Let's Make A Horror

Let's Make A Horror

From the team that brought you the Webby award-winning Let's Make A Sci-Fi, a New Yorker Best Podcast of 2022, and the hilariously heartfelt Let's Make A Rom-Com, comes season three: Let's Make A Horror. This time, comedians Mark Chavez, Maddy Kelly, and Ryan Beil will make you laugh while they try to make you scream. Over 10 episodes, Mark, Maddy, and Ryan will learn what it takes to make truly frightening horror, interviewing Hollywood writers, directors, and enthusiasts; probing their deepest fears; and eventually taking a stab at writing and directing their own shocking short film.


From the team that brought you the Webby award-winning Let's Make A Sci-Fi, a New Yorker Best Podcast of 2022, and the hilariously heartfelt Let's Make A Rom-Com, comes season three: Let's Make A Horror. This time, comedians Mark Chavez, Maddy Kelly, and Ryan Beil will make you laugh while they try to make you scream. Over 10 episodes, Mark, Maddy, and Ryan will learn what it takes to make truly frightening horror, interviewing Hollywood writers, directors, and enthusiasts; probing their deepest fears; and eventually taking a stab at writing and directing their own shocking short film.

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