How Things Connect

Stephanie Wang
How Things Connect Podcast

How Things Connect podcast shares insight and wisdom on empowerment, healing and evolution that integrates heart, mind, body and spirit on a personal and planetary level. It's about elevating and inspiring each other to fully be our authentic selves and live purposefully. 

  1. 27/02/2023

    Ep. 27 Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine For Expanding Human Potential with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

    Genius doctor, innovative scientist, researcher and inventor Dr. Todd Ovokaitys joins us for a mind-blowing conversation on his laser biophysics research and stem cell protocol using electromagnetic frequency to reverse biological age at the DNA level. By using vibrational frequency and no chemistry whatsoever, he has developed technology that can activate, upregulate and direct stem cells to enhance life force in a system, reducing viral loads and healing disease. He shares his fascinating journey and passion that lies beyond life extension into exploring full human potential.  Besides the physical, how does his tech help resolve emotional conflict and enhance consciousness to engineer a new kind of human? With renewed physical vigor and extra biological time, the question then becomes are you up-leveling mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Continuing his work with frequency Dr. Todd created a movement known as Pineal Tones - a system of sounds based on ancient ways of knowing that are designed to assist with human balance, health and expansion of awareness. We also explore how his technology extends to animals and plants with major implications for farming and agriculture, and its potential for producing more high quality and nutrient-dense food. About Dr. Ovokaitys: Dr. Todd  was first in his class in High School and at Northwestern University and was accepted only after 2 years of college to the premiere program at Johns Hopkins Medical School.  He then did further training at Georgetown in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary and Intensive Care Medicine.  He has become a leader in laser biophysics research and has developed a stem cell protocol that has reversed biological age at the DNA level more than any other method in medical history.  He has been granted multiple patents in stem cells, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and even agriculture. Dr. Todd also composes chorale and instrumental symphonic pieces.  The transcendental choirs he has created and produced all around the world, with up to 900+ choristers, rejuvenate the body while immensely boosting personal vibrational and awareness sates.  The combination of the biomedical and esoteric reflect his passion for the full exploration and expansion of the human potential. Dr. Todd’s inventions are bringing a new way of thinking about aging and medicine, based on the body’s nutritional needs rather than pure chemical attempts to heal symptoms and issues. His contributions to the science of aging, advanced nutrition, and to solving issues of human disease, are outstanding. Learn More & Connect:

    1h 2m
  2. 22/07/2022

    Ep. 26 Reimagining Education Through Indic Knowledge Systems and Sacred Relationship with Suparna Diwakar

    Extraordinary educational and developmental leader and facilitator Suparna Diwakar imparts her wisdom on reimagining education. She brings back a sense of purpose for youth through the understanding of sacred relationship with the larger whole and living systems that we all belong to. Through ancient Indic knowledge systems and concepts such as The Pusharta that guide human behavior, young people are taught the importance of tempering human desires such as economic growth within a context of wellbeing, sustainability and regeneration. Businesses and organizations in turn can be looked at as living systems instead of extracting, transactional machines. Systems thinking when expanded to living systems prioritizes relationships over mere connections. This is a pathway to introduce and activate a regenerative paradigm in which all can benefit on an individual, societal and planetary level. About Suparna: Suparna has worked extensively in the development sector in India for over thirty years. Her work has been at different scales ranging from the grassroots to being part of policy making bodies. Suparna has also co-founded organisations in the social sector the most recent one being Indian School of Development Management. As Dean at ISDM, she led the integration of wellbeing in the curriculum.Over the past few years she has been exploring the idea of regeneration for thriving and flourishing of all life on Mother Earth, and the contributions that Indic Knowledge Systems can make for Universal Wellbeing. She has recently designed and run a course on Regenerative Leadership, and is facilitating organisations to embed principles of regeneration in their design and practice.Suparna consults in the education space and is currently a member of a Task Force set up by the government for the implementation of India's National Education Policy 2020 in the state of Karnataka. Till recently she held the position of Director, Centre for Regenerative Development at Rashtram School of Public Leadership. Connect and follow:

    1h 6m
  3. 03/05/2022

    Ep. 25 Choosing Aliveness To Create An Abundant Future with Duane Elgin

    It was an honor to chat with the extraordinary Duane Elgin - internationally recognized speaker, author, activist and social visionary. We discuss earth as a living system with which we are not only connected, but also forms part of a totality that is regenerating itself moment to moment. As Joseph Campbell once said, “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive”.  When we can shift our sense of identity to something much larger than our individual selves and learn to be a part of  the living universe, we become part of this field of aliveness that transforms our cultural narrative toward a sustainable and meaningful future. Duane talks about how we, as humanity, are in our adolescent phase going through this realization moment, rebelling against nature and human nature. Both humility and courage are necessary to choose alternate paths to functional extinction and authoritarianism. We go through Duane’s “7 Uplifting forces” of how to nurture both resilience and aliveness so that humanity can move from a whole systems crisis to viable and abundant future. About Duane: Duane Elgin is an internationally recognized speaker, author, citizen activist and social visionary who looks beneath the surface turbulence of our times to explore the deeper trends that are transforming our world. In 2006, Duane received the International Goi Peace Award in Japan in recognition of his contribution to a global “vision, consciousness, and lifestyle” that fosters a “more sustainable and spiritual culture.” Duane is currently the Co-director of the Choosing Earth Project. His many books include: Choosing Earth: Humanity’s Journey of Initiation Through Breakdown and Collapse to Mature Planetary Community; The Living Universe, Promise Ahead: Voluntary Simplicity, Awakening Earth . And With Joseph Campbell and other scholars he co-authored the book Changing Images of Man . In the early 1970s, he worked as a senior staff member of a joint Presidential-Congressional Commission on the American Future, and as a senior social scientist with the think-tank SRI International. Over the past thirty years, Duane has co-founded three non-profit organizations working for media accountability, citizen empowerment, and a trans-partisan ‘community voice’ movement. For the past three years, he has been the executive director of a project that has brought together more than a dozen “Great Transition Stories” that offer new cultural narratives toward a sustainable and meaningful future. Learn more at  and

    1h 8m
  4. 28/04/2022

    Ep. 24 Foundations For Holistic Health In Herbalism, Food and Nature with Rachelle Robinett

    Amazing herbalist, educator, life-long naturalist and founder of Supernatural Rachelle Robinett joins the conversation on how spending time in nature helps ground us into a better understanding of health, life and death, and offers her approach to holistic health and wellbeing. She shares her personal story of growing up in nature and how travel and solitude are wonderful ways to self-disrupt that allow for greater creativity to emerge.  Making small changes in your lifestyle and and getting back to basic food choices can lead to meaningful outcomes for improving health.  Educating yourself about gut health, nutrition and mental health empower you to have a deeper relationship with your body and its specific health needs beyond what a herbalist or health practitioner can provide for you. The loss of Rachelle’s father inspired her to write her book Bigger Than The World and The Universe which became a journey of alchemizing grief into art. Death is an integral part of life and there is an opportunity for holistic health practitioners to further serve their communities by incorporating alternative ways to meet death and loss on an emotional, mental and physical level. About Rachelle: Pharmakon Supernatural was founded and is led by Rachelle Robinett RH (AHG)—Herbalist, educator, and life-long naturalist. Rachelle combines traditional medicine and current health insights — and an understanding of both individual behavior modification and wellness industry zeitgeists — to create life-changing health for thousands of people every day. Rachelle has spent thousands of hours teaching, speaking, publishing, and in private practice — and in building Supernatural from idea to ecosystem as a sole founder and CEO. In addition to directing the operations of Supernatural, Rachelle writes, consults, and offers professional consulting for companies in the wellbeing and related industries. In active recovery, Rachelle travels fervently, writes, trains like a would-be athlete, and practices solitude. She is dedicated to exploring the human experience — driven equally by grit and the wind. Pharmakon Supernatural is a New York based, globally-spirited company dedicated to the art of functional nature. The Supernatural network includes Supernatural apothecary & online shop, a product line of herbal gummies (HRBLS), and on-demand online classes that blend global herbalism with modern health science and unique, empowering approaches to reclaiming our health. Learn more at Follow on Instagram @rachellerobinett

    1h 4m
  5. 23/04/2022

    Ep. 23 Designing Spaces To Enliven Human Experience with Olivia Guethling

    Olivia Guethling, founder of The Alchemy Center and dynamic creative producer and designer shares her passion and work on creating immersive environments and interactive events that nurture innovation, social impact and regenerative culture. She takes us through her matrix of turning ‘wasted time’ into a powerful practice integrating daydreaming, pondering, and play for fertile creation that can be applied to all kinds of spaces, whether public or personal, physical or mental. How do we create environments that are more human? How do we educate to become more respectful beings that recognize ourselves as belonging to nature, and are in conscious symbiosis with her? How do we integrate technology in a healthy way that aligns with our hearts and our aliveness? All of these topics are explored as Olivia discusses her incredible project that transforms the narrative of death into a homecoming that celebrates the true meaning of life, using human compost for ecological restoration. About Olivia: Olivia Guethling, Founder of the Alchemy Center, is a Creative Producer, Graphic Designer and Artist based in Portland OR. She is known for her unique capacity to embody the often separate roles of creative ideation, design, production and execution. Olivia curates immersive environments that nurture and catalyze innovation, creativity, and ideation. She's worked in a variety of industries, such as architecture, environmental science, event production, social impact, art, and XR. Olivia’s primary medium is collaboration. She is committed to every person, every collaborator, and every team knowing themselves and one another as whole living systems, and this approach allows all within the ecosystem to create from and with integrity, care, and self-reflection.   Presently, Olivia is developing new models for how we envision collaborative culture through an innovative artistic experience center. She has earned sustained recognition for her work, including a Fulbright Scholarship among other honors. Learn more at Follow on Instagram

    1h 11m
  6. 18/04/2022

    Ep.22 From Confusion To Direction - Modalities For Self-Navigation with Brynja Magnusson

    Brynja Magnusson - author, illustrator and practitioner of energetics and mysticism, takes us on a journey to discover various modalities that can help us find purpose and direction. She shares her personal story of how animal totems, Human Design, I-Ching and Gene Keys helped her heal from trauma and chronic disease. Orienting ourselves during times of change and darkness is particularly relevant right now. Navigating life well means understanding how to recalibrate how we relate to our surroundings as well as to our inner-selves.  Brynja shows how practical these ancient and modern modalities can be, many of which are inspired by nature, and how they apply to both our physical health and emotional and mental wellbeing. She delves into yin mysticism and the unintegrated and obscured part of all genders that holds the hidden keys to the one of the greatest misunderstood and untapped resource of our collective human existence. Learning how to have a different relationship with the unknown can bring more peace and wisdom into our lives. About Brynja: Brynja Magnusson is author and illustrator on topics of energetics, mysticism, and spirituality. During her apprenticeships in these modalities, she began creating illustrated guides to include others interested in pursuing the same niche areas of study. Creator of Animal Totems and the I Ching, the Human Design Deck, and Incarnation Cross: A Guidebook of Purpose Archetypes, Brynja publishes her own notes as a way of both learning and sharing. For 10 years she has been studying tools such as the I Ching, animal totem archetype, and healing modalities that address untreatable or undiagnosable chronic pain and illness. After several life-altering spiritual encounters in nature resulting in the recovery from chronic illness, the study of spirituality has been her sole focus and career through modalities such as Shamanic initiations, Eastern spirituality, manual therapies, Nahuatl ritual, and nature immersion. A central goal in the disparate areas of Brynja’s work is using art to expose the lost or obscured tools of self-guidance and orientation. Being swept into confusion, disorientation, or chaos is an unavoidable aspect in the rhythm of life. However, these phases do not have to be viewed as bad or negative events. We can collect proven tools that provide us with ballast in the dark. With increasing awareness of the self and how nature consistently sends warnings and advice, we can experience these periods differently. The skills to find signs, messages, advice, guidance or direction can be cultivated through myriad systems. Humans of an early and wild earth labored over guidance systems that can be recalled and reused even in modern times. With practices of orientation in our tool belt, we can enter even the most nightmarish moments of darkness to not only find our way but also be enormously productive. Learn more at

    1h 15m
  7. 31/01/2022

    Ep. 21 The Power of Purpose and Permissionless Innovation with Elliot Kotek

    Elliot Kotek is a leading mind on purposeful content, technology-for-good and storytelling for social impact. His personal process of self-disruption in conjunction with creating accountability to others helps him accomplish impressive results where nothing is impossible. Brilliant ideas that lack empathy, or compassionate desire alone without ideas to implement change, both fail to create real impact.  Elliot shares in detail how “Ideas + Empathy = Impact” through his many incredible projects that combine innovative technology and purpose, and shows how storytelling can beautifully amplify this impact. Applied passion creates purpose. By showing up for what we feel passionate about we can find like-minded people to help and support us on our path, and we’re able overcome obstacles and fear, such as loss of security, to realize a much greater purpose that is essential to thriving as human beings. About Elliot: A leader in innovation, technology and purposeful media, Elliot's projects have a global, empathy and impact-led agenda. His LA-based creative consultancy and production-house, The Nation of Artists, generates feature and short documentaries, documentary series and virtual reality/360 experiences. Even during COVID, The Nation of Artists has deployed film crews to more than 30 cities in 14 countries on 5 continents. Often brand-led, and always human-centered, Elliot has collaborated with the likes of AARP, Accenture, Aflac, Amgen, Campbell's, CNBC, FIRST Robotics, Hyundai, Intel, LEGO, McKinsey & Company, National Geographic, NBC Peacock, Netflix, New Balance, Qualcomm, the UN and Whirlpool & Habitat for Humanity - where his projects have included producing the first ever user-generated feature film across five continents, storytelling about a social robot for kids with cancer, enabling technology for a farmer with ALS to independently tell his wife he loves her, covering clean cookstoves in India being connected to the mobile communications grid, investigating iPads being used by artisanal fishermen in Colombia, and producing the world’s first lab to make 3D-printed prosthetic limbs for the children of war-torn Sudan. Documentaries include "Little Miss Sumo" (Netflix), "Black Boys" (Peacock), "Queen Mimi" (Amazon Prime); Docu-series include "Superhuman" and "Coded" (Facebook Watch), "Challengers" (FastCompany) and "The New Space Race" (National Geographic); and directing honors on the new feature documentary, "The Hidden Power of Purpose." As a result, Elliot has been honored with a Kellogg School of Management Innovation Fellowship and Alumni of the Year accolades from Australia's Monash University, and he has received personal recognition from the U.S. Congress, the House of Representatives and other legislative bodies - his projects have landed in the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art and have won five Cannes Lions, four SxSW innovation awards, an Emmy from four nominations, two Clios, recognition from the International Trade Council, dozens of festival honors and other groovy paperweights. Driven by the mantra that "Ideas + Empathy = Impact," and his "4Ps" approach to innovation and collaboration, Elliot is currently found occupying a 12x12 space at the back of his garden known as "The Shed." Learn more at Follow on Instagram @nationofartists Watch on Youtube  BeyondCinemaMagazine

    1h 27m
  8. 11/01/2022

    Ep. 20 Working With Cannabis and Psilocybin For Healing and Personal Freedom with The Dank Duchess

    International cannabis consultant and dynamic public speaker The Dank Duchess shares her personal journey of how cannabis and psilocybin have helped her heal mentally and emotionally, providing insights and lessons in mastery of the ego. Collaborating with, rather than ‘using’  these plants is key to unlocking the wisdom that can help free us from our misperceptions and limiting realities, in order to engender more love, joy and creativity. She discusses her recent experience at The Emerald Cup, the most important community cannabis event of the year, the pitfalls of the cannabis industry, and tells us how she sees the future unfolding for psychedelic and psychoactive plants against a growing need for sovereignty in self-directed healing. As a grower and someone who has worked intimately with cannabis and psilocybin , Duchess reveals how these plants have taught her to understand and trust in natural systems, and that we are just as much in service to the plants as they are to us.  However, it is always up to us do our personal work, otherwise we risk falling into addiction, disempowerment and another kind of dis-ease. About Duchess: The Dank Duchess is an international Hashish Consultant, Cannabis Cultivator, and public speaker using all available media to achieve her mission to help spread cannabis and psychedelic wellness awareness globally.  With 18 years of cultivation experience to her credit, and trained by the late Hash Master Frenchy Cannoli, she has dedicated the last 7 years to educating hundreds of thousands of people via print, film, and social media about high quality cannabis and Hashish.  Formerly the Managing Editor of Skunk Magazine, dozens of her hash stories and hash tutorials have appeared in Weed World UK, Weed World Italia, Cannabis Now, Skunk Magazine and in Ed Rosenthal’s books.  Duchess has also made several media appearances including Seasons 1 and 3 of VICELAND’s Bong Appetit.  As a Hashish consultant she travels to small farms and large cultivation facilities to teach hash making and increase efficiency.  She is a respected public speaker; featured at conferences including Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, Boston Freedom Rally, Outside Lands, and the Emerald Cup.  Known both for her discriminating palate and Hashish knowledge, Duchess has served as an esteemed judge for cannabis and Hashish competitions around the world. Cannabis is essential to her existence and with her dedication to an All Weed Everything lifestyle she has found a way to integrate it completely into her life; hence her motto: “Cannabis flower fuels my power and my niche is Hashish.” Learn more at Follow on Instagram @thedankduchess Watch on Youtube TheDankDuchess

    1h 1m


How Things Connect podcast shares insight and wisdom on empowerment, healing and evolution that integrates heart, mind, body and spirit on a personal and planetary level. It's about elevating and inspiring each other to fully be our authentic selves and live purposefully. 

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