West Seattle Daily

Christian Harris
West Seattle Daily Podcast

Enable this Alexa skill if you love West Seattle! This daily flash briefing is brought to you by Christian Harris, Owner of Sea-Town Real Estate in West Seattle. Each day we will cover a different topic, all centered around the West Seattle Peninsula. For additional info on West Seattle (and a link to our exclusive "Welcome to West Seattle" resources & discounts) or Seattle Real Estate in general:
Visit www.Sea-Town.com or call us at 206.717.4846.

  1. 06/06/2020

    WSD Ep. 066 - 06/06/2020 - Restaurants and stores to re-open immediately!

    King County has been approved for Phase 1.5 yesterday - businesses are allowed modified openings & we'll go over some of the stipulations and guidelines around that... Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily (should really change the name to West Seattle whenever I get around to putting out a new episode), Episode #066, brought to you by Sea-Town Team Powered by eXp Realty. I'm your host, Christian Harris. FYI restaurants are allowed to open at 25% capacity now in king county. Tables of no more than 5 and tables 6 ft away. Masks are highly recommended and likely required in most businesses. Please follow the rules so we can all stay open and continue to operate under a new normal Here is an overview of what’s happening in key sectors across King County: Restaurants     • Outdoor dining activities is allowed at 50 percent of capacity with all tables and chairs maintaining 6 feet of distance     • Indoor dining services may operate at 25 percent of capacity, provided such tables and chairs are more than 6 feet away from each other. In-store retail     • All non-essential retail activities occupancy may not be not be higher than 15 percent of capacity.     • Businesses are directed to provide signage encouraging indoor visits to less than 30 minutes, with face-to-face interactions limited to 30 minutes.     • No changes for essential retail activities Personal services: Cosmetologists, Hairstylists, Barbers, Estheticians, Master Estheticians, Manicurists, Nail Salon Workers, Electrologists, Permanent Makeup Artists, Tattoo Artists, Cosmetology Schools and Esthetics Schools     • All activities may operate but the number of clients served will be limited to no more than 25 percent of capacity or one person if it is a single bed/chair studio. Professional services: Accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, financial advisors, information technologists, insurance agents, tax preparers, and other office-based occupations that are typically serving a client base     • All activities allowed but an establishment's occupancy should not be higher than 25 percent of capacity.     • Businesses are directed to provide signage encouraging indoor visits to be less than 30 minutes, with face to face interactions limited to 30 minutes. Construction     • All construction, including those activities for which social distancing may not be maintained and the start of new construction projects, is authorized to resume. “By opening our economy carefully and deliberately, we make sure to stay healthy and continue down the path to full recovery.” ALSO, DON'T FORGET TO JOIN US TODAY (SATURDAY, JUNE 6TH) IN WEST SEATTLE FOR THE "MARCH FOR BLACK LIVES" FROM 1-3PM. MEETING IN FRONT OF THE ANYTIME FITNESS IN THE ADMIRAL DISTRICT AND MARCHING TO THE THE ALASKA JUNCTION. IT SHOULD GO WITH OUT SAYING, THAT THIS WILL BE A PEACEFUL PROTEST AND VIOLENCE AND PROPERTY DESTRUCTION WILL NOT BE TOLERATED

    4 min
  2. 14/05/2020

    WSD Ep. 065 - 05/14/2020 - New Business Spotlight - Blackfin Coffee

    This flash briefing is all about West Seattle in Washington (WA) State. For more info, visit: http://www.Sea-Town.com/welcome-to-west-seattle If you own an Amazon Echo device, you can enable this daily audio content by simply saying "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily Skill" or click here - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082NR5KM4, login to your Amazon account and click the "Enable" button. ---- If you are anything like me, you drink copious amounts of coffee and probably have your favorite local coffee roaster... well, I just found my new favorite, and it's a startup, right here in West Seattle. Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily, Episode #065, brought to you by the Sea-Town Team, powered by eXp Realty. I'm your host, Christian Harris. https://www.blackfin.coffee Started by Brian Jenkins The Mission BlackFin Coffee was born out of the desire to reverse the unsustainable practices that are contributing to the plight of our oceans' marine life. Here in the Pacific Northwest we love our resident orcas and salmon, and It hurts our hearts to see them slowly slipping into extinction. That is why we will align with other businesses who are making efforts to clean our oceans.  Kindness Every human and creature on earth has value and deserves to be treated with respect and love. Kindness extends far past personal interaction, but instead reverberates throughout the whole world as one life impacts another, and so on. At BlackFin Coffee, we care about income inequality, and just treating people equally. That's why the employees at BlackFin Coffee will be paid the exact same wages as the owner. Everyone is equal, and everyone will be treated as an equally valued partner. Conservation When we create a product, waste reduction is the top priority. While we realize that zero waste is nearly impossible in an American society, we still have the power to package our products in a sustainable way. That's why we package all of our products in either bio-degradable packaging, or recyclable packaging that will not spend hundreds of years floating around in our planet's oceans. Excellence If a product isn't top notch, then it's not good enough. We care deeply about creating a great product, and giving great experiences. If you're unsatisfied with your product or experience for any reason, we will gladly give you your money back, without any hassles. We believe that the best way to build a brand is to give 100% satisfaction to every customer. We are eager to hear your feedback. If we could have done better in any way, please email us at brian@blackfin.coffee so we can make improvements moving forward.  https://www.blackfin.coffee https://www.pnwprotectors.com Don't forget to subscribe to this on your favorite podcast app or on your Amazon smart speaker by simply saying, "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily".

    5 min
  3. 11/05/2020

    WSD Ep. 064 - 05/11/2020 - A Little History of Mother's Day!

    This flash briefing is all about West Seattle in Washington (WA) State. For more info, visit: http://www.Sea-Town.com/welcome-to-west-seattle If you own an Amazon Echo device, you can enable this daily audio content by simply saying "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily Skill" or click here - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082NR5KM4, login to your Amazon account and click the "Enable" button. ---- A little late but Happy day after Mother’s day to all the mamas out there! WE are so fortunate to have your support & guidance. While only some of us are mothers (or are married to mothers), what all of us have in common is that we all have mothers... Have you ever wondered how Mother’s day started? We did some digging and found the story to share with you. Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily, Episode #064, brought to you by the Sea-Town Team, powered by eXp Realty. I'm your host, Christian Harris. https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/mothers-day The first Mother’s day was celebrated in 1908. Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, as a way of honoring the sacrifices mothers make for their children. Mother's day became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialization and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar. While dates and celebrations vary, Mother’s Day traditionally involves presenting moms with flowers, cards and other gifts. Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” Over time the Mothering Sunday tradition shifted into a more secular holiday, and children would present their mothers with flowers and other tokens of appreciation. This custom eventually faded in popularity before merging with the American Mother’s Day in the 1930s and 1940s The origins of Mother’s Day as celebrated in the United States date back to the 19th century. In the years before the Civil War, Ann Reeves Jarvis of West Virginia helped start “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs” to teach local women how to properly care for their children. These clubs later became a unifying force in a region of the country still divided over the Civil War. In 1868 Jarvis organized “Mothers’ Friendship Day,” at which mothers gathered with former Union and Confederate soldiers to promote reconciliation. Back to Anna Jarvis Following the success of her first Mother’s Day in 1908, Jarvis—who remained unmarried and childless her whole life—resolved to see her holiday added to the national calendar. Arguing that American holidays were biased toward male achievements, she started a massive letter writing campaign to newspapers and prominent politicians urging the adoption of a special day honoring motherhood. While versions of Mother’s Day are celebrated worldwide, traditions vary depending on the country. In Thailand, for example, Mother’s Day is always celebrated in August on the birthday of the current queen, Sirikit. Another alternate observance of Mother’s Day can be found in Ethiopia, where families gather each fall to sing songs and eat a large feast as part of Antrosht, a multi-day celebration honoring motherhood. In the United States, Mother’s Day continues to be celebrated by presenting mothers and other women with gifts and flowers, and it has become one of the biggest holidays for consumer spending. Families also celebrate by giving mothers a day off from activities like cooking or other household chores. At times, Mother’s Day has also been a date for launching political or feminist causes. In 1968 Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King Jr., used Mother’s Day to host a march in support of underprivileged women and c

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  4. 05/05/2020

    WSD Ep. 063 - 05/05/2020 - West Seattle Small Businesses Relief Fund Challenge - #RE4WS

    This flash briefing is all about West Seattle in Washington (WA) State. For more info, visit: http://www.Sea-Town.com/welcome-to-west-seattle If you own an Amazon Echo device, you can enable this daily audio content by simply saying "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily Skill" or click here - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082NR5KM4, login to your Amazon account and click the "Enable" button. ---- Hopefully by now you have heard of the WS Small Business Relief Fund, being run by the WS Junction Association... and now our Sea-Town Team is partnering with the Junction Association to launch a challenge as a fun way to rally my industry here in West Seattle, to ensure that our favorite WS Businesses survive and make it through these difficult times. Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily, Episode #062, brought to you by the Sea-Town Team, powered by eXp Realty. I'm your host, Christian Harris. We are launching the "Real Estate 4 West Seattle" Challenge, with this video... INSERT VIDEO For more information, to watch the video again and to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to your favorite WS business, go to www.Sea-Town.com/help. If you post or share about this campaign online, make sure to use the hashtag #RE4WS (Real Estate 4 West Seattle). Together we can really make a difference in this community that we all love so much. And to kick off the "Real Estate 4 West Seattle" Challenge, I'm challenging a few of my WS real estate friends, who I know also have big hearts. I'm talking to you, Larry Johnson Jr. with Windermere, Chad Zinda of Metropolist & Debbie Kerns at Berkshire Hathaway HS, lets help set the example by committing to donate a portion of your commission proceeds to the small business relief fund too... & then share this video and challenge with your network of agents and extend the challenge to 3 other agents. Let's keep this thing going, have some fun with this and make a real difference together!

    3 min
  5. 01/05/2020

    WSD Ep. 062 - 05/01/2020 - West Seattle Farmers Market reopening on May 3rd

    This flash briefing is all about West Seattle in Washington (WA) State. For more info, visit: http://www.Sea-Town.com/welcome-to-west-seattle If you own an Amazon Echo device, you can enable this daily audio content by simply saying "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily Skill" or click here - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082NR5KM4, login to your Amazon account and click the "Enable" button. ---- It’s Friday & we have more exciting news. The West Seattle Farmers market is going to be opening back up this Sunday... with some major changes to help everyone stay safe, while supporting our local small farmers & WS community Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily, Episode #062, brought to you by Sea-Town Real Estate. I'm your host, Christian Harris. As we talked about on WSD Ep. 047 on March 23, Neighborhood Farmers Markets have been working closely with the City of Seattle and Seattle-King County Public Health in each neighborhood to re-open safe, permitted farmers markets. The U-District Farmer's Market just re-opened 2 Saturday's ago. The West Seattle Farmers Market will re-open on Sunday, May 3, and they are asking West Seattle residents to observe new rules. Agriculture is the most essential act, and the farmers markets serve as the essential link between farmers and eaters. This weekend, we need you to help protect public health and our community by following new guidelines. Market Modifications Include: · Modified layouts to ensure 10’ between vendor booths to allow for greater circulation and distance. · Market entrance at Alaska & California to control the capacity and foot traffic. You can expect a line to enter the market. · Hand sanitizer will be provided at Market Manager tents, with public hand washing stations available in the market. · There is no sampling or prepared food until further notice. · No music, entertainment, cooking demos, or public seating areas. Staff and Vendor Responsibilities: - All vendors and staff must wear protective face mask and gloves, separate cash and product handling, and ensure regular and proper hand washing. - All vendors will select and serve your produce and products. - Vendors and staff will politely ask you to keep moving so we can serve as many shoppers as possible. - Vendors and Staff will limit the number of shoppers in front of booths at any given time. - Surfaces... will be sanitized regularly. Shopper Expectations: Before the market: - Make a list.
Designate one shopper per household.
Service dogs are permitted otherwise leave your pets at home.
Bring reusable bags – these are permitted, but you will be the only person touching them.
Check yourself – stay home if you are sick or if you’ve been in contact with someone who is sick. During your market visit: - Be alert! The market has major modifications and there are new signs to help you move through the market.
Do not touch the products, the vendors will help you.
Maintain 6 feet of space at all times. This is crucial! Look for physical cues like tape, chalk, and signs all around you as a reminder.
Shop quickly and efficiently. This isn’t the time to chat. Big smiles welcome!
Wash hands often with soap & water for at least 20 seconds especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol.
Wear a face mask.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, and face in general.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then dispose of it. It is vital that everyone act in these efforts together to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The safety and health of our shoppers, our farmers, and staff is critical – this is our primary concern. Please do not come out to the farmers market if you cannot observe the new guidelines. We hope you all are staying healthy and well. We miss our West Seattle community. Stay safe! Don't forget to subscribe to this on your favorite po

    3 min
  6. 29/04/2020

    WSD Ep. 061 - 04/29/2020 - Interactive map for open & delivering restaurants around Seattle

    This flash briefing is all about West Seattle in Washington (WA) State. For more info, visit: http://www.Sea-Town.com/welcome-to-west-seattle If you own an Amazon Echo device, you can enable this daily audio content by simply saying "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily Skill" or click here - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082NR5KM4, login to your Amazon account and click the "Enable" button. ---- #WeGotThisSeattle Perhaps you've been doing your part in supporting your favorite Seattle restaurants and have found a good rhythm with doing pick-up or delivery... but if you are wondering what other food and beverage establishments are still open and where to find the most up-to-date info on... you've come to the right place. Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily, Episode #061, brought to you by Sea-Town Real Estate. I'm your host, Christian Harris. Perhaps you have seen or used the City of Seattle's #SupportPugetSoundSmallBiz map... well, they just revamped it and along with the map allowing users to search for open small businesses in their neighborhood and click directly to their website or third-party delivery service page... It has now been expanded to include small businesses from outside of Seattle, in the larger King, Pierce & Snohomish County. The map is being updated in real-time and if you are a business and want to be added to the map, email supportsmallbiz@seattle.gov for instructions. The maps URL is way too long to simple say here, so go to the link in our Instagram bio for that. Enjoy #SupportPugetSoundSmallBiz map or https://seattlecitygis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=1499ec293fed4fc587e2c559099a7e64 https://www.westsideseattle.com/ballard-news-tribune/2020/04/28/city-seattle-expands-small-business-map Don't forget to subscribe to this on your favorite podcast app or on your Amazon smart speaker by simply saying, "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily".

    2 min
  7. 16/04/2020

    WSD Ep. 060 - 04/16/2020 - Thirsty Thursday - Where to still get beer in West Seattle

    This flash briefing is all about West Seattle in Washington (WA) State. For more info, visit: http://www.Sea-Town.com/welcome-to-west-seattle If you own an Amazon Echo device, you can enable this daily audio content by simply saying "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily Skill" or click here - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082NR5KM4, login to your Amazon account and click the "Enable" button. ---- It’s Thursday friends. Thirsty Thursday. Have you been wondering where in West Seattle you can still get good beer? We are going to run through a list of who in WS is still open for pickup, delivery or curb-side pick of brew. Treat yo self. Support a local business. Enjoy the sunshine, pull up a lawn chair & enjoy a much needed cold beer. Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily, Episode #060, brought to you by Sea-Town Real Estate. I'm your host, Christian Harris. We start our list with my personal favorite... and closest to my office: Good Society Brewery @goodsocietybeer open from 3-7 M-F and 12-7 Sat and Sun for pickup or delivery of Crowler's, canned fresh from the tap Order online, for pick up or delivery, at https://shop.goodsocietybeer.com. OUNCES TO-GO
@ounceswestseattle Place your order online at www.ounceswestseattle.com , then choose to either pickup at the taproom OR have it delivered to your door! - Pickup Available: Tue-Fri: 4:30-6:30 & Saturday: 3-6pm - Pickup only available with clean growler Best of Hands @bestofhands Order online during these times at www.bestofhandsbarrelhouse.com We will let you know if your selection is available. Pick up in-store only during posted hours of operation. 24 hours prior notice strongly encouraged. Mon, Thurs & Fri - 3-7 Sat - 12-7 Sun - 12-5 The Beer Junction @thebeerjunciton Tue-Fri: 4-7 Sat: 2-7 To maintain distance, plan to enter the store using our front door on California Ave SW and exit using the rear door that leads into the back parking lot.  Limit is six customers inside at a time. West Seattle's newest brewery addition: Cold Crash Brewing - a gluten free beer option! @coldcrashbrewing PICK UP HOURS SATURDAYS ONLY 12-5 PM Order and pay online at www.coldcrashbrewing.com. They will have your order ready for pickup within 1 hour (if during pickup hours). All items will be thoroughly sanitized and placed in a bag with your name on it. 
Super Deli Mart on 35th Ave SW (East of Westwood Village) @superdeli_mart providing to go growler fills during their regular business hours Call ahead for order to go at (206) 937-1442 Elliot Bay Brewery @elliottbaybrewingco They are still offering the full menu, kids menu and 1/2 priced growlers. Call-in to to place an order.
Monday: CLOSED Tuesday-Thursday: 4-8 Friday-Sunday: 12-8 Tin Dog Brewing @tindogbrewingco Located at the entrance of the Cloverdale Business Park Open M-F 4-6 Sat/Sun 2-6 pm Call or visit their website at tindogbrewing.com to order for pickup Beverage Place Pub @bppub Order for pickup online at www.beveridgeplacepub.com Pick-up will be at the back drive-way, so everyone can stay at a safe distance. Pick-up times: Wed, Thu, Fri 4-7pm; Sat 1-5pm Please have your ID ready to show from your car door so we can make sure we have the right order…and that you’re 21 or over. (yes, it’s OK to bike/walk, too) BONUS: When you get your growler filled at Beverage Place, receive a 15% discount off your next order at the neighboring restaurant, PEEL & PRESS! What has become your "go to" WS place to get your beer? Thanks for you for supporting local businesses during these unusual & difficult times! Don't forget to subscribe to this on your favorite podcast app or on your Amazon smart speaker by simply saying, "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily".

    4 min
  8. 15/04/2020

    WSD Ep. 059 - 04/15/2020 - Wednesday Updates for West Seattle Neighbors

    This flash briefing is all about West Seattle in Washington (WA) State. For more info, visit: http://www.Sea-Town.com/welcome-to-west-seattle If you own an Amazon Echo device, you can enable this daily audio content by simply saying "Alexa, enable West Seattle Daily Skill" or click here - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082NR5KM4, login to your Amazon account and click the "Enable" button. ---- Happy Wednesday everyone! We are half way through the week. & lot’s of news to share :) let’s get started! Thanks for joining us for West Seattle Daily, Episode #059, brought to you by Sea-Town Real Estate. I'm your host, Christian Harris. One of the businesses completely closed by the coronavirus crisis has announced it won’t be reopening. Is from Many Moons Trading Co.  On Easter, we mentioned Alki UCC‘s all-day donation drive out front. Today we got a note to share with you, expressing gratitude for everyone who helped:Alki United Church of Christ (Alki UCC) thanks everyone who came by our building Easter Sunday to donate food and clothing for our vulnerable neighbors in need, those who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID 19. Your food contributions will be distributed via the White Center Food Bank; clothing donations will go to either the West Seattle Clothesline or the King County Drug Court to help men receiving treatment for minor drug offenses transition back into our community. Your spirit and generosity will warm many, many hearts. Thank you. Note: We hope to continue our socially-distanced food donations drive every other Sunday beginning April 26. Check alkiucc.org for details. Our office manager Haley walked passed the church on Sunday and the front lawn was full with donations and it’s so great to see everyone helping & doing their part! When Gov. Inslee activated the National Guard in our state to help with the COVID-19 response, the plan was for members to help out at food banks. We checked with the West Seattle Food Bank at the time and they were not yet sure if anyone would be assigned – but on Monday, they arrived! Remember that scene from Thursday night, downtown, lit blue to honor health-care workers and other heroes of the coronavirus response? ‘Downtown West Seattle’ will join in, starting tomorrow night – the Junction Plaza Park evergreen that serves as the area’s official Christmas tree will be decked in blue by Tuesday night. West Seattle Junction Association executive director Lora Radford explains: Some are morphing those fundraisers into virtual events, like the West Seattle Food Bank‘s “Instruments of Change” – and you’re invited! We are excited to be celebrating our wonderful community and raising funds to help our neighbors through an online Instruments of Change on May 9th at 5:30 pm. This virtual event will include a silent and live auction, fun activities, and a compelling program. Join the fun for free! Register today to spend a short time celebrating our community, the merge between the West Seattle Food Bank and West Seattle Helpline, and to raise funds to help our neighbors stay safe, fed, housed, and healthy. Plus, everyone who registers and attends is automatically entered into a drawing to win 2 round-trip tickets on Alaska Airlines! Two food-related biznotes today. First, from Meghan & Mark Hogan, proprietors of longtime WSB sponsor Dream Dinners West Seattle Unlike many grocery stores, Dream Dinners is not experiencing distribution issues and our full menu is available, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner items. We can help you avoid the grocery store while enjoying free meal assembly by our ServSafe certified team, plus curbside pickup. Do you have family or friends in need of groceries? Are your elderly family members in need of homemade, delicious meals? We are here to help. To take advantage of our FREE Made for You and curbside pickup, visit our website and select a “Made for You” session and

    3 min


Enable this Alexa skill if you love West Seattle! This daily flash briefing is brought to you by Christian Harris, Owner of Sea-Town Real Estate in West Seattle. Each day we will cover a different topic, all centered around the West Seattle Peninsula. For additional info on West Seattle (and a link to our exclusive "Welcome to West Seattle" resources & discounts) or Seattle Real Estate in general:
Visit www.Sea-Town.com or call us at 206.717.4846.

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