Optimal Health

Hudson Physicians
Optimal Health Podcast

Optimal Health Podcast by Hudson Physicians will discuss topics to get you back to optimal health when you are feeling sick, stressed, overwhelmed, or run down.

  1. 07/02/2023

    A Glance Inside New Richmond Medical Center With Dr. Harrold

    In this episode, the Medical Director of New Richmond Medical Center, Dr. Stephen Harrold himself, joins host Pete Waggoner to discuss the upcoming open house event this February 2nd. From the physicians who will be joining Dr. Harrold's team and their backgrounds in medicine to the variety of specialty services that will be available, the two explore everything that New Richmond Medical Center has in store for the community. Pete and Dr. Harrold also put emphasis on how the new facility will be adopting Hudson Physicians' patient-centered culture and focus on providing high-quality care to the people of New Richmond and its neighboring communities that do not currently have access to specialized medical services. Tune in now to learn more about this exciting event! Takeaways: Setting up medical facilities takes not only a team of skilled professionals, but also an unwavering dedication to providing the best possible care. Fostering connection between the hospital and its community is essential in order to build a trusting relationship and ensure that everyone receives the care they need. In this episode: [1:02] Pete dives right into the conversation by asking Dr. Stephen Harrold what people should expect from the open house event and how their team is preparing for it. Dr. Harrold emphasizes how they plan on bringing Hudson Physicians' patient-centered culture to the New Richmond Medical Center. [5:12] Dr. Harrold provides an overview of the team that will be joining him in the new medical facility. He shares the background and his own experiences working with the four other physicians and how their expertise will be beneficial for the community. [12:04] Pete and Dr. Harrold talk about the other tenants and healthcare providers of Hudson Physicians who will be offering their specialized services at the new medical center such as Associated Eye and Hudson Imaging. [18:10] Dr. Harrold shares how witnessing the construction of the Hudson Medical Center has made the planning much easier for the New Richmond Medical Center. He also mentions how they made sure the new facility has enough room for the staff who will be assisting the patients before they meet their physician. [20:38] Dr. Harrold and Pete discuss how the location of the New Richmond Medical Center is strategically placed to ensure that surrounding communities that do not have access to specialized medical services will be able to receive the care they need. Resources: New Richmond Medical Center Dr. Stephen Harrold Dr. Nyquist podcast  Associated Eye Care Hudson Imaging Read Transcription Quotes: "That's why I'm here. I don't want patients to feel like a number. The doctors that are joining me in New Richmond have that same mindset as well as the doctors here at Hudson Physicians." - Dr. Stephen Harrold "This is not just putting up a medical center to be in competition with others. There is truly a need, definitely in New Richmond, but probably even more so in some of the surrounding communities that may be a long enough drive to Hudson." - Dr. Stephen Harrold

    23 min
  2. 19/01/2023

    Cancer Care and New Treatment Options With Oncologist Timothy Toonen

    In this episode of the Optimal Health Podcast, host Pete Waggoner is joined by Dr. Timothy Toonen of Minnesota Oncology to share his expertise and knowledge about cancer care. They discuss the role oncologists play in helping cancer patients find the right treatment options while alleviating the fear that comes along with a cancer diagnosis. Dr. Toonen also talks about how his team plans on providing the people of Hudson with even more comprehensive care through their new facility at the Hudson Medical Center which will be opening its doors to the public this January 12, 2023. Takeaways: There is support and help available for cancer patients. Helping people battle and survive cancer involves a comprehensive approach to treatment, including emotional and physical support. In this episode: [2:19] Pete Waggoner asks Dr. Timothy Toonen to talk about his early life and what led him to become an oncologist. Dr. Toonen shares how meeting a group of community-based oncologists has inspired him to pursue a career in cancer care. [5:36] Dr. Toonen defines oncology and explains the role oncologists like him play in helping cancer patients find non-surgical and non-radiation care options and curate treatment plans that best fit the patient’s needs. [11:03] Pete and Dr. Toonen talk about how cancer treatment has evolved over the years and how there are now better supportive care medications tailored especially for patients with fear of getting chemotherapy. [14:25] Dr. Toonen provides insight into Minnesota Oncology's comprehensive, full-circle care and how the new Hudson Medical Center can help its team provide the appropriate treatments to patients all within the Hudson area. [18:00] Dr. Toonen talks about how their team along with other healthcare providers such as Associate Eye Care and Twin Cities Orthopedics are eager to bring independent, physician-driven healthcare practices to the Hudson community through the new medical center. Resources Hudson Physicians Medical Center Minnesota Oncology Timothy Toonen Associated Eye Care Twin Cities Orthopedics Quotes "We might not have all the answers, certainly a lot of times we don't on the first visit. But I think it gives patients a sense that we care." - Timothy Toonen, MD

    20 min
  3. 06/12/2022

    The Hudson Medical Center Opens Its Doors to the Hudson Community

    In this episode, Hudson Physicians' CEO Matt Brandt joins host Pete Waggoner on the Optimal Health Podcast to discuss the Hudson Medical Center's upcoming public open house on January 12, 2023. They talk about the nitty-gritty details of the event, from its location to what services and amenities people can expect. They also get into the process of making the plan come to life and how their desire to bring as many services possible to the growing community of Hudson has been a major goal. This is an invitation for everybody in the Hudson community to come and experience the quality care that Hudson Medical Center has to offer. Tune in to find out more about this exciting event. Takeaways: A lot of planning, thought, and care goes into building a medical center that caters to a community. Anything's possible with the right people, resources, and the drive to make it happen. In this episode: [1:35] Pete starts the discussion by asking about the logistics of moving and how the Hudson Physicians team plan on relocating to their new medical center. Matt details their target schedule and how this would allow them to stay fully operational during the move. [3:18] Matt shares what the public can expect from the open house event. From the tours of the medical center's facilities to the discussions of key services, Matt and Pete discuss how the open house offers a chance to get to know what Hudson Physicians has prepared for the community better. [7:49] Matt puts emphasis on their goal to bring more healthcare services to the growing community of Hudson and the mindset of being local providers as driving forces in the changes they've made. [12:25] Pete asks Matt about the parts of the medical center that turned out exactly how they envisioned it and the ones they would have done differently. [15:58] Pete closes the episode by sharing his final thoughts and emphasizing how a lot of thought and planning by a team of dedicated people goes into making a medical center that caters to the needs of its community. Resources: Hudson Physicians Matt Brandt, CEO Hudson Physicians Hudson Medical Center Associated Eye Care Hudson Imaging Minnesota Oncology Valley Surgery Center Read Transcript Quotes: "It's been interesting to watch how everybody's really adapted to their profession, and being professionals about that adaption has been really (kind of) a breath of fresh air for the public...I think that your facility and your work is leading that charge." - Pete Waggoner

    18 min
  4. 31/10/2022

    Foot Care 101: Understanding Podiatry with Dr. Nyquist

    In this episode, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Allie Nyquist sits with host Pete Waggoner to discuss foot health and care. She also shares how at the young age of 15, she knew she wanted to enter the medical field and become a podiatrist. Dr. Nyquist and Pete talk about different foot problems that people experience such as toenail fungus and how they can be addressed and avoided. They also explore the relation of one's foot health to their whole body and overall well-being. This is a must-listen for anyone who wants to learn more about not just foot care, but also how the condition of our feet can be an indication of other underlying health problems. Takeaways: While it's often overlooked, taking care of our feet is important for our overall health and well-being. Problems with our feet can be an indication of other underlying health issues. From the shoes we wear to our hygiene habits, there are many factors that can contribute to foot problems. By understanding more about foot care, we can help prevent and address different issues that may arise. In this episode: [3:37] Pete asks Dr. Nyquist to talk about how at the age of 15, she knew she wanted to enter the field of podiatry. Dr. Nyquist shares her love for science and how a mentoring program she was involved in during high school sparked her interest in medicine. [8:13] Pete and Dr. Nyquist transition the conversation to the importance of having a healthy foot. Dr. Nyquist mentions the different checkboxes they use when assessing one's foot health such as blood flow, signs of infection, and nerve responses. [11:43] Dr. Nyquist talks about the complexity of the foot and how it relates to the rest of the body. She gives examples of underlying health problems that can manifest through foot problems such as poor blood flow and potential heart conditions. [17:25] The two talk about toenail fungus and how it's one of the most difficult problems to completely address. Dr. Nyquist shares some treatment options they usually offer their patients and how they come up with a plan of care. [24:44] Dr. Nyquist puts emphasis on the importance of wearing the right shoe. She also provides tips on how one can balance between fashion and comfort when it comes to choosing the right footwear. Resources Hudson Physicians Dr. Allie Nyquist Read Show Transcript Quotes "I just fell in love with podiatry. It's one of these really incredible fields where you get to spend a lot of time with the patients—talking to them about their problems and helping them to find solutions. But it's also a really, really diverse way to practice medicine." - Dr. Allie Nyquist "The right shoe for the right foot is one of (probably) the best things any individual person can do for their overall foot health." - Dr. Allie Nyquist

    30 min
  5. 30/09/2022

    Living with Diabetes: Tips for Optimal Health with Sara Harris

    In this short yet information-packed episode, host Pete Waggoner interviews Sara Harris about her profession as a registered dietician and a specialist in diabetes care. Sara shares her firsthand experience managing diabetes and provides helpful tips on maintaining optimal health while living with this chronic condition. She puts emphasis on how small lifestyle and diet changes can significantly impact one's health for the better. This episode is sure to leave listeners feeling inspired and motivated to make positive changes in their lives amidst the challenges posed by diabetes. Takeaways: Small changes in lifestyle and diet can have a big impact on health. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing diabetes. Working with a healthcare provider and creating a personalized plan is key. In this episode: [1:18] Sara Harris talks about how she became interested in the field of dietetics and diabetes care. She mentions how she grew up on a farm and got diagnosed with diabetes later on when she was already working as a dietician. [6:04] Pete asks Sara to explain the key differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Sara talks about how these two are often confused and how each type requires a different approach when it comes to management. [8:40] Sarah gives a glimpse of what patients can expect when they go to the Hudson Medical Center for diabetes care. She talks about how they begin with a comprehensive assessment and then develops an individualized care plan based on the patient's needs. [11:11] Pete and Sara discuss the importance of making lifestyle changes when living with diabetes. Sara shares some personal insights on how to make small yet impactful changes in diet and physical activity. [14:45] Sara shares some takeaways and final tips for listeners. She emphasizes the importance of working with a healthcare provider and discussing one's specific goals in managing diabetes. Resources Hudson Physicians Sara Harris Read Show Transcript Quotes "This diabetes business doesn't have to be so challenging. Let's make this doable where people do not feel frustrated, they don't feel like failures, and they don't judge themselves. We got this, we can do this. And I'm gonna help you." - Dr. Sara Harris

    17 min
  6. 09/09/2022

    A Glimpse Into Hudson Imaging and the World of Radiology With Dr. David Wicklund

    In this short yet insightful episode, Dr. David Wicklund of Minneapolis Radiology sits with Pete Waggoner to talk about radiology, specifically how it works and what goes on behind the scenes of the newly formed Hudson Imaging. They discuss how radiologists keep tabs on the rapidly changing technology and how this helps them in diagnosing and treating more patients quickly. Dr. Wicklund also shares his own experience in radiology and how he got interested in the field. Plus, he talks about how their team, along with the Hudson Physicians, have started working together with the goal of providing better access to care in the community through Hudson Imaging. Takeaways: With the power of technology and experienced healthcare providers, radiology is able to help diagnose and treat patients quickly and effectively. Radiologists need to be experienced and up-to-date with the latest technology in order to provide accurate diagnoses. In this episode: [1:41] Dr. Wicklund shares his path toward radiology and the things that made him interested in the field. He also tells a bit about his background as a healthcare provider and his father's expertise which he was exposed to from a young age. [3:26] Pete asks Dr. Wicklund how their team stays updated with the latest technology that they use in the field. Dr. Wicklund provides an overview of what they do to further improve the quality of their services and how their work differs from other medical imaging providers. [8:37] Pete and Dr. Wicklund talk about how technology can help in diagnosing and treating patients more quickly. Dr. Wicklund also shares the story behind Hudson Imaging and how they started working with the Hudson Physicians to possibly provide better access to care in the community. [11:33] Dr. Wicklund talks about how their team will fulfill their commitment to providing personalized care to the new business that's about to open. He shares about the efforts and initiatives they have in place to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care. [14:05] Dr. Wicklund looks back on his career thus far and shares how his over 17 years of experience have been. He also leaves a message for the listeners about Hudson imaging and what they can look forward to in the near future. Resources: Hudson Physicians Dr. David Wicklund Read Show Transcript Quotes: "...Your ability to actually get scanned and diagnosed more quickly (hopefully) will get you on the road to improvement more quickly." -Dr. David Wicklund "The patients can feel very comfortable and that they're in good hands with us." -Dr. David Wicklund on what people can look forward to from their team

    17 min
  7. 16/08/2022

    A Look Into Preventive Care, Obesity, and Medical Marijuana With Dr. Stephen Harrold

    In this episode, Pete Waggoner and Dr. Stephen Harrold of the Hudson Physicians delve deeper into routine patient visits and preventive care. They talk about the importance of screenings in diagnosing and preventing severe health concerns including cancers, heart attacks, and strokes. They also discuss obesity and how one's diet can be one of the most important preventive measures against developing chronic diseases. Towards the end of the episode, they chat about medical marijuana and its potential drawbacks such as physical addiction and withdrawal, especially for those who start using it at a young age. Dr. Harrold also provides more updates on the New Richmond Medical Center that is set to open in February 2023. Takeaways: Preventive care offers many benefits in diagnosing and preventing diseases. A person's diet and lifestyle choices are some of the most important preventive measures against developing chronic diseases. In this episode: [1:15] Host Pete Waggoner welcomes Dr. Stephen Harrold to the show by asking him about how he got interested in family medicine and why he decided to pursue a career in the field. The two transition the conversation shortly after to talking about preventive care and its importance in early detection and treatment of various health conditions. [8:22] Pete shares about his personal experience with obesity and asks Dr. Harrold to provide more information on the topic, including its link to severe health concerns including the risks of heart attack and multiple cancers. Dr. Harrold also talks about the Mediterranean diet and why it is proven to be one of the most effective in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing chronic diseases. [16:16] The two discuss strength training and whether it can help in lowering cholesterol levels. They then shift the conversation to the benefits of working at a physician-owned medical facility and how it can provide more comprehensive care for patients. [22:49] Pete and Dr. Harrold talk about medical marijuana and the danger of physical addiction and withdrawal, especially for those who are in their late teens and late 20's. Dr. Harrold also mentions cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), a condition that is associated with excessive vomiting due to regular or long-term marijuana use. [30:13] Dr. Harrold gives a glimpse into the New Richmond Medical Center and provides more specifics such as their target opening date, the specialties that will be offered, and the hours of operation. Resources Hudson Physicians Stephen Harrold, MD Hudson Medical Center New Richmond Medical Center Read Show Transcript Quotes "It's not as glamorous as some other professions or other specialties, but I felt like I could save the most lives by working in family medicine." - Dr. Stephen Harrold

    32 min
  8. 11/07/2022

    Staying Fit & Healthy with Hudson Physicians' Self-Paced Challenges

    In this quick episode, Pete Waggoner gets us up to speed on the latest updates on Hudson Physicians' self-paced health challenges. He talks about how these challenges are the perfect way to foster and experience a sense of community while also maintaining optimal health. He also gives some insight on the benefits of joining these challenges, including the incentives provided by the Hudson Physicians through the program. Takeaways: Keeping track of our health goals doesn't have to be boring. Joining challenges can help us become grittier and better understand other people's motivations. In this episode: [0:40] Host Pete Waggoner gets right into it and talks about what Hudson Physicians' health challenges are. He touches on the two types of challenges that they offer namely, the quarterly and self-paced challenges. [2:32] Pete explains how joining health challenges can help in nurturing one's gratitude and compassion, as well as sharpening grit. He goes on to talk about how grit can be beneficial in other aspects of our lives and why we should strive to further develop it. [3:24] Pete mentions the different health challenges launched by the Hudson Physicians in the past two years including the 5-Day New Year Challenge, Women's Health 6-Day Challenge, and so on. He also discusses how joining such challenges brings the community together and allows people to better understand what each other is going through. [5:07] Pete shares about the page on the Hudson Physicians' website where people can register for the different challenges. He talks about the incentives program wherein one participant gets chosen every month to win a KwikTrip gas gift card. Resources: Hudson Physicians Hudson Physician's Self-Paced Challenges Help with Headaches with Dr. D'Souza Podcast KwikTrip Read Show Transcript Quotes "There are plenty of benefits to the challenges and what we do know about them is that you're stronger and more capable than maybe you give yourself credit for."- Pete Waggoner

    7 min


Optimal Health Podcast by Hudson Physicians will discuss topics to get you back to optimal health when you are feeling sick, stressed, overwhelmed, or run down.

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