Voice of Prosperity

Matthew D. Miglin
Voice of Prosperity Podcast

Helping you unlock the power to prosper in your money, your health, your soul & your spirit to grow, live healthier, connect deeper with God, and lead a more fulfilling life.

  1. Your Body is God’s Dwelling Place-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D.  Miglin


    Your Body is God’s Dwelling Place-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    Your body is the temple of God, he likes to dwell in you. It’s his favorite place to live. So what does your temple look like, what condition is the home God is living in? We should be giving God the nicest and finest and healthiest place to live in. If we aren’t, then maybe we need to make some improvements in this temple he is living in. More hydration, more movement, more greens, more raw food, and less sugar, can be a good start to improving this dwelling place for God. Let’s give him a 5 star place to live, shall we? Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money than they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    9 min
  2. A House Divided Will Destroy Your Business or Career-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin


    A House Divided Will Destroy Your Business or Career-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    You can’t build or maintain a successful business or career if you have disagreement and division in your marriage. It just can’t work for long. Of coarse God’s grace lets us get away with it for a season of time, but eventually God will not allow us to continue if there is not unity in our home. Tiger Woods, Donald Trump and many others experienced a major decline in their income and careers as a result of division and a failing marriage. When there is harmony and unity you open the door to the blessings to overflow in every area of your life, because God puts a priority on the marriage being first place in our lives next to loving him. Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money than they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    8 min
  3. Wisdom is the Missing Piece to a Better Life-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin


    Wisdom is the Missing Piece to a Better Life-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    Wisdom is the principle thing to get in life. Like Solomon the wisest and wealthiest man that ever lived because he asked God for wisdom. So what is wisdom? Wisdom is simply the application of knowledge or putting some action into the things you’ve learned. It comes from the heart of God. It creates results. So get some knowledge and apply some action to it, to get the reward of fruit that wisdom can supply in your life. It is the key to unlocking the secrets of life. For without wisdom most people will never reach their true levels of potential in life, their careers and their finances. So go get some wisdom today and watch your life change for the better. Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money than they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    11 min
  4. The 4 Causes of Failure-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin


    The 4 Causes of Failure-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    People fail in life and in business for 4 reason: 1. Complacency 2. Laziness 3. Insecurity 4. Fear of Failure Although we all try avoid failure, it is still part of life. It is unavoidable, so embrace failure when it comes. It’s okay to fail, it makes you better, stronger and wiser. Plus you learn 10 times more from failure than you do from your successes. So fail faster, more often and fail forward and reap the benefits that failure can offer you while you learn enough from failure to be a massive success in life and business. Failure is the best teacher of success. Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money than they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    12 min
  5. Why You Must Have a Team to Succeed-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin


    Why You Must Have a Team to Succeed-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    Everyone needs a team if you want to be successful in most areas of your life. No matter how skilled, intelligent or talented you are you can never really be successful without a team to work with. We were made to depend on others and to work together to be the strength for other peoples’ weakness and to help each other make the load lighter. A team will help you go further than you would ever go on your own, it’s just the way God designed the world. Why not find yourself key individuals you can trust and make them part of your team to do the impossible and to accomplish great things with in business or your life. Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money than they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    9 min
  6. Why Everyone Needs a Coach to be Their Best-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin


    Why Everyone Needs a Coach to be Their Best-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    Everyone needs a coach if your want to be your best. No matter how self disciplined you are you can never be your best on your own. Never. We were made to depend on each other and to sharpen each other, to make each other better through connections and relationships. A coach will push you further than you would ever dare to go yourself. A coach will recognize your strengths and your weaknesses and help improve them. Why not reach your highest level of potential in life and have a coach help you improve your life, business, career, relationships and your finances. It will be the best investment you could ever make in yourself. Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money than they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    13 min
  7. The Cost of Inaction-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin


    The Cost of Inaction-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    Inaction is much different than procrastination. Inaction is not a delay in getting something done but a choice not to act at all or a momentary hesitation that can cost you money or an opportunity of a lifetime. Action is the key to success in life, business and relationships. When we choose to take immediate action we advance the things we want in life and avoid becoming a victim of undesirable circumstances. Avoid inaction because it is very expensive and become a person of action, you’ll be glad you did. Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money than they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/ myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/ myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    7 min
  8. Embracing Pain to Become a Champion-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew  D. Miglin


    Embracing Pain to Become a Champion-The Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin

    Pain and problems are part of life, we can’t avoid them, but we can embrace them. Most people live their lives as victims, but God calls us to live as champions and to reach our highest capacity and potential in life. The only way a muscle can grow and get stronger is through pain, the muscle fibers must be torn and broken down through pain in order to get stronger. It is the same with life, the only way we get stronger is going through pain, problems and difficulties with a grateful heart. Embrace the pain in your life today and watch your life become better and your character become stronger than ever before. Life is an adventure so embrace and enjoy the journey. Join our Prosperity Club to learn more: http://voiceofprosperity.com/prosperityclub As the Voice of Prosperity, Matthew suggests that your best income and cashflow source should be found in your own business. What If Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads and Growing a Business Is Wrong! Everything you've ever heard, everything you've ever tried, and everything you've ever done -- it's all wrong. There are two things EVERY individual wants. First, they want to make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million or more in annual revenue or $100,000 in income so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time, money or effort to get it? What if I could find you $10k more revenue for your company guaranteed at no cost to you, would you be interested? If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money then they have ever made before. Looking to make your company more profitable check out this information: http://cashflowmoreprofits.com Starting a new business checkout: http://cashflownewbusiness.com/ myguidedtour/ Growing an existing business checkout: http://cashflowbusinessuniversity.com/ myguidedtour/ To learn more how Matthew can help you prosper in your life checkout: http:// VoiceofProsperity.com Voice of Prosperity with Matthew D. Miglin https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/voice-of-prosperity/

    10 min


Helping you unlock the power to prosper in your money, your health, your soul & your spirit to grow, live healthier, connect deeper with God, and lead a more fulfilling life.

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