Kerri Kelly

CTZN is having conversations at the intersection of wellbeing and justice. We’re not afraid to ask hard questions and have a radical dialogue about politics and patriarchy, white supremacy and worthiness. And we’re serious about showing up for one another and taking action for the wellbeing of everyone.


CTZN is having conversations at the intersection of wellbeing and justice. We’re not afraid to ask hard questions and have a radical dialogue about politics and patriarchy, white supremacy and worthiness. And we’re serious about showing up for one another and taking action for the wellbeing of everyone.

Uygunsuz bölümleri dinlemek için giriş yapın.

Bu şov ile haberdar kalın

Şovları takip etmek, bölümleri kaydetmek ve en son güncellemeleri almak için giriş yapın veya kaydolun.

Ülke veya bölge seçin

Afrika, Orta Doğu ve Hindistan

Asya Pasifik


Latin Amerika ve Karayipler

ABD ve Kanada