20 episodes

Practical messages that will encourage you and help you grow in your faith.

Messages from New Hope Assembly of God, NuMine, PA Steve Kromer

    • Religion & Spirituality

Practical messages that will encourage you and help you grow in your faith.

    Clean House: Filled

    Clean House: Filled

    Today, we’re finishing up our message series entitled, “Clean House.”  In it, we’re learning how to do some spiritual spring cleaning in our lives so that we can live them to their fullest without all of the clutter that weighs us down and trips us up.

    When it comes to cleaning the house of our lives spiritually, it is not only our own sin that needs cleaned up.  Anyone who has maintained a house for any length of time has dealt not only with the clutter and dirt that happens within the house, but also other issues.  You’ve also at some point dealt with infestations of other creatures.  It may have been mice, ants, lice, fleas, rats, squirrels, or any other of the many critters that we find here in Western Pennsylvania.

    Uninvited guests who found a way to enter our home and to forcibly make it their own.  They are pests, rodents, nuisances and tormentors.  If you were to ask my wife, she would consider our pet who was once a stray cat that showed up named Toby the biggest tormentor ever to invade our home. 

    Even if you keep an immaculately clean home, you are still susceptible to these intruders!  In fact, Jesus used the analogy of a clean house of a life that is most at danger for such a spiritual infestation of impure spirits!

    Luke 11:24-26

    24 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”

    You may have cleaned up your act and be living a good and moral life even by God’s standards.  However, God does not desire nor require a clean house, but rather a full house!  Our lives were designed and created and purposed to be containers full of God’s Holy Spirit!  In fact, God’s word calls us not only to be filled with His Spirit, but overflowing with His Spirit!

    If we do not keep our lives filled with the Spirit, and few of us are able to achieve and maintain this, then there are other spirits out there looking for a cozy place to dwell.  Our clean, but not full lives are choice real estate for these evil spirits.

    Now these evil spirits will take what they can get.  They will possess a person; meaning that they have total control over that person.  However, if they cannot fully possess a person, they will take whatever part of that person that they can get.

    Again, Jesus uses the analogy of a house being a person’s life that these evil spirits look to dwell within.  A pest will take whatever part of your home that they can take.  If it’s just the attic, the basement, the kitchen cabinet the wall; they’ll take it.  If they aren’t driven away, they will gladly take over as much as they can up to the whole home!

    Although we are much larger and stronger than they are, most people are still fearful and creeped out by these pests.

    Right? Stop and think objectively about it. What is a cockroach or ant or spider or mouse compared to you? You can easily crush them under your feet. However, most of us are still scared of them for some reason.

    So it is with demons to a Christian.

    A significant part of the ministry of Jesus during His lifetime and the church following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was casting and driving out demons.  It is still intended to be a part of our ministry today!  Culturally, demons were recognized and acknowledged by those living in the eastern world at that time and still so today.  In our western culture, however, a person is labelled as crazy and outdated if they recognize that a life issue is being caused by demons.

    We are all susceptible to the influence of evil spirits and demons.  I do not believe that a demon can override the will of a believer, but I do

    Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day

    Today, we celebrate Motherhood. 

    In the beginning, God and Adam saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone.  In response, God created the first woman, Eve.   

    She was created from Adam’s rib.  Not from his foot, that Eve should be walked on or ruled over by Adam, not from his head that she should rule over him, but from his rib that they would co-labor side-by-side in life.  She was created purposefully to be Adam’s helper.  As God states in Genesis 2:24, that they would come together as one. 

    This Hebrew word for helper is ʿēzer and is found 21 times in the Old Testament.  Twice, it is used to describe who Eve is in relationship to Adam.  Eighteen times, it is used to describe who God is in relationship to us.  This is incredibly significant! 

    In our culture, when we think of one who is a helper, we often think of it in a demeaning tone and lesser than the one that they are helping.  However, God is by no means lesser than us and His role as our helper is by no means demeaning!  This is the role of Eve as Adam’s wife. 

    She was so influential and valued alongside of Adam that the devil chose to take all of mankind down by tempting Eve.  If Eve were subservient to Adam in relationship, then the devil would have tempted Adam to cause them both to sin.  Adam also would not have submitted to her request for him to eat the fruit if she were subservient to him nor would she have been so bold as to tell him what to do.   

    We also don’t focus on this often in the account of the fall, but according to Genesis 3, Adam was with Eve when the serpent was tempting her.  Though the serpent was talking with Eve, Adam was together with her while this was taking place. 

    Many take Paul’s letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 2) where he states that women should learn in quietness and full submission to men and that a woman should not be permitted to teach or have authority over a man since Adam was created before Eve to be a rule for all people for all time. 

    However, in his other letters, Paul calls out many women by name and commends their ministry and even their leadership within the early church.  Since 1 Timothy 2 was a personal letter between Paul and Timothy, I believe that they both knew about a specific issue and situation in the church in Ephesus that made it unwise for women to teach or lead at that specific time.  Unfortunately, we’re a few thousand years removed from that letter and can only speculate. 

    Women have always had an important role throughout the Bible.  In fact, Paul even attributes Timothy’s faith to first living in his grandmother Lois and in his mother Eunice.  We never find any mention of the men in Timothy’s life except for the spiritual father that Paul was to him.  It was his grandmother and mother’s faith that lead to Timothy’s salvation and call to ministry. 

    Never underestimate the power and influence of a Spirit-filled mother! 

    We learned last week how the demons knew Jesus and heard about Paul. 

    I’m convinced that the demons shutter when some of you moms out there come around! 

    They’ve heard about you. 

    The way that you pray. 

    The way that you prophesy. 

    The way that you correct. 

    The way that you encourage. 

    The way that you are relentless about your whole family reaching their full God-given destiny. 

    The genuine and relentless faith of a mother! 

    Luke 18:1-8 

    1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ 

    4 “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets just

    Clean House: Habitation

    Clean House: Habitation

    Today, we’re continuing our message series entitled, “Clean House.”  In it, we’re learning how to do some spiritual spring cleaning in our lives so that we can live them to their fullest without all of the clutter that weighs us down and trips us up.

    One thing that always amazes me when watching the hoarder home reality shows is the mindset of the hoarder.  There they are crawling around through mountains of stuff, using a bucket for their restroom, eating moldy food, finding pets that died years ago under their rubble. 

    Yet they sincerely don’t think that their condition is all that bad.  They have a reason and an excuse for every mess that gets pointed out to them.  To them, there is nothing wrong with their messes and everyone else is the problem.  They seclude themselves and cut off all outsiders from entering their home.  They begin to place their identity in their hoard and cannot objectively look at it.  They take it personally when anyone points out a problem with their home.

    To clean house spiritually, we must begin with humility and honesty.

    Paul wrote to the church in Corinth about the conflict that they had regarding the leaders of the church that they were following.  He said:

    1 Corinthians 4:1-5

    1 This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. 2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.

    We can’t trust even our own consciences.  We may not sense any guilt about our lifestyles at all, however, that does not make us innocent before God.  Even our very own heart and mind within us cannot be trusted to indicate our guilt or innocence.

    Jeremiah 17:9-10

    9 The heart is deceitful above all things

        and beyond cure.

        Who can understand it?

    10 “I the Lord search the heart

        and examine the mind,

    to reward each person according to their conduct,

        according to what their deeds deserve.”

    That’s why David cried out:

    Psalm 139:23-24

    23 Search me, God, and know my heart;

        test me and know my anxious thoughts.

    24 See if there is any offensive way in me,

        and lead me in the way everlasting.

    To have a clean house of a life, we cannot lean into our own understanding.  We cannot look to our conscience.  We cannot trust our hearts.  We cannot believe our own thoughts.  They are all part of our old selves and prone to deceive us.

    Again, we must go back to the architect and builder of our lives to show us anything that needs corrected in our lives.  We need to go to the One who can take an objective look at our lives and show us with clarity what is right and what is wrong.  We need God!

    Jesus dealt with this issue often when interacting with the religious leaders.  Their lives looked great from outward appearances and they worked very hard to ensure that this was the case.  The Lord doesn’t look at outward appearances, though, only humans do.  God searches the heart and weighs motives to make a right judgment.

    Jesus saw this reality within them.  He said that they were whitewashed tombs.  On the inside, their lives looked just like a hoarder’s home.  This is what religion unfortunately does.  So long as we look and act and speak a certain way, we are granted a false sense of security by others and think that this means that we are in right standing with God as well.

    It’s not about what we say, but about who we are and our relationship with God that mat

    Clean House: Way Out

    Clean House: Way Out

    Today, we’re continuing our message series entitled, “Clean House.”  In it, we’re learning how to do some spiritual spring cleaning in our lives so that we can live them to their fullest without all of the clutter that weighs us down and trips us up. 

    We’ve learned about what sin is; missing the mark.  We learned how to understand not only our God-given purpose in life, but that God has a purpose for everything.  To sin is to use things outside of their intended purpose by God.  To begin cleaning house spiritually, we need to know what those purposes are so that we can recognize what needs cleaned, thrown out, brought in, or reprioritized our lives. 

    When we consider sinning, we call this temptation.  It always begins in our minds.  This is where the battlefield truly lies. 

    Just like when we throw our socks on the floor and only think about picking them up and putting them in a clothes basket.  Or when we walk into the house to grab a glass of water while outside working and only think about taking our shoes off first.  It’s seeing that sink full of dishes and only thinking that we’ll do them later. 

    When we know what is right and choose not to do it, our lives become cluttered and messy.  It doesn’t seem like that big of a deal at first, but if we continue down that path and never stop and choose to do what is right, those little messes turn into big messes.  Eventually those big messes really begin to impact our lives in a big way stealing away from them. 

    When the garbage that we keep putting off taking out begins to stink or bugs or mice begin to invade.  When we run out of clean dishes to eat off of.  When we run out of clean clothes to wear.  When we begin to have a hard time opening our door or keep tripping over things.  These are all natural consequences that set off an alarm that something needs done soon! 

    God has given us a whole lot of internal alarms that tell us that it is time to do some house cleaning within our lives as well.  We may be able to ignore them for a time, but it will only be to our own downfall and detriment to do so.  It’s far easier to deal with issues when they are small and manageable. 

    It’s easier to do one load of laundry than to wait and take up every machine at the laundromat to catch up.  It’s easier to wash dishes every night than to wait until the sink and counters are full of dirty dishes.  It’s easier to clean up that spill as soon as it happens than after it has had time to set in and becomes a stain. 

    If a house is let go long enough, it will have to be stripped down to the foundation and rebuilt entirely.  It’s far easier to patch a simple hole in roof as soon as it is revealed than to put a bucket under it and let it continue.  As we well know, it won’t remain that small hole for long and the destruction that it brings will not end until there is nothing left to destroy. 

    We have an enemy whose purpose is to wreak havoc and destruction in our lives.  Deceitful as he is, sin often enters our lives small and in a way that seems innocent and right.  That may be how it begins, but its ending is always death and destruction. 

    When God points out a little drip in your life, praise Him for revealing it and let Him seal it up quickly!  Do not excuse it away or ignore it!  Ignoring sin our life is to ignore God and the more that we get into the habit of ignoring God, our hearts harden toward Him.  The more that we are hard-hearted toward God, the more danger we are prone to in life! 

    Our lives are built by God just as a house is designed and built by someone.  He knows what is best for it and what it is purposed for.  His word of warning is one for our good and benefit, NOT for our shame and condemnation! 

    Hebrews 3:3-13 

    3 Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. 4 For every house is built by

    Clean House: Know

    Clean House: Know

    Today, we’re continuing our new message series entitled, “Clean House.”  In it, we’re learning how to do some spiritual spring cleaning in our lives so that we can live them to their fullest without all of the clutter that weighs us down and trips us up.

    Last week, we learned a bit about what sin is and just how desperately we need a healthy relationship with the Holy Spirit.  It’s only through this active relationship that we can avoid sin and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.  We want to avoid indulging in the flesh.  As we learned, this sets up a command center in our lives from which the devil wages war against us.  This goes far further than we realize!

    This morning, God wants to shift our thinking about sin a bit more.  We typically think of sin being to do what God tells us not to do.  Therefore, if the Bible does not explicitly tell us not to do something, we’re not sure whether it is right or wrong for us and are more likely to do it.  If the Bible doesn’t explicitly call something out as sin, then we use that as justification for His approval to do it.

    Our flesh is always looking for loopholes to enable us to do whatever we want and yet also make us feel like we’re still in right standing with God.  Our flesh tempts us to find that line between sin and righteousness and dwell there. 

    The Spirit is always looking to give us a full and abundant life and to lead us far from sin.  The Spirit wants us to dwell within His safe refuge.

    Going back to what sin is, God doesn’t define for us all of the countless ways that we can miss His target.  Instead, He makes clear to us His plans and purposes; that bullseye.  When we understand God’s purpose for something, we then are aware that using something for a purpose other than which it was created by God for is sin.

    Craftsman designed and created a flat screwdriver for the purpose of tightening and loosing flat head screws.  When I use it as a pry bar or chisel, I’m likely to bend or break it.  Why?  Because it was not created for those purposes.  I sin against it.  Not only may it be damaged, but I just might damage myself doing it, too!  It was uniquely designed and intentionally created for that purpose.

    God has a design and purpose for communication.

    God has a design and purpose for friendship.

    God has a design and purpose for music.

    God has a design and purpose for marriage

    God has a design and purpose for sex.

    God has a design and purpose for work.

    God has a design and purpose for education.

    God has a design and purpose for everything.

    Nothing that God does is accidental or a surprise to Him.

    One of the first house cleaning tasks is to recognize what is in need of cleaning.  What is dirty?  What is out of place?  What needs thrown out?  What needs to be brought in?

    What areas of my life are affected by sin and need to be cleansed or renewed?

    When we know and understand God’s design and purpose for our lives, we can quickly identify anything that is not in agreement with them.

    To recognize these things, we need to get to know God and His design and purpose for them and where they belong in our lives.  A fire is a wonderful thing in our fireplace on a cold winter night.  A fire is an unnecessary and irritating thing in our fireplace on a hot summer day.  A fire is a horrifying thing in the middle of the living room floor at any time!

    For everything, there is a proper time and a season and a purpose.  To get things out of order when it comes to times and seasons or to misunderstand the purpose of things is to sin; to miss the mark.

    Now is the season for tilling and fertilizing and planting.  If you do all of that and then you wake up tomorrow and believe that it’s time to harvest and uproot, well, you’re going to sin by doing it.  All of your work will be for nothing.  That season will come, but tomorrow is not the time.

    How do we recognize what t

    Clean House: Surrender

    Clean House: Surrender

    Spring has arrived!  Most of us begin to feel the need this time of the year to clean house.  We gather up sticks in the yard that fell through the winter to prepare to mow.  We throw out stuff that we don’t use anymore.  We organize the clutter found throughout our homes.  We throw open the windows and do some serious deep cleaning.

    It’s a lot of work, but it feels so good once that work is finished!

    It’s so easy for that clutter and dirt to build back up again gradually over time, though…  Things that we don’t even notice in our day-to-day routines or we’re just too busy to take care of them.  It’s no different in our spiritual lives.  Thankfully, we have an incredible helper when it comes to cleaning house spiritually; the Holy Spirit!  He’s ready to get to work to do some spring cleaning in our lives and man do we need it!

    Today, we’re tackling a tough topic that our flesh loves, but the Spirit hates.  Anyone want to take a guess at what that might be?  Our flesh loves it, but the Spirit hates it? 

    Sin!  To sin is to literally miss the mark. 

    God created us on purpose and for a purpose, but also with the free will to choose how we live out our lives.  We are stewards of God’s gift of life.  God’s purpose is the bullseye on our life’s target.  When we choose to live outside of that purpose, we miss the bullseye; we sin. 

    Our choice to sin does not only affect ourselves, but it also affects all of those around us.

    Now we typically think of sin as intentionally doing something that we’re told not to do.  God tells us to speak the truth, but we lie.  God tells us not to covet, but we lust after what belongs to others.  God tells us to work hard for six days and to take the seventh day off, but we either work on the one day of rest or we’re lazy and don’t work on the other six days.

    Yes, sin is doing what God says not to do, but it is also not doing the things that God says to do.

    James 4:17

    If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

    There are some black-and-white topics that are sin for everyone at all times.  Things that are never beneficial and never acceptable.  However, since we were each were created for different purposes, there are some things that are sin for you and not for me and also sin for me and not for you.

    I was not created to be an NFL linebacker.  I just wasn’t.  If I committed and dedicated my life to pursuing this purpose, not only would I live a life of failure, but also one of misery and discontentment and probably one filled with a whole lot of pain.  I would be living a life of sin; completely missing my purpose!

    There are also things that can be sin for us just in certain seasons of life.  As we grow and mature in our faith, we are often granted freedom to do things that our conscience once forbade us to do beforehand.  Paul teaches all about these arguable matters and uses meat sacrificed to idols as an illustration of this.  It was a very hot topic at that time in the church in Corinth!

    In fact in Acts 15, the church leadership all got together in Jerusalem to seek after God and figure out which of the Jewish laws and traditions carry over to non-Jew Christians and which did not.  What was sin for a Jew, but not a Gentile?  They came up with an extremely short list covered in just a few sentences.

    Under the New Covenant, now with the Holy Spirit indwelling us, we can go even a step further from mere “doing and not doing” straight to the heart motive of our behaviors to define sin.

    Romans 14:23

    …everything that does not come from faith is sin.

    Yes, even when we do the good things that we know we ought to do, but we do not do them because of our faith in obeying God, then it is still sin.  If we do things to look good before others or to selfishly receive blessings from God for ourselves, then even doing good is sin.

    Are we begi

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