The Well

Abundant Life, Phil Hopper, Chad Glover, Les Norman
Podcast de The Well

Do you want to go deeper into God’s word? Pastor Phil Hopper and Pastor Chad Glover of Abundant Life, along with Host Les Norman, sit down each week to dive deeper into the sermon. As Christians, we are to grow wider (make disciples) and grow deeper and drink from the Well (study God’s word). Pull up a chair, get ready to learn something new, walk away with something to do, and deepen your relationship with God.

  1. How to Pursue Peace with All People | The Well Podcast S1E24


    How to Pursue Peace with All People | The Well Podcast S1E24

    In this episode of The Well Podcast, Pastor Kyle, Pastor Toshaun, and host Les Norman unpack Hebrews 12:12-17 and how believers should apply it to their lives. Hebrews 12:14-17 makes us hold up a mirror and do some self-introspection. We all have areas of our lives where we need to lighten the load. Unnecessary weight slows us down and keeps us from fulfilling the call God has placed on our lives. Jesus wants us to run with endurance. He wants to help us take off this extra weight, and if it requires chastening, that’s what He will do. We need to receive His chastening with humility. Three ways to lighten your load: Change your perspective. Pursue peace and holiness. Reevaluate your appetite. Christ’s work in your life will bring about refinement and renewal as you look to Him. If you submit to His chastening, you will experience peace, pursue holiness, and receive His grace. Recognition brings surrender. What in your life do you need to surrender to lighten your load? Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #TheWell #Christian #Pursuepeacewithallmen

    50 min
  2. Laying Aside Every Weight | The Well Podcast S1E23

    9 SEPT

    Laying Aside Every Weight | The Well Podcast S1E23

    In this episode of The Well podcast, Pastor Phil, Pastor Chad, and Bart Cox continue their conversation about running with endurance. They talk about the idea of “laying aside every weight” that the author presents in Hebrews 12:1. You cannot run with endurance if you’re not working to endure things. You have to train to prepare. Part of that training included taking any unnecessary weight out of your pack. We all carry backpacks through life, but we choose what we carry. We need to choose carefully what we carry in our pack. God doesn’t want us to be weighed down by needless weights like bitterness, pride, resentment, or unforgiveness. If you don’t lay that sin or weight down, Jesus will chasten you until you do. How to lay down your weight: -Confession -Forgiveness -Repentance Confession, forgiveness, and repentance are not emotions. They are decisions you put in motion. When God convicts you to lay aside every weight through one of these decisions, you must remember that He chastens you out of love. God takes no joy in His children's pain, but He’s willing to subject us to pain for our gain. God loves us so deeply and unconditionally that He will chasten and discipline us to bring us back to Him. It’s important to learn and realize the value of God’s discipline in our lives. Confess, renounce, and lay aside every weight so you can run with endurance. Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #TheWell #Christian #layasideeveryweight

    46 min
  3. What Does It Mean to Run with Endurance? | The Well Podcast S1E22

    2 SEPT

    What Does It Mean to Run with Endurance? | The Well Podcast S1E22

    In this episode of The Well, Pastor Phil and Pastor Chad are joined by Bart Cox, the Senior Executive Pastor at Abundant Life. Pastor Phil and Bart just got back from a hiking trip in the backcountry of Glacier National Park, and they’ve got lots of stories to share! Bart shares a story about the biking accident that led to his joining the Abundant Life staff and the history of his friendship with Pastor Phil. He now applies the skills he learned in a secular work environment to execute the big visions of Abundant Life. He is also Pastor Phil’s personal trainer. Pastor Phil shares how training for backcountry hikes keeps him physically, mentally, and spiritually strong. He and Bart trained for this hike for months, and they’ve seen physical growth as they built muscle and endurance. The training allowed them to hike with endurance, just like spiritual training—reading the Bible, praying, and living in community—allows us to run the faith race with endurance. No one gets anywhere God wants them to go alone. You need a community to run the race with you. In the Christian life, it’s not about who finishes first; it’s just about finishing the race strong. Don’t focus on the pain; focus on the prize. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get more videos like this to grow your faith! Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #thewell #Christian #runwithendurance

    43 min
  4. How Does the Church Grow? | The Well Podcast S1E21

    26 AGO

    How Does the Church Grow? | The Well Podcast S1E21

    In this episode of The Well Podcast, Pastor Chad and Les Norman are joined by Kyle Worsham, the Online Pastor at Abundant Life. Kyle shares the heart behind the church house movement and how we can live sent in our communities. Living sent doesn’t require training or a program. There are lost people all around us. All you need is your story and a willing heart to be used by God. Our obedience, as a result of faith, can change our lives and trajectory. It can also change the lives of those around us. God CAN use you despite your sin, but we often put more faith in what the devil says about us than what God says about us. Kyle talks about his struggle with imposter syndrome and shares how he overcame those lies with truth. The church grows because of people who sacrifice time, talent, comfort, relationships, and even their lives for Christ's sake. Reading the biographies of those who have gone before us in Hebrews 11 should fire us up in our faith and encourage us to keep working for God’s kingdom. Jesus is better than everything else. Living for Him is the best thing you can do. Register for Live Sent classes starting in September: Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get more videos like this to grow your faith! Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #thewell #Christian #churchgrowth

    51 min
  5. By Faith, They Obeyed | The Well Podcast S1E20

    19 AGO

    By Faith, They Obeyed | The Well Podcast S1E20

    In this episode of The Well Podcast, Pastor Phil, Pastor Chad, and host Les Norman recap what God did at Revival Weekend. They also talk about the examples of Moses, Abraham, and Sarah and what they teach us about obedience by faith. Abraham, Sarah, and Moses obeyed God by faith. They did not know where He was taking them or when they would see the fulfillment of His promises, but they obeyed by faith. However, their lives were not without suffering and pain. Jesus never promised us health, wealth, and prosperity. Being faithful doesn’t guarantee that life won’t be painful. God has promised to save us THROUGH suffering, pain, and hardship, not FROM it. Suffering refines faith. God wants us to see the miraculous nature of His work in our lives. He is developing us so He can deploy us. But the development requires patience. While we wait for God to show us our next steps of faith, we must keep working for Him. Abraham, Moses, and Sarah were average men and women just like us. But God used them because of their faith. They remained obedient, even when they couldn’t see the outcome. Faith always demands a next step! What is your next step of faith? Friday night video testimony Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get more videos like this to grow your faith! Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #thewell #Christian #obedience

    55 min
  6. Biblical Faith Releases God’s Power | The Well Podcast S1E19

    12 AGO

    Biblical Faith Releases God’s Power | The Well Podcast S1E19

    In this episode of The Well podcast, Pastor Phil, Pastor Chad, and host Les Norman talk about how to live by faith during the last days. Hebrews 11:5-7 recounts the faith of Enoch and Noah. Enoch set an example for how we should walk with God in the last days, and Noah showed us what it looks like to work for God. If you want to see God move in your life, you must put your faith into action. Faith is the trigger that releases God’s power in your life. But why is faith so hard sometimes? Reasons why faith is hard… Fear of failure Staying comfortable in your comfort zone Giving up control Enoch and Noah worshiped God by being obedient to Him. They walked, worked, and lived by faith. Biblical faith requires you to get outside your comfort zone and risk something for God. When you get in motion, God gets in motion. We live in a society where we can talk the faith game but don’t want to give up control. But living by faith requires giving up control of your life. Enoch’s life reminds us that it’s impossible to please God apart from faith. Biblical faith is never a blind faith. Judgment is coming, but God is a God of salvation and redemption. If you turn to Him, He will forgive your sin. You don’t have a moment to waste! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get more videos like this to grow your faith! Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #thewell #Christian #biblicalfaith

    45 min
  7. Imitating the Heroes of the Faith | The Well Podcast S1E18

    5 AGO

    Imitating the Heroes of the Faith | The Well Podcast S1E18

    In this episode of The Well podcast, Pastor Toshaun and Pastor Nick join host Les Norman to talk about the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11. Faith is not a feeling; it’s more than an emotion. Your emotions aren’t meant to govern you but to guide you. Many people lead a feelings-based life, but that isn’t the type of life God wants us to live. In Christ, our feelings are transformed into righteous feelings. Because we are under the curse of sin, our feelings often come out in sinful ways. But through Christ, our feelings and emotions can be controlled. We have peace in Him that surpasses our feelings or circumstances. God sees us in our emotions. He meets us in the midst of them and wants them to draw us closer to Him. The heroes of the faith listed in Hebrews 11 point us back to Jesus and give us examples of faith to follow. Every human being has faith in something. It’s impossible to live without faith. You can understand that Jesus is real because there is evidence pointing to Him in all creation. Belief in Him requires faith, but we have plenty of physical evidence in creation to support that faith (Romans 1:20). God desires our obedience. The mark of faith is being obedient to Him without striving to strive and do things in our own power. Christ cannot accept our works until we first come to Him through His work—the Cross. Dive into these stories to learn from the examples of the heroes of the faith! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get more videos like this to grow your faith! Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #thewell #Christian #heroesofthefaith

    52 min
  8. 7/29 | How to Grow in Your Faith | The Well Podcast S1E17

    29 JUL

    7/29 | How to Grow in Your Faith | The Well Podcast S1E17

    In this episode of The Well podcast, Pastor Chad and Pastor Kyle discuss how to grow in your faith and provide practical tools for reading the Bible, praying, and finding community. Hebrews 10:22-25 calls Christians to do 3 things to continue growing in their faith: Draw near to God. Hold fast to the confession of hope without wavering. Consider one another. Knowing how to grow in your faith and do these things can sometimes be overwhelming. Here are 2 things to reflect on to help you grow: Recall past trials and God’s faithfulness within them. Look forward to the return of Christ and the fulfillment of His promises. Pastor Chad and Pastor Kyle also give two formulas for praying and reading the Bible: ACTS Method for Prayer: Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication SOAP Method for Reading the Bible: Scripture Observation Application Prayer Living in a biblical community is another essential part of growing in your faith. We must draw near to the Lord and each other so that we aren’t a weak church. Join Pastor Chad and Pastor Kyle as they share why praying, reading the Bible, and community are important for learning how to grow in your faith. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get more videos like this to grow your faith! Connect with us on Social Media ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Connect with Pastor Phil ↴ Facebook: Instagram: Web: Web: Be a part of the Great Commission: More information on our sermons: Do you want to see your life changed by Jesus? Visit our website: Do you want to go deeper in your study of the book of Hebrews? Get our FREE Book of Hebrews Study Guide—a comprehensive video series with weekly questions to see and know Jesus better. #AbundantLife #Podcast #thewell #Christian

    44 min

Acerca de

Do you want to go deeper into God’s word? Pastor Phil Hopper and Pastor Chad Glover of Abundant Life, along with Host Les Norman, sit down each week to dive deeper into the sermon. As Christians, we are to grow wider (make disciples) and grow deeper and drink from the Well (study God’s word). Pull up a chair, get ready to learn something new, walk away with something to do, and deepen your relationship with God.

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