Me Myself and HER

Alicia Caldwell
Me Myself and HER Podcast

The Me Myself and HER Podcast is designed to educate, equip, and empower you to lead and succeed in life, career, and relationships by becoming a better steward of your mental health through practical mental fitness and self-care strategies for the mind, body, spirit, and relationships. Join Alicia Caldwell, a licensed professional counselor, author, and speaker, as she shares inspiring messages to help you live, love, and lead without sacrificing your mental health.

  1. 26 AUG

    Lessons from Champions: Growth is Uncomfortable

    In today’s episode of the Me, Myself, and HER Podcast, Alicia Caldwell, LPC, discusses part two of her enlightening four-part series inspired by the 2024 Olympic Games. Have you ever watched Olympic athletes endure intense pain and discomfort to achieve greatness? From injured sprinters to athletes battling muscle strain and fatigue, the Olympics revealed that discomfort is unavoidable in reaching the top. These athletes didn’t let their pain define them; instead, they used it as fuel to push beyond their limits. In this episode, Alicia reflects on the lessons we can draw from Olympians: Growth is inherently uncomfortable. Just like Olympians who endure the physical discomfort of training to reach peak performance, we, too, must embrace the discomfort of mental fitness routines that build our mental muscles for the marathon of life. Discomfort is not our enemy—it’s a sign that we are stretching beyond our comfort zones and making strides toward our full potential. Episode Takeaways: Build Your Mental Muscles Intentionally: Just like physical fitness, mental fitness requires deliberate effort. Engage in regular practices that strengthen your “mental muscles” and enhance your resilience. Learn Mental Fitness Techniques: While many people know how to improve their physical fitness, few have been taught effective mental fitness techniques. Understanding these strategies is crucial for overall well-being. Observe the Masters: Champion athletes show us the power of extensive mental and physical training. Watching them push through pain and adversity offers valuable perseverance and mental toughness lessons. Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Routine: Mindfulness is a powerful tool for mental fitness. For practical strategies, refer to page 168 of Alicia Caldwell’s book, The Journey Back to Self, where she introduces mindfulness and its benefits.   Ready to Unlock Strategies for Mental Fitness? --->Invite Alicia Caldwell to speak at your school, organization, or event. Fill out and submit the speaker request form at --->You can purchase a personal copy or a bulk order of The Journey Back to Self for your school, organization, or team at If you haven’t already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. Connect with Alicia Caldwell on Instagram and LinkedIn for additional inspiration and insights. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    13 min
  2. 13 AUG

    Lessons from Champions: Run Your Race

    Welcome back to the Me, Myself, and HER Podcast! Today, Alicia Caldwell, LPC, shares part one of a four-part series of lessons she learned from watching the 2024 Olympic games. Champion runners know one thing for sure: stay in your lane. The moment they start trying to run someone else’s race, crossing into another lane, or matching someone else’s pace, they risk everything they’ve worked for—disqualification, collisions, or even serious injury. This rule isn’t just for the track; it’s a powerful lesson, especially for us as women and girl leaders striving to lead and succeed in this marathon called life. Episode Takeaways: Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness in terms of endurance. Know what you are running toward, know what you are running for, and stay in your lane. Comparison is the thief of joy and will sabotage our ability to live authentically. Trying to run someone else’s race will cause us to stumble and hinder our progress. Focus on your lane and the journey you have been assigned to. Do you want to shift the atmosphere at your organization, school, or event to one of mental empowerment? If so, head to, schedule a speaker consultation and discuss how a partnership with Alicia Caldwell, LPC, can meet your needs. Are you on a self-empowerment journey? If so, allow Alicia Caldwell's book, The Journey Back to Self, to guide you. Purchase your copy at HERE. If you haven’t already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. Connect with Alicia Caldwell on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for additional inspiration and insights. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    11 min
  3. 6 AUG

    The Power of Accountability

    Welcome back to the Me, Myself, and HER Podcast! Today, Alicia Caldwell, LPC, shares why her intended August break from podcasting didn’t happen because of an accountability-infused conversation with her husband. There are times when our self-accountability is lacking, and that’s when our accountability partners really come in handy. They may be family and friends or a hired professional like a business coach or therapist. Accountability partners are a valuable asset on our journey to living up to our potential and beyond. Episode Takeaways: 1. Negotiating on our promises to ourselves is holding us back from our purpose and potential.2. Accountability partners are crucial because they remind us of our commitments and push us to stay on track, ensuring that we follow through on our promises and achieve our goals.3. Self-accountability is essential for personal growth and leadership. By consistently showing up for ourselves, we build trust in our abilities and are positioned to show up for those looking for support, guidance, and inspiration.   Do you want to shift the atmosphere at your organization, school, or event to one of mental empowerment? If so, visit, schedule a speaker consultation, and discuss how a partnership with Alicia Caldwell can meet your needs. Order your copy of Alicia Caldwell’s highly regarded book, The Journey Back to Self, HERE. If you haven’t already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. Connect with Alicia Caldwell on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for additional inspiration and insights. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    12 min
  4. 22 JUL

    Outlast the Storm

    In this heartfelt episode of the Me Myself and HER Podcast, Alicia Caldwell, LPC, speaks directly to you about enduring and overcoming life's challenges. Using the powerful metaphor of weathering a storm, Alicia offers compassionate advice and practical strategies to help you stay the course when faced with adversity. Episode Takeaways: INNER PEACE: To nurture inner peace during challenging times, incorporate daily periods of rest and restoration, such as mindfulness practices. Set aside 10-15 minutes each day for meditation. Focus on your breath and be present in the moment. This practice helps reduce stress and anxiety, fostering a sense of calm and inner peace. POWER: Your power is enhanced when you take good care of yourself. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Schedule regular breaks, engage in activities you love, make healthy choices, and seek support from friends or your therapist to promote mental, physical, and relational well-being. PROSPERITY MINDSET: Mindset is key to overcoming challenges. Adopt a prosperity mindset by focusing on the small wins even while coping with difficulties. Acknowledge and celebrate each small victory along the way. Recognizing your progress boosts your confidence and motivation, making it easier to tackle the next step. PLEASE NOTE: August 2024 will be a month of rest and renewal. New episodes will not be published, but this is an opportunity to revisit some of your favorite episodes and engage in much-needed self-care as summer winds down. New episodes will resume in September. Links to stay connected! Purchase The Journey Back to Self Book Alicia Caldwell, LPC, to speak Alicia Caldwell on LinkedIn Live Like HER Page on LinkedIn If you haven't already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    12 min
  5. 15 JUL

    Saying No is Self-Care

    Welcome back to the Me, Myself, and HER Podcast! Today, Alicia Caldwell, LPC, discusses an essential aspect of self-care that is often overlooked: the power of saying no. In a world that constantly demands our time, energy, and attention, learning to say no is not just about setting boundaries; it’s about prioritizing our mental and emotional well-being. This episode will explore why saying no is a vital form of self-care and how it can transform your life by freeing up space for what truly matters. Episode Takeaways: Understanding the Importance of Saying No: Discover why saying no is essential for being a good steward of your mental health and well-being. Say no to overcommitting: We've all been there—taking on too many tasks and responsibilities. It’s important to recognize when we’re spreading ourselves too thin and to say no to additional commitments that could lead to burnout. By doing this, we ensure we have time for self-care and relaxation. Say no to people pleasing: The need to constantly please others can be exhausting and detrimental to our needs and desires. By saying no to people-pleasing, we prioritize our inner peace and well-being. Do you want to shift the atmosphere at your organization, school, or event to one of mental empowerment? If so, visit, schedule a speaker consultation, and discuss how a partnership with Alicia Caldwell can meet your needs. Order your copy of Alicia Caldwell’s highly regarded book, The Journey Back to Self, HERE. If you haven’t already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. Connect with Alicia Caldwell on LinkedIn for additional inspiration and insights. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    11 min
  6. 8 JUL

    Not Everyone Will Like You

    Welcome back to the Me Myself and HER Podcast. In today’s episode, we’re diving into a powerful and liberating truth: not everyone will like you—and that’s okay. In a world where we often seek validation and approval from others, it’s easy to lose sight of our values and self-worth. This episode is all about shifting that focus inward and embracing your authentic self. This bite-sized dose of inspiration is a small but mighty reminder that other people’s opinions about you are not as important as your own. Episode Highlight: Your uniqueness is your greatest asset. Embrace who you are, flaws and all. When you show up as your true self, you attract people who appreciate you for who you are. Stop trying to fit into molds that were never meant for you. Celebrate your individuality and let your authenticity shine. BOOK EVENT REGISTRATION: The Journey Back to Self Book Signing and Author Chat on Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Bellevue, NE. Register HERE. Purchase your copy of The Journey Back to Self at If you haven’t already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. Connect with Alicia Caldwell on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for additional inspiration and insights. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    6 min
  7. 1 JUL

    30 Day Self-Care Refresh

    In this episode of the Me Myself and HER Podcast, Alicia Caldwell, LPC, invites you to embrace the start of a new month with a renewed focus on self-care to boost your energy and well-being. Recognizing that the fast-paced nature of life can often leave us feeling drained, Alicia encourages listeners to partner with her in a month-long journey of intentional self-care. Episode Takeaways: A new month can be inspiring or discouraging, depending on how you perceive it. Our enthusiasm for embracing a new month can vary depending on what we accomplished the month before. Energy is an internal resource that we need to function at our best. Self-care practices that preserve and restore our physical and mental energy are essential. Explore ten energy-boosting self-care practices that can revitalize your mood, attitude, and stamina for the month ahead. Join Alicia in committing to incorporate up to four self-care practices into your daily routine for the next 30 days. Self-accountability: Write your four self-care practices on sticky notes and place them strategically throughout your environment as a reminder to prioritize your well-being. BOOK EVENT REGISTRATION: The Journey Back to Self Book Signing and Author Chat on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Register HERE. Purchase your copy of The Journey Back to Self at If you haven’t already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. Share your four self-care practices with me in the comments for this episode! Post on my Live Like HER® LinkedIn Page HERE or my Facebook Page HERE.  Connect with Alicia Caldwell on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for additional inspiration and insights. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    13 min
  8. 24 JUN

    Don't Run From Your Emotions, Leverage Them

    In this episode of the Me Myself and HER Podcast, Alicia Caldwell, LPC, explores the role emotions play in our lives and how paying attention to how we feel can lead to greater success. Drawing inspiration from the new movie Inside Out 2 (no spoilers), Alicia explains the importance of acknowledging and understanding our emotional experiences. She emphasizes that emotions are not just feelings to be managed but valuable internal signals that can enhance decision-making, strategies, relationships, and overall well-being. Episode Takeaways: Emotions, even the uncomfortable ones, have benefits. Our emotions are sharing valuable insights into how we are doing and what we need to do next. Being present with our emotions is a success strategy. The more we know about ourselves the more capable we are of showing up as our best selves. The book event mentioned was The Journey Back to Self Book Signing and Author Chat. Register HERE. Purchase your copy of The Journey Back to Self at If you haven’t already, rate, review, and follow the podcast to stay updated on future episodes. Connect with Alicia Caldwell on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for additional inspiration and insights. ©2024 All Rights Reserved by Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell. The Me Myself and HER Podcast is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness, or disease, nor is it intended to be financial, legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.

    12 min


The Me Myself and HER Podcast is designed to educate, equip, and empower you to lead and succeed in life, career, and relationships by becoming a better steward of your mental health through practical mental fitness and self-care strategies for the mind, body, spirit, and relationships. Join Alicia Caldwell, a licensed professional counselor, author, and speaker, as she shares inspiring messages to help you live, love, and lead without sacrificing your mental health.

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