1. The Smuggler

Girl Taken

BBC journalist Sue Mitchell and ex-soldier-turned-good-Samaritan Rob Lawrie thought they were involved in the heart-breaking, but straightforward, story of an Afghan father and his motherless daughter as they struggled to get to Britain. The following four years saw Sue and Rob fall into a web of lies and life-changing, mind-changing events. Girl Taken is a 10-part hunt - across closed borders and broken promises - for the truth and to find a little girl, taken.

Producer: Sue Mitchell Studio Production and Sound Design: Richard Hannaford

Uygunsuz bölümleri dinlemek için giriş yapın.

Bu şov ile haberdar kalın

Şovları takip etmek, bölümleri kaydetmek ve en son güncellemeleri almak için giriş yapın veya kaydolun.

Ülke veya bölge seçin

Afrika, Orta Doğu ve Hindistan

Asya Pasifik


Latin Amerika ve Karayipler

ABD ve Kanada