Unshakeable with Human Design Podcast

Nicole Laino
Unshakeable with Human Design Podcast Podcast

The Human Design podcast created specifically for entrepreneurs and high-achievers. Your host is Nicole Laino, 5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, EFT Practitioner, NLP Practitioner, Human Design coach, and Gene Keys Guide. But whether you're a Human Design Projector, Manifestor, Reflector, or Generator this show has something for you. You don’t have to hustle to succeed but you DO have to master the inner game and there’s no greater tool for self-mastery than Human Design. Nicole’s mission with this show is to bring the Human Design knowledge down to earth and make it easy and practical for you to apply in your life and your business. Creating a life and business you love is closer than you think. Get ready to experience more flow than hustle! If you’ve burned out in hustle mode or feel like something internal is holding you back from scaling, you don’t need to burn your business to the ground, you need to make strategic shifts to your message, the way you are operating, and how your business is positioned. When you stop pouring energy into being someone you’re not designed to be (who your parents told you to be, who you thought you needed to be successful or loved, etc.), then you’re free to fully step into everything you naturally are. Tune in for new episodes every Monday and Wednesday to learn how Human Design and the Gene Keys can help you turn the volume up on key energies found in your chart. When you’re living in the highest expression of these traits people are drawn to you, your confidence hits a new level, and life gets EASY (and a whole lot more fun). Human Design opens you up to new ways of seeing yourself, your family, your business, and your team. It’s like a user manual for life and Nicole takes you through how you can use it to become an Unshakeable Human and have an Unshakeable Business. You don’t have to sacrifice results to be happy and live in alignment. Let us show you how. On the show we'll answer popular questions like: -How to use Human Design for business -How to incorporate Human Design in my Messaging -How to decondition through Human Design -How to read a Human Design Chart

  1. 8 HR AGO

    How Human Design Will Help Your Business (and with Manifestation)

    Have you ever wondered why some business strategies work for others but fall flat for you? In this episode, we delve into how Human Design can transform your approach to business and manifestation, helping you align with your true self and unlock your full potential. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to create more ease and flow or someone wanting to manifest their dreams more effectively, understanding your unique design can be a game-changer. We explore practical ways to use Human Design in your business, revealing why certain methods might not have served you in the past and how to make powerful shifts that honor your energy. You'll learn how to leverage your strengths, attract aligned opportunities, and grow your business in a way that feels truly authentic. But it doesn’t stop there—we also discuss how Human Design can supercharge your manifestation practice. Discover how to align your desires with your energy type and connect with your goals on a deeper, more intuitive level. Whether you're aiming for business success or personal growth, this episode is packed with insights to help you manifest your dreams with greater clarity and confidence. Tune in to discover how to navigate your path with purpose and intention, using the wisdom of Human Design to create success on your terms. This is a conversation you won't want to miss! Learn more about the Business By Design Mentorship at nicolelaino.com/enroll Are you curious about the clarity of your human design? Take your time. Make your Call. I’ll  guide you through your human design through this Clarity Call -one on one. Listen to Episode 288 to know Kaitlin’s journey of overcoming personal challenges Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen! Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts.  Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me? Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    22 min
  2. 2 DAYS AGO

    This ONE Thing Will Keep You From Being Successful with Human Design

    Are you struggling to tap into your magnetic potential and wondering why your human design journey isn't delivering the success you desire? In this episode, Nicole unpacks the powerful concept of magnetism and explains how blending strategy with energetic flow can unlock new levels of alignment and attraction. She reveals why relying solely on traditional strategies often keeps you stuck and how shifting into a more intuitive approach can help you draw in the opportunities you're seeking. But what’s the real roadblock? It’s not just about following the steps—it’s about trust. Nicole shares the common pitfall that derails many: a lack of trust in their own process. She dives into how this self-doubt pulls you off your path and dulls your magnetism, offering insight on how to fully surrender to your design and stay aligned with your true purpose. If you’ve been questioning your journey or feel stuck, this episode will guide you back to trusting your inner authority and embracing your own energy. Tune in to discover how to cultivate trust in the process and become truly magnetic in your life and business. Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart. Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen!   Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts.    Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me?Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    24 min
  3. 18 SEPT

    The New Business Paradigm

    Have you ever wondered why the old hustle-and-grind approach to business no longer feels right, especially for spiritual entrepreneurs and healers? In this episode, Nicole unpacks the "new business paradigm" and explains how cosmic shifts are ushering in a new era that prioritizes alignment, flow, and intuition over rigid strategy and endless effort. She connects these energetic changes to real-world shifts, giving you practical insights on how to navigate this transformation in your business. If you’ve been struggling to sell your valuable, life-changing work or find that your message isn’t resonating with potential clients, Nicole offers actionable advice on how to communicate your unique gifts and impact in a way that people understand. She shows you how to blend strategic messaging with the deeper, soul-driven work that truly sets you apart in this evolving business landscape. Whether you're a healer, coach, or creative, this episode will help you embrace the energetic changes ahead and step confidently into your role in the new paradigm. Tune in to discover how to position yourself for success as consciousness shifts and the world opens up to the power of your work. Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart. Listen to Episode 216 to know the cross of the sleeping phoenix Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen!   Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts.    Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me?Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    19 min
  4. 16 SEPT

    Decoding Your Genius with Human Design

    Have you ever wondered what makes you truly unique—and how to use that in your business? In this episode, Nicole Laino explores the art of decoding your genius through human design. For entrepreneurs, energy workers, and seekers, this episode offers practical insights on how to identify and embrace the special gifts you may not even realize you have. Nicole walks you through how human design reveals your unique strengths, focusing on key elements like your incarnation cross and how it contributes to your purpose and potential. Rather than giving you a simple answer, Nicole emphasizes that decoding your genius is a journey of deep reflection and growth. She explains why surface-level definitions often miss the mark and encourages you to dive into the abstract, artistic layers of your design to fully tap into your power. Whether you're just starting with human design or have been exploring it for years, this episode will challenge you to think differently about how you embody your gifts. Tune in to discover why living in alignment with your genius can transform not only your business but also your life. You’ll walk away with fresh perspectives and actionable steps for incorporating your unique genius into your brand, making it irresistible to the people who need it most. Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart. Listen to Episode 301, to get a glimpse about your nodal shifts Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen!   Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts.    Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me?Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    20 min
  5. 11 SEPT

    Unconscious Mars: Your Career Gate

    What if the key to building a thriving business lies in understanding your unique energy blueprint? In this episode, Nicole Laino explores how entrepreneurs can use Human Design principles—specifically the "Authority Matrix"—to create a business that flows effortlessly while staying true to their core genius. Nicole breaks down how aligning your energy with your purpose allows you to ditch the hustle and tap into a more sustainable, authentic approach to business growth. A key highlight of this episode is the exploration of the unconscious Mars Gate, or career gate. This aspect of your Human Design chart reveals important lessons about your professional journey and can help you identify the internal blocks holding you back. Through real-life stories and personal insights, Nicole explains how understanding your core wound can unlock your true genius, leading to a more powerful and authentic message that resonates with your ideal audience. Packed with real-life examples and practical guidance, this episode offers a roadmap to building a business rooted in authenticity and energetic alignment. Nicole also gives listeners a preview of her five-day masterclass, where she teaches the full Authority Matrix, empowering you to create a brand that resonates deeply with your audience and drives sustainable success. Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart. Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen!   Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts.    Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me?Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    20 min
  6. 9 SEPT

    3 Myths About Human Design & Money

    Are you unknowingly holding yourself back from financial success? In this episode, Nicole Laino tackles three pervasive myths about human design and money that might be blocking your path to abundance. If you’ve ever felt like you’re hustling for money but not seeing the results, Nicole explains how your human design can offer a powerful blueprint for attracting wealth—without sacrificing your alignment or well-being. Breaking down common misconceptions, such as the overemphasis on money gates and channels, and highlights the real work needed to tap into your financial potential. She shares how understanding your chart is just the beginning and why shifting your mindset and actions is key to unlocking your true prosperity. If you’re ready to move beyond the struggle and create a flow of money that feels aligned with your purpose, this episode is packed with insights to help you take the next step. Listen in and discover how to turn your human design into a powerful tool for sustainable financial success. Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart. Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen! Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me? Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    22 min
  7. 4 SEPT

    Becoming an Authority with Human Design

    Are you ready to be seen as the expert you truly are? In this episode, Nicole Laino focuses on discussing the essential steps to becoming an authority in your field by aligning your business with the unique power of human design. If you're just starting out or are a seasoned entrepreneur, we'll help you develop the common challenges of communicating your expertise effectively and how human design can help you craft a message that resonates deeply with your audience. You’ll discover why traditional advice on niching down might feel restrictive and how embracing your innate genius can transform your confidence and effectiveness. We also introduce the concept of the "Genius Brand" and its potential to empower you to present yourself with unapologetic authority, shifting from vague messaging to a brand that truly reflects your purpose. Plus, learn about the Authority Matrix, a powerful framework within human design that can magnify your impact and help you step fully into your role as an expert. If you’re ready to let your purpose work for you and make your mark, this episode is packed with strategies to guide you on that journey. Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart. Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen! Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me? Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    14 min
  8. 2 SEPT

    September's Human Design Gate Transits & Astrological Forecast

    What if you could align your business strategy with the cosmic energy of the stars?  In this episode, Nicole Laino and special guest Christina Luna explore how the Virgo season and human design transits can significantly impact your personal growth and business success throughout September. As two Virgos themselves, they share practical advice on navigating this pivotal time, offering insights on harnessing the powerful energies at play. The conversation kicks off with a look at the emotional shifts that occur as we transition from Leo to Virgo, discussing how these changes might influence your mindset and decision-making. Nicole and Christina then guide you through key human design gates and astrological events, revealing how to transform confusion into clarity and use emotional intensity as a catalyst for growth. Whether you're immersed by Virgo's cosmic energy or being challenged by the full moon in Pisces, this conversation is packed with actionable tips to help you navigate September with intention. The key to your gates holds the answer on this episode. Connect with Christina: Visit her website at lunation.live Follow her on Instagram @lunation.live Check out her 2024 planner Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart. Be sure to visit nicolelaino.com/podcastlinks for all of the current links to events, freebies, and more!  If you enjoyed this week's episode, I'd so appreciate you doing a few things for me:  Please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen! Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Tag me @nicolelainoofficial on your IG stories with a story of you listening to the podcast and I'll make sure to share your post!  Interested in learning more about working with me? Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

    35 min


The Human Design podcast created specifically for entrepreneurs and high-achievers. Your host is Nicole Laino, 5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, EFT Practitioner, NLP Practitioner, Human Design coach, and Gene Keys Guide. But whether you're a Human Design Projector, Manifestor, Reflector, or Generator this show has something for you. You don’t have to hustle to succeed but you DO have to master the inner game and there’s no greater tool for self-mastery than Human Design. Nicole’s mission with this show is to bring the Human Design knowledge down to earth and make it easy and practical for you to apply in your life and your business. Creating a life and business you love is closer than you think. Get ready to experience more flow than hustle! If you’ve burned out in hustle mode or feel like something internal is holding you back from scaling, you don’t need to burn your business to the ground, you need to make strategic shifts to your message, the way you are operating, and how your business is positioned. When you stop pouring energy into being someone you’re not designed to be (who your parents told you to be, who you thought you needed to be successful or loved, etc.), then you’re free to fully step into everything you naturally are. Tune in for new episodes every Monday and Wednesday to learn how Human Design and the Gene Keys can help you turn the volume up on key energies found in your chart. When you’re living in the highest expression of these traits people are drawn to you, your confidence hits a new level, and life gets EASY (and a whole lot more fun). Human Design opens you up to new ways of seeing yourself, your family, your business, and your team. It’s like a user manual for life and Nicole takes you through how you can use it to become an Unshakeable Human and have an Unshakeable Business. You don’t have to sacrifice results to be happy and live in alignment. Let us show you how. On the show we'll answer popular questions like: -How to use Human Design for business -How to incorporate Human Design in my Messaging -How to decondition through Human Design -How to read a Human Design Chart

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