiences with PathFinders. From facing the crises that unfolded during the pandemic to impactful collaboration with her peers, she unveils the depth of her learnings about humanity. “It’s only when you step outside of your comfort zone that you realize you have so much more courage and strength than you ever knew you were capable of”Catherine Gurtin Celebrating the Community Catherine’s emphasis on teamwork is evident in a heartfelt sharing of each team members’ and ambassador community contribution towards their common goal. “People often comment that from the moment they walk through our door, they feel an overwhelming sense of energy. Truly, one would be hard pressed to find a more passionate, committed and talented group of people. Thank you team, for the daily inspiration and support that you offer me. I couldn’t be more proud of all that we are achieving together to ensure every child born to a migrant mother is protected and receives a fair start in life!” Catherine Gurtin shares on Pathfinder’s Social Media channels There’s so much to learn from Catherine’s lessons about motivating a team during the most challenging moments too. Because how can you keep showing up despite the setbacks, the often heartbreaking cases that their crises and prevention team works on. How do you keep showing up as a leader then? Catherine will share how. Building Community Amidst Crisis PathFinders’ emblem is the sunflower, symbolizing resilience and warmth. Catherine shares the organization’s values, emphasizing collaboration, dedication, and the importance of diverse backgrounds and skills in making it through hurdles and setbacks.This season on #impact is all about community, and PathFinders lives and breathes this spirit. In our conversation, Catherine candidly discusses two challenging moments—both tied to the impact on migrant domestic workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    58 min
  7. 5 MAR

    Turning Audio Stories into Impact | Claire Murigande | Narratives of Purpose

    Meet Claire Murigande, Creator & Host of the award nominated podcast ‘Narratives of Purpose’. Claire Murigande is a forward-looking curious mind with the vision to amplify social impact through audio storytelling. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts or any of your favorite Podcast players. Meet Claire Murigande  Claire is known to empower and inspire people and as you start listening to this episode you will understand why. She is a passionate advocate for the furthering and advancement of women in the business of healthcare. You will also often find her on stages speaking on topics such as self-awareness, inclusive leadership, social impact, gender parity, inclusion and health equity.Growing up as a third culture kid in Switzerland she built a career in the life sciences industry. Now she leverages her professional and personal background as she is building an audio first platform and community with her podcast production Narratives of Purpose. Why audio? A Podcaster sharing about her passion for telling impactful audio stories – needless to say that you will feel the love for the medium that Claire brings to the conversation from the first minute. The human voice, with its capacity to convey emotion and nuance, brings an unparalleled authenticity to storytelling. Claire’s podcast leverages this emotional resonance to connect with listeners on a deep level. The subtle inflections, pauses, and cadence in her conversations add layers of depth, creating emotional touchpoints that linger long after the episode concludes. This emotional engagement is a driving force behind the transformative potential of audio storytelling. Celebrating and Reflecting on the Wins and the Fails Claire recently celebrated the third anniversary of her podcast, ‘Narratives of Purpose.’ In this episode we explore the highs of this journey and also inquire about any failures that have shaped her growth. What she learned from successes and setbacks in the world of impactful storytelling will inspire you to look at your own impact making ambitions from a different angle. From the challenges of highlighting inspiring stories during a pandemic to the beauty of unexpected connections, Claire shares her insights gained from her podcasting journey. Embracing Diversity and Belonging Claire, growing up as a third-culture kid, sheds light on the concept of belonging. How has her diverse background shaped the conversations on her podcast? What unique perspectives does she bring to discussions on self-awareness and inclusivity? Tune in to discover the richness diversity brings to her own podcast as well to us here at #impact. Listen on a href="https://podcasts.

    40 min
  8. 12 FEB

    Building from Scratch: A Deep Dive into Impactful Collaboration

    In this episode you will meet 3 individuals that ask themselves hard questions about growing their impact as they reflect on the work it really takes when building something from scratch. Which kind of collaborations can foster meaningful change? What kind of thinking is needed? How do we go from ideas to action? Their advice will set you up for paving your own way without neglecting your needs or mental health. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts or any of your favorite Podcast players. Meet our guest host – Christopher Ritsch  In the early stages of his academic journey, he unearthed his passion for entrepreneurship. It was during his overseas semester that he had the chance to craft a startup concept over a single weekend at Techstars Weekend. His passion for sustainability and sports has consistently driven his pursuits, both in his post-graduation work with diverse sustainable startups and in his personal pursuits. Today, he is on a mission with his platform “Limitless Impact” to bridge the worlds of impact-driven entrepreneurs and change-makers. Building on a promising synergy between an influencer’s expansive reach and an entrepreneur’s innovative thinking, he is on a mission to uncover how this combination can be a driving force for positive global change. Meet our featured guests Alexandra Kick, co-founder of Thinkubator As an impact entrepreneur, Alexandra is convinced that business can become part of the solution to the multiple crises we experience. Besides the circular economy, she is also passionate about linking gender equity and climate action. “Aligning work with impact is beautiful but exhausting at the same time. I had a hard time to establish healthy boundaries that allow me to rest and say – it’s enough.”Alexandra Kick Astrid Aschenbrenner, Entrepreneur, Einzelstück & Fashion Revolution Astrid works as a content creator and activist. Founder of the slow fashion brand Einzelstück and co-founder of Fashion Revolution Austria she is wearing many hats.Her passion for driving change has led her into burn out in the past which is why she also focuses on raising awareness around mental health in her own podcast Schauma mal, that she co-hosts with Sophie Richter. Asked about the most difficult moment she had to overcome in her impact journey so far she shares: “Managing a start-up on my own without any background whatsoever. I am a complete autodidact, which can be challenging especially in the beginning, because you have to just trust in your idea and success.” Astrid Aschenbrenner In this episode, we explore the journey of building organizations from the ground up. Our guests talk about the challenges and excitement of social entrepreneurship, offering practical advice for those passionate about making a difference.Tune in to get tips on navigating growth challenges, maintaining mental well-being, and understanding the dedication and collaborations needed for launching social impact initiatives. Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out,

    43 min



#impact invites you in to eavesdrop on intimate, raw and honest conversations on creating positive change in the world. Brought to you, with love, by Regina Larko, the voice that encourages you to get curious about what making an impact means to you. www.hashtagimpact.com

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