The Trimester Bubble

Dr. Elyssa Wright
The Trimester Bubble Podcast

Dr. Elyssa Wright is focused on helping moms live a more holistic lifestyle. Whether you are trying to conceive, newly pregnant, or a seasoned mama with littles already running around, Dr. Elyssa will be bringing you insightful “hacks” to help keep you and your family healthy and happy. Each week we will be answering your burning questions about fertility, pregnancy, healthy kids, and holistic family living.

  1. 09: New Year Reset

    9 JAN

    09: New Year Reset

    It’s never too late to make great changes!  On this episode of The Trimester Bubble, Dr. Katherine talks about her “back to basics” tips for the new year. Start small, make commitments you can stick to, and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to a year full of great sleep, balanced meals, and attainable exercise.  Sleep We often see patients in our office who are feeling the aches and pains of a poor night’s sleep. Set yourself up for success by: Turning off electronics an hour before bed Stop snacking a couple hours before bed Take a hot shower or bath in the evening Clear your bedroom from extra distractions Diet and Nutrition Rather than focusing on taking food away from your plate, focus on the ratio of food on your plate. Aim for: Fruit and/or veggies on half your plate Whole grains on a quarter of your plate Protein on a quarter of your plate Steer clear of fried and processed foods as much as possible, and try out prepping your meals for the week on Sunday or Monday to make healthy weekday meals easier.  Exercise Move your body every day! If structured exercise sounds inaccessible, try out: Walking for 20 minutes a day Taking a weight lifting class at your local gym Playing pickleball with friends Gardening Try a yoga for beginners class In this episode you’ll hear about: What sleep does for your mind and body Meal prepping Balanced portions How much water to drink each day The two main types of exercise Weekly exercise goals (and how to make it super accessible) What exercise does for your mind and body Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Learn: Episode 8: Managing the Holiday Season Episode 7: It Takes a Village - Functional Medicine Decreasing Dairy A Good Nights Sleep Meal Planning for Wellness Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

    12 min
  2. 08: Managing the Holiday Season


    08: Managing the Holiday Season

    The holiday season can bring up a lot of emotions around self, family, events, food, and more. This week on the Trimester Bubble, we chatted with Jessica Van Antwerp for a better understanding of stress and learned some helpful, practical ways to tackle stress this season! Why is Stress Management Important? Stress levels are a key indicator of overall health (as well as nutrition and movement). It’s a contributing factor to all major diseases and changes your body’s processes when heightened. Finding ways to manage the stress of everyday life and the added stressors of life events and holidays can support your longterm disease prevention, help you absorb vitamins and minerals better, and support your body’s innate healing process. Stress Management Ideas Stress management can include anything that helps you breathe and slow down. This might look like: Getting a massage Take three mindful breaths Meditating Practice qigong Go for a walk in nature Spend time in a steam room Paint Dance Sip tea (without your phone around) Put your bare feet in the grass, sand, or water Self Care While “self care” can feel like a buzzword, it can be pretty simple and very helpful. During the relentless pace of the holiday season, your stress management practices will make great self care practices.  There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to self care, but we’ve put together some ideas to get you started on your self care path: Take time for yourself, even if it’s a couple minutes a day Connect with yourself through meditation and/or movement Grounding (learn more in the podcast!) Eat nutritious meals Get a good nights sleep In this episode you’ll hear about: The common stressors and feelings that come up around the holidays like keeping your center around family and managing travel anxiety Understanding “grounding” and how to do it! Qigong as moving meditation for health Pillars of health: nutrition, movement, relaxation How our fight or flight response impacts our physical bodies and how to deal with daily stress Qigong as a way to connect with your growing baby and yourself What is self care really? The importance of managing your stress and the detrimental effects of unmanaged stress Taking control of your own health Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Jessica’s Website for wellness coaching Jessica’s Website for Retreats Intro to Chigong online course: Use discount code “alottalove” for $100 off! Learn: Episode 6: Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Season Episode 7: It Takes a Village - Functional Medicine Healthy Holiday Eating Stress Free Home for the Holidays A Good Nights Sleep Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Connect with Jessica on Instagram Connect with Jessica on Facebook: and jessicalynbodywork Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescriptio

    35 min
  3. 07: It Takes a Village- Functional Medicine


    07: It Takes a Village- Functional Medicine

    The pregnancy journey brings up so many new questions, like: When is the best time to start thinking about nutrition in the pregnancy journey? How do I know my prenatal vitamin is working? Who do I need supporting me in the pre-conception phase? On The Trimester Bubble, we’re happy to share some of the incredible experts and resources we have access to in Boulder, Colorado, so you can benefit from them wherever you are! This week, Dr. Elyssa and Dr. Katherine sat down with Dr. Margo Gasta to discuss her work as a functional medicine dietitian and certified classical homeopath working with women on the path of pregnancy. We chatted about some of those common questions to help bring you some guidance along your journey! When to Start Thinking About Nutrition If you’re planning to get pregnant, it’s great to start thinking about nutrition now! Dr. Margo recommends getting labs done as a baseline and reviewing the results with your functional medicine practitioner.  Creating Good Habits Pre-Pregnancy Trimester 1 can bring a whole slew of physical and emotional shifts that make creating new habits even more difficult. So if you’re planning to get pregnant, consider taking a look at these areas to set yourself up well: Healthy eating Optimized digestion Meal planning Remove environmental chemicals Manage stress levels Dr. Margo Gasta is a functional medicine dietitian and a certified classical homeopath. She has been practicing for 34 years, working with gastro-intestinal issues, chronic pelvic pain, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, ADHD, anxiety, and depression.  In this episode you’ll hear about: Dr Margo Gasta’s work as a functional medicine dietitian and certified classical homeopath When to start thinking about preconception nutrition Common underlying conditions in women preconception The importance of B vitamins and iron Getting nutrition through food vs supplements Digestion, constipation, and IBS pre-pregnancy Being aware of environmental chemicals Getting enough calories for breastfeeding Postpartum care: nutrition, depression, sleep Getting help after a hard birth Addressing chronic pelvic pain Advocating for yourself after giving birth - build a team Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Learn more about Dynamic Body Balancing DBB Website Dr. Margo’s website Book: Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things Learn: Episode 3: Pregnancy 101 Episode 5: It Takes a Village - Doulas Microplastics in the Food We Eat The Benefits of Bone Broth Real Advice for Prenatal and Pregnancy Nutritional Care Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Connect with Dr. Margo on Instagram Connect with Dr. Margo on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle p

    30 min
  4. 06: Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Season


    06: Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Season

    Like clockwork, every autumn the calls start rolling in: Is this allergies or the flu or a cold? While fall and winter are typically “cold and flu season,” it doesn’t happen just because the weather is turning… it might be your nervous system crashing the party! Be honest - how do you feel about the holiday season coming up? Does it make you feel joyful, relaxed, and happy? Or - much more likely - like a “stressball”? This fall, fight cold and flu season with a strong nervous system! Your Immune System and Nervous System Especially during this season, it’s important to balance the two main parts of your autonomic nervous system:  Rest and digest (parasympathetic nervous system) Fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) Your fight or flight gets triggered with all kinds of modern stressors, including sudden noises, email alerts, phone dings, etc. When these stressors happen, your body produces a hormone reaction that disrupts your sleep, digestive system, reproductive system, and immune system. Meaning, your body is fighting everything except the external cold and flu bugs. Shifting Into a Peaceful Holiday Season Ready to have a holiday season full of ease and grace? Dr. Elyssa has three easy, accessible tips for you! Tip 1: Box breathing. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, inhale for 4 counts… Repeat for a few rounds. Tip 2: Turn off your notifications. Turn your phone on silent so you don’t get constant “ding” anxiety, and consider setting specific times to check your phone or email. Tip 3: Be mindful of inflammation activators. Inflammation increases stress response and calls your immune system to fight the inflammation, distracting it from outside invaders like colds and flus. To support anti-inflammation in your system: Watch out for extra sugar, rich/heavy foods, and alcohol Drink more water, especially when you get sugar cravings Eat something that helps you feel healthy before going to holiday gatherings Take snacks for the road! Let us know how these tips work for you this holiday season, or if you have any to add! In this episode you’ll hear about: Why fall becomes cold and flu season What’s really happening each autumn that causes those colds and flus Balancing holiday season stress How your nervous system and immune system work together Ease and grace this holiday season Dr. Elyssa’s three tips for a healthy nervous system and strong immune system Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Learn more about Dynamic Body Balancing DBB Website Learn: Episode 4: All About Dynamic Body Balancing Episode 5: It Takes a Village - Doulas The Benefits of Bone Broth Healthy Holiday Eating Stress Free Home for the Holidays Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before

    19 min
  5. 05: It Takes a Village: Doulas


    05: It Takes a Village: Doulas

    Ever wonder what a birth doula does? Doulas can serve many roles in the pregnancy, birth, and postnatal journey. This can include: Being a caretaker Serving as your advocate in a medical setting Keeping you company / being the antidote to isolation in pregnancy and childbirth Normalizing your experience Helping you feel supported every step of the way It truly takes a village to support the pregnancy and birth process, as this week’s Trimester Bubble guest, Jennie Bingham, reminded us. She is a birth and postpartum doula and massage therapist based here in the “bubble” in Boulder, CO. Birth doulas also help support a continuity of care, as you may or may not have the same medical team throughout your pregnancy and birth. They can adapt to your needs and play whatever role is needed, including being hands-on support during your delivery. Bodywork is another crucial care practice for pregnancy. Between chiropractic care and massage, you can find relief from common pregnancy complaints like: Leg cramps Hip pain Anxiety and stress Neck and shoulder pain Mid and low back pain Plus, receiving bodywork during pregnancy (by a qualified practitioner) can help you build body awareness for a more easeful pregnancy (posture, functional movement) and labor.  In this episode you’ll hear about: What a doula is What a doula does The benefit of having a doula Prenatal vs regular massage The benefits of bodywork during pregnancy What a certified prenatal bodyworker is Sidelying vs belly-down massage Jennie’s favorite benefit of massage How to create ease in pregnancy Massage doula training with Jennie Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Learn more about Dynamic Body Balancing DBB Website Nourishing Bodywork Website Learn: Episode 3: Pregnancy 101: Back to Basics Breastfeeding and Chiropractic Amazing Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Babies The Six Signs of Subluxation During Pregnancy Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

    27 min
  6. 04: All About Dynamic Body Balancing


    04: All About Dynamic Body Balancing

    If you’ve visited Body & Balance before, you’ve likely experienced Dynamic Body Balancing.  But what is it, really? Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB) is a craniosacral myofascial unwinding technique originally developed by Dr. Carol Phillips. The practitioners at Body & Balance are trained extensively in DBB and use it with nearly every patient. DBB is three parts:  Craniosacral Myofascial unwinding Dynamic Your Craniosacral System We all have three primary metrics of health: your heartrate, respiration (breathing) rate, and cranial rhythmic impulse.  The latter is what pumps fluid in and around your nervous system, bringing nutrients in and flushing toxins out of your brain. In DBB, practitioners clear any restrictions in your craniosacral system and help you find balance. Myofascial Unwinding Fascia is the spiderweb-like connective tissue that encases all of your muscles, ligaments, nerves, bones, and organs. When something gets “stuck” in your fascia, it can create all kinds of discomfort. In practice, myofascial unwinding as part of Dynamic Body Balancing can look like rocking or shaking. While you are moving around, your practitioner is tapping into the receptors that talk to you brain and activating them so your brain can show the body what needs attention and the body will respond with unwinding.  Dynamic The “Dynamic” part of DBB means you’re sitting up or standing in gravity, rather than lying down for the entire session. This allows your body to more easily find “stuck” points and torsions.  Torsions can come from many sources, including old injuries, traumas, repetitive motions, and inutero. We often see torsions from car accidents, falls, and student athletes. Athletes who play golf, tennis, lacrosse, soccer, baseball, plus dancers and snowboarders all have built-in torsions from their sport. Bodies can become unbalanced from a single torsion event (e.g. car accident) or a lifetime of layered torsions. Is DBB right for me? If you’ve tried other modalities of healing and they’re not lasting, or something’s missing, Dynamic Body Balancing is a great option. While everyone can benefit from DBB, we most frequently treat the following groups: Infants Toddlers Pregnant mamas Chronic pain In this episode you’ll hear about: What Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB) is Dr. Carol Philips Dr. Elyssa’s history with DBB The three metrics of health Your cranialsacral system How myofascial unwinding works How torsions show up in your body Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Learn more about Dynamic Body Balancing DBB Website Learn: Episode 3: Pregnancy 101: Back to Basics Breastfeeding and Chiropractic Amazing Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Babies The Six Signs of Subluxation During Pregnancy Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult

    20 min
  7. 03: Pregnancy 101


    03: Pregnancy 101

    Feeling overloaded with all the pregnancy advice from doctors, family members, strangers, and the bottomless pit that is the internet? Let’s get back to the basics.  Very simply, rule number one is to listen to yourself. Your internal wisdom is super smart and will tell you what’s okay and what’s not okay.  Connect with you and baby with these simple tips as you embark on your pregnancy journey: Nutrition Through the…interesting…cravings that can go along with pregnancy, there are a few simple things to keep in mind.  Leave out caffeine Pay attention to artificial sweeteners and refined sugars Steer clear of prepackaged foods as much as possible Add a good prenatal vitamin with iron and omegas Manage your blood sugar (and morning sickness!) with regular snacks and meals Sleep Your body will usually tell you the best way to sleep as you move through trimesters and your baby grows. Sleeping on your side with lots of pillow support is generally the way to go! Grab some pillows or a U-pillow to support your head, baby, and between-the-knees for your side sleeping. Stress Cortisol, your stress hormone, can impact all the other hormones in your body - and in baby’s body. What’s a mama to do? Regulate your nervous system with breath! Find a regular occurrence during your day - like going to the bathroom - and take 5 deep breaths just for you. Inhale silence, exhale racing thoughts.  Manage stress with outside support like massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc. At Body & Balance, we specialize in regulating your nervous system in addition to helping your body feel its best.  Movement Should I keep lifting weights? Can I keep running while I’m pregnant? Generally, you can keep doing what you were doing before you got pregnant (as long as it feels ok), though now is not the time to push your limits or set PRs.  Whether you were a “walker” before your pregnancy or not, now is a great time for walking! Start small and build up your walking duration to about 45 minutes a day and include as a regular part of your day throughout your pregnancy. In this episode you’ll hear about: The overload of pregnancy information Trusting your intuition Setting boundaries Foods to avoid or add How to sleep for a happy back (plus the Body & Balance fan favorite pregnancy pillow!) Managing your mindset and stress levels Exercise and movement basics The benefits of walking Feeling more at ease with your pregnancy Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Dr Elyssa’s favorite prenatal vitamins Body & Balance website Learn: Episode 2: Strength & Community in Pre- and Post-Natal Yoga Exercise During Pregnancy Prenatal and Pregnancy Nutritional Care Camouflaged Sugars Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

    18 min
  8. 31/08/2023

    02: Strength & Community in Pre- and Post-Natal Yoga

    This week on The Trimester Bubble, we chatted with yoga teacher and craniosacral therapist, Allie Greer to hear about the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of pre- and post-natal yoga. From the moment you even think about those two little lines on a pregnancy test, someone has probably started telling you about prenatal yoga. With good reason! Prenatal - and postnatal - yoga are wonderful ways to support your pregnancy journey as your body, mind, and emotions expand. At Body & Balance, we see a lot of mamas-to-be with similar kinds of discomfort and pain, often focused on their hips and low back. Prenatal yoga is a wonderful compliment to your regular chiropractic care as a way to connect with your body and your baby, manage stress and anxiety, and find community with other mamas. In this episode you’ll hear about: Allie Greer, eRYT-500, pre- and post-natal yoga teacher and biodynamic craniosacral therapist The importance of strength and relaxation in trimesters 1-3 How stagnation can turn into pain and discomfort in pregnancy How a prenatal yoga practice can help create space and prepare you mentally/emotionally for childbirth How postnatal yoga can support bringing you back into your body after the physically, mentally, and emotionally expansive experience of pregnancy and birth Allie’s favorite breathing practice for pregnant mamas-to-be In-person yoga vs at-home yoga A simple yoga technique to support connection to breath and body The one simple yoga pose to do pre- or post-natal The importance of having a postpartum community The “blueprint of health” in your system About Allie Greer: Allie is a Yoga Medicine Therapeutic specialist, an e-RYT-500, and biodynamic craniosacral therapist. She has specialties in biomechanics, pre- and post-natal yoga, Myofascial release, and subtle body dynamics. She teaches group yoga classes in the Boulder, Colorado area, plus specialized workshops, teacher trainings, and international retreats. She also sees clients one-on-one for therapeutic yoga and craniosacral therapy. Listen to full episodes of The Trimester Bubble (formerly Balancing Holistic Mamas) on your favorite podcast player: Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify YouTube Resources in this Episode: Pain-Free Pregnancy registration Body & Balance website Allie’s website Allie’s Colorado prenatal classes Learn: Episode 1: Welcome to the Bubble Exercise During Pregnancy Prenatal and Pregnancy Nutritional Care Pelvis Floor Function & Chiropractic Connect: Boulder Locals: Join our free, in-person Pain-Free Pregnancy community each quarter. Register here! Body & Balance: New patients start here About Dr Elyssa and Dr Katherine Connect with Body & Balance on Instagram Connect with Body & Balance on Facebook Connect with Allie Geer on Instagram Enjoying the podcast? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! Disclaimer This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers/listeners of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Elyssa Wright nor Body and Balance Chiropractic. LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, listening or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

    26 min


Dr. Elyssa Wright is focused on helping moms live a more holistic lifestyle. Whether you are trying to conceive, newly pregnant, or a seasoned mama with littles already running around, Dr. Elyssa will be bringing you insightful “hacks” to help keep you and your family healthy and happy. Each week we will be answering your burning questions about fertility, pregnancy, healthy kids, and holistic family living.

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