Daily Meditation Podcast

Mary Meckley
Daily Meditation Podcast Podcast

Sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel happier about your life. If you yearn for simpler calmer days, settle yourself down to explore the rich tradition of meditation for your modern life. Journey through a weekly theme to gain insight and understanding of the biggest stressors of our time. Be guided in a brief mini-meditation using a time-proven meditation technique in each episode to sleep better, manage anxiety, and improve mental focus. Described by listeners as a daily therapy session with certified meditation and yoga teacher, Mary Meckley

  1. 16 HR AGO

    Appreciating the Transcience of Life, Day 7: "Embracing Impermanence" meditation series

    In today's meditation, acknowledge the ever-changing nature of the world. The seasons come and go, the weather shifts, and all living things experience a cycle of growth and decay. Reflect on the transience of your own life. You are a unique and fleeting being, here for a brief moment in time. Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi-sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and impermanence of life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 7 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Embracing Impermance," episodes 3192-3198. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Embracing Imperfection Find beauty in the flaws in your life. Select one perceived flaw and consciously, daily discover the beauty of it. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appre

    12 min
  2. 20 HR AGO

    Acceptance, Day 6: "Embracing Impermanence" meditation series

    In today's meditation, you're guided in a soothing Acceptance Flow meditation where you layer the techniques you've explored throughout this week's series. Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi-sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and impermanence of life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Embracing Impermance," episodes 3192-3198. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Embracing Imperfection Find beauty in the flaws in your life. Select one perceived flaw and consciously, daily discover the beauty of it. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreci

    12 min
  3. 2 DAYS AGO

    Releasing Expectations of How Life Should Be, Day 5: "Embracing Imperfection" meditation series

    In today's meditation, you're guided to let go of expectations and embrace the uncertainty of life. By focusing on the present moment and practicing gratitude, you'll cultivate a sense of peace and acceptance. Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi-sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and impermanence of life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Embracing Impermance," episodes 3192-3198. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Embracing Imperfection Find beauty in the flaws in your life. Select one perceived flaw and consciously, daily discover the beauty of it. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi sabi principles into your m

    12 min
  4. 3 DAYS AGO

    Embracing Your True Self, Day 4: "Embracing Impermanence" meditation series

    In today's meditation, you're guided to release any expectations or attachments to outcomes. Embrace the uncertainty and spontaneity of life. Express gratitude for the beauty and simplicity of the present moment. Key features of wabi-sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and impermanence of life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 3  of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Embracing Impermance," episodes 3192-3198. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Embracing Imperfection Find beauty in the flaws in your life. Select one perceived flaw and consciously, daily discover the beauty of it. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasure

    12 min
  5. 4 DAYS AGO

    Embracing the Fleeting Moment: A Wabi-Sabi Meditation, Day 3: Embracing Impermanence" meditation series

    Be guided in a meditation guiding you to embrace the impermanence of life, aligning with the principles of wabi sabi. By focusing on your breath and visualizing the ever-changing nature of the world, you'll cultivate a sense of peace and acceptance. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and impermanence of life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 3  of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Embracing Impermance," episodes 3192-3198. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Embracing Imperfection Find beauty in the flaws in your life. Select one perceived flaw and consciously, daily discover the beauty of it. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can h

    12 min
  6. 5 DAYS AGO

    Self-Acceptance: A Wabi-Sabi Journey: Day 1 "Embracing Impermanence" meditation series

    Be guided to embrace imperfection with the Japanese art of Wabi Sabi. Wabi-sabi, a Japanese aesthetic philosophy, offers a unique perspective on beauty that can enrich the meditative experience. It celebrates imperfection, transience, and simplicity, inviting you to find beauty in the ordinary and appreciate the fleeting nature of life. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and impermanence of life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 1  of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Embracing Impermance," episodes 3192-3198. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Embracing Imperfection Find beauty in the flaws in your life. Select one perceived flaw and consciously, daily discover the beauty of it. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of grou

    12 min
  7. 6 DAYS AGO

    Accepting Imperfection, Day 1: "Embracing Imperfection" meditation series

    Be guided this week as we launch into a meditation series about embracing imperfection with the Japanese art of Wabi Sabi. Wabi sabi, a Japanese aesthetic philosophy, offers a unique perspective on beauty that can enrich the meditative experience. It celebrates imperfection, transience, and simplicity, inviting us to find beauty in the ordinary and appreciate the fleeting nature of life. Key features of wabi sabi that can enhance meditation: Imperfection: Embracing imperfection can help us let go of expectations and find beauty in the flaws of life. Transience: Recognizing the temporary nature of all things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Simplicity: Simplifying our lives can reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment for meditation. Naturalness: Connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can foster a sense of groundedness and tranquility. Rustic charm: Finding beauty in the humble and unadorned can help us appreciate the simple pleasures of life. By incorporating wabi sabi principles into your meditation practice, you can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and impermanence of life, fostering a sense of peace and contentment. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 1  of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Embracing Impermance," episodes 3192-3198. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Embracing Imperfection Find beauty in the flaws in your life. Select one perceived flaw and consciously, daily discover the beauty of it. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.

    12 min
  8. 21 SEPT

    A Week of Release, Day 7: "Finding Freedom by Letting Go" meditation series

    Be guided to reflect on your week, focusing on moments when you successfully let go of suffering. By identifying these instances, you'll reinforce your ability to navigate challenges with greater ease and cultivate a sense of inner peace. WELCOME TO THIS WEEK'S MEDITATION SERIES! If you struggle with anxiety and find yourself dwelling on uncontrollable events, this meditation series offers a path to peace and emotional well-being. By focusing on mindfulness, acceptance, and letting go, you can learn to navigate life's challenges with greater ease. This series will guide you through techniques to: Cultivate mindfulness: Stay present in the moment and reduce rumination on past events. Practice acceptance: Embrace the reality of situations you cannot change. Let go of control: Surrender to the flow of life and trust in the universe. Find inner peace: Discover a sense of calm and tranquility amidst life's uncertainties. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 7  of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Finding Freedom by Letting Go" episodes 3184-3190. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Surrender Experiment When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, consciously notice what triggered this state, and surrender it to your highest self. Notice what you can do to relieve the tension by the thoughts that you think, the things you do, how you approach your days, and the people you surround yourself with. A DIFFERENT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE EVERY DAY FOCUSED ON A WEEKLY THEME: Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique daily, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life. FREE TOOLS: For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey. Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app! Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone   1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom   ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.   RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.   I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.   **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.

    12 min

Hosts & Guests


Sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel happier about your life. If you yearn for simpler calmer days, settle yourself down to explore the rich tradition of meditation for your modern life. Journey through a weekly theme to gain insight and understanding of the biggest stressors of our time. Be guided in a brief mini-meditation using a time-proven meditation technique in each episode to sleep better, manage anxiety, and improve mental focus. Described by listeners as a daily therapy session with certified meditation and yoga teacher, Mary Meckley

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