Dads: The Podcast

Dads: The Podcast

Rory Scovel is an actor, comedian, and writer — but he’s picked up a new title over these last few years: DAD. Each week he and co-host Ruthie Wyatt are joined by their hilarious celebrity friends to unpack the mysteries of fatherhood, parenting and the weirdos who raised us. Full of funny stories from your favorite performers, this is a show for dads and non-dads.


Rory Scovel is an actor, comedian, and writer — but he’s picked up a new title over these last few years: DAD. Each week he and co-host Ruthie Wyatt are joined by their hilarious celebrity friends to unpack the mysteries of fatherhood, parenting and the weirdos who raised us. Full of funny stories from your favorite performers, this is a show for dads and non-dads.

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