What Makes You Happy

Dovid EZ Stern - Hobbies and Happiness
Podcast de What Makes You Happy

Exploring hobbies and pastimes and how they delight us. This podcast will be released weekly on Thursdays. This is a podcast dedicated to exploring hobbies and answering the general question, "What Makes You Happy?" On any given week, we may have a guest who is a hobby enthusiast, eager to tell us all about their hobby and how we too can partake in their activity of choice. Additionally, we invite to star on the show professionals that focus at times on subject matter pertaining to happiness. These professionals include psychologists, business leaders, gurus, and spiritual leaders. The podcast is produced by Cleveland Creative Outlet LLC, and is hosted by Dovid EZ Stern. Cleveland Creative Outlet: www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com

  1. 30/03/2020

    Ep. 23 Hobbies For Quarantine

    We're all stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic, and the question we must ask ourselves at this point is: How will we spend our time? In this short episode, I argue on the merits of using this time to catch up with our favorite hobbies. New Format: In this episode, I'm trying a slightly different tack with regards to the style of the content, and I'd appreciate feedback on it. Do you like the new style? Typically, I outline what I want to say, sit down and talk about it, hitting each point i want to make. I have several sections, including my facts, quotes, and in the past I've done challenges. This episode is somewhat more free-form. I've thought of it as something of a podcast essay. Let me know what you think either with the Feedback form or by sending an email to dovid@ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. Thanks! Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2   Transcript: Welcome to What Makes You Happy, the show that explores our hobbies and pastimes and how they delight us. This is episode number #24 (actually 23 - oops) and today we’re discussing hobbies and quarantine.   I’m going to try a slightly different episode today, giving you an entirely new kind of content from this podcast. I’m trying to put more effort into the project, and I value your feedback. If you can, I’d really appreciate any input you have, even if you just want to tell me how much you love the sound of my voice. Send all messages to info@ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com.   With the state of the global pandemic that is COVID-19, more commonly known as coronavirus, it behooves us to follow the advice of the professionals and practice social distancing, and quarantining where necessary in an effort to flatten the growth curve of the infected population to reduce strain on our hospitals and save lives. But that raises the question: when we’re stuck at home, and many of us are in the position where we must do so without work to keep us occupied, how will we fill our time?   It would be so easy to spend the next few weeks reverting back to our college years and subsist on a steady diet of ramen and YouTube, but I am here to be the voice of reason and urge you to try more. There has got to be a hobby, some long lost pastime that you put down long ago and have yet to pick back up. As long as you can practice appropriate social distancing, now is the perfect time to reconnect with a previous interest. For some of you, that’s reading a good book, while for others it’s hiking local trails.   I’ll say this once so I don’t have to repeat myself over and over again, but do follow your local laws. If you have to stay indoors, stay indoors. Here in Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine et al have given us a “Stay at Home” order, that is, work from home if you can, all others stay at home anyway. You can go grocery shopping, and you can go for walks, bike rides, or to a park, but that’s about it. If it’s not an emergency, try not to come into contact with other people. I don’t think that’s terrible advice. The point is, follow the law. Great, it’s out of my system now. Onward.   I think that people in general are often choosing to see this whole situation as the worst thing that could ever happen to them. And I can see why! Schools are closed, the economy is going to take a major hit, people aren’t getting paychecks. And when people do find the positive in our current situation, it’s an anecdote. A bit of good news to cheer you up. Personally, I try my hardest to see the best in the situation I’m in. Perhaps we should all be trying to see the good in our predicament. For one, we’re spending more time with our children, instead of simply sending them off to a school all day.

    10 min
  2. 07/08/2019

    Ep. 22 Diet – Interview with Dr. David Gutman

    Nutrition is the topic today, and specifically how it can affect our happiness. Dr. David Gutman joins us today to talk about a Whole Food Plant Based Diet. Disclaimer: Dr. Gutman is an experienced professional and can give his professional opinion. Dovid Stern, although usually an impartial host, has his own biases, particularly towards the Whole Food Plant Based diet. Please seek medical assistance if you intend to adopt the Whole Food Plant Based diet (you will want to supplement certain vitamins, and some medical conditions will require monitoring by your doctor to prevent overdosing of medication). Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2 Table of Contents: 0:00:00 Intro 0:00:50 This week's guest - Dr. David Gutman, Founder and Physician of Cleveland Nutrition. 0:02:30 Icebreaker - The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Who do you have on your team? 0:04:20 What Makes You Happy? 0:05:15 We're not talking about a vegan diet. 0:06:00 Talk to your doctor if you need specific care and want to try a Whole Food Plant Based diet. 0:06:15 What is the general "correct" diet for human consumption? 0:09:45 Aren't some people better of with more animal products? How do we know that there is one correct diet? 0:12:00 Can our diet really make a substantial difference to our mental health? 0:13:00 The psychology of eating well. 0:17:00 You don't have to choose between pleasure and happiness. You can have both. 0:18:20 How much do genetics affect our health? 0:21:40 The World Health Organization - classifying red meat as a Class 1A carcinogen (along with cigarettes and asbestos) 0:22:20 How much do genetics play a role in obesity? 0:28:30 Fad diets 0:32:00 Calories in/calories out. Is there more to it? 0:33:50 Diabetes 0:35:11 What do you wish people realized about their health? 0:37:00 What to expect upon adopting a Whole Food Plant Based diet. 0:39:05 Lightning Round Questions 0:39:20 -Most common questiion you get about a WFPB diet. 0:41:20 -Single most underrated food? 0:48:45 -One benefit of a WFPB diet that people don't expect. 0:52:20 -One book for further reading. 0:54:50 How to get in touch with Dr. Gutman (www.ClevelandNutrition.com) 0:57:00 Our forthcoming documentary 0:57:40 Happiness Fact (1) 1:01:30 Inspirational Quote (2) 1:02:30 Something I'm curious about - Archery 1:03:30 Closing Thoughts Sources: Eating More Fruits and Veggies May Make You Happier, Agata Blaszczak-Boxe, LiveScience.com, July 14, 2016 https://www.livescience.com/55407-eating-more-fruits-veggies-linked-with-life-satisfaction.html "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." ~J.R.R. Tolkien For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet Guest: Dr. David Gutman[www.ClevelandNutrition.com] Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. dovid@clevelandcreativeoutlet.com, URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com] Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2 [L to R] Dovid EZ Stern and Dr. David Gutman, Founder and Physician of Cleveland Nutrition (www.ClevelandNutrition.com)

    1 h y 5 min
  3. 06/08/2019

    Ep. 21 Cycling – Interview with Nosson Spielberg

    Cycling is one of the most exciting and popular sports for people around the globe. While some utilize bicycles simply as an affordable, green mode of transportation, many others flock to the roads as they push the limits in competition, and enjoy the great outdoors. Here to talk to us today about the many varied joys of cycling is Nosson Spielberg. Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2 Table of Contents: 00:00 Intro 00:50 This week's guest - Nosson Spielberg, Cleveland Touring Club 01:10 Getting started in cycling 03:05 Icebreaker - What is your best knock-knock joke? 04:00 What Makes You Happy? 05:00 Spinning Machines 07:15 What is your counterargument to people who worry about cycling being dangerous? 13:45 What is the startup cost for a cycling hobby? 20:00 Saving money by cycling 23:00 Cycling clubs 26:00 What goes into a good route? 33:45 Lightning Round Questions 33:55 - Long grinding rides vs. Gut-busting sprints? 35:40 - Road vs. Mountain biking? 38:45 - Single best piece of kit to buy? 44:40 How to get in touch with Nosson Spielberg 49:50 Happiness Fact (1) 51:35 Inspirational Quote (2) 52:00 Something I'm Curious About: Learning things super fast (like Mike Boyd on YouTube) 53:40 Closing Thoughts Sources: https://www.bikecitizens.net/cycling-and-happiness/ “Everytime I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” - H.G. Wells For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet Guest: Nosson Spielberg [ClevelandTouringClub.com] Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. dovid@clevelandcreativeoutlet.com, URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com] Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2 [L to R] Dovid EZ Stern and Nosson Spielberg of the Cleveland Touring Club

    54 min
  4. 02/05/2019

    Ep. 20 Energy Healing – Interview with Raven Carter

    Raven Carter is an energy healer and massage therapist. We all know massage, and it's widely known that massage can have massive benefits to your health. But what about energy healing? What is it, and how can it be integrated with massage to heal the whole body, mind, and spirit? Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2 Table of Contents: 00:00 Intro 00:50 This week's guest - Raven Carter, Raven's Ki Alchemy 01:35 Icebreaker - If your best friend had to pick a tattoo for you, what would they pick? 01:50 What Makes You Happy? 02:45 What is Energy Healing? (Reiki) 05:55 How do you explain to someone that what you do isn't New Age hooey? 07:30 How does Energy Healing make people happier? 10:50 Massotherapy 13:05 Where is the intersection between the Energy Healing and massage? 16:41 Dovid gets philosophical (he loses track and finds his way again about 28:30) 22:40 Raven asks, "What piqued your interest in Energy Work?" 25:00 Lightning Round Questions 25:17 -One energy related tip for people at home. 26:17 -Single best success story with a patient. 30:15 -How you respond when someone balks at the idea of massage therapy. 31:45 Plug. How you can get in touch with Raven Carter (contact info below). 32:00 Happiness Fact (1) 32:50 Inspirational Quote (2) 33:50 Something I'm curious about: 3D Printing 34:50 Closing Thoughts Sources: Long-term yoga practice can boost happiness levels and reduce fear, anger, and fatigue. (“10 Yoga Poses to Feel Happier Fast.” http://www.prevention.com/fitness/yoga-poses-boost-emotional-health Prevention. October 29, 2012. Accessed: January 24, 2016. "Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are." Chinese Proverb For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet Guest: Raven Carter, Raven's Ki Alchemy [URL ravenskialchemy.com] Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. dovid@clevelandcreativeoutlet.com, URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com] Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2 [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern and Raven Carter, who is the owner of Raven's Ki Alchemy

    36 min

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Exploring hobbies and pastimes and how they delight us. This podcast will be released weekly on Thursdays. This is a podcast dedicated to exploring hobbies and answering the general question, "What Makes You Happy?" On any given week, we may have a guest who is a hobby enthusiast, eager to tell us all about their hobby and how we too can partake in their activity of choice. Additionally, we invite to star on the show professionals that focus at times on subject matter pertaining to happiness. These professionals include psychologists, business leaders, gurus, and spiritual leaders. The podcast is produced by Cleveland Creative Outlet LLC, and is hosted by Dovid EZ Stern. Cleveland Creative Outlet: www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com

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