Psychology in Everyday Life: The Psych Files

Michael Britt
Psychology in Everyday Life: The Psych Files

The Psych Files is a podcast for anyone interested in the topic of psychology and how ideas in this field apply to everyday life. Michael Britt brings you an upbeat, fun podcast of interest to everyone from psychology majors to those just interested in why people do what they do.

  1. Beck's Cognitive Distortions: An AI-Powered Learning Activity


    Beck's Cognitive Distortions: An AI-Powered Learning Activity

    In my recent exploration of artificial intelligence, I stumbled upon a fascinating article entitled, “Instructors as Innovators: a Future-focused Approach to New AI Learning Opportunities, With Prompts" which introduced the concept of goal-play interaction between students and AI. The authors provided a prompt for this interaction, which I found to be an intriguing application of AI to create interactive, educational experiences for students. I adapted the prompt provided in the article to be more aligned with psychology concepts, particularly for students learning about cognitive distortions. I experimented with various AI models, including Google, Gemini, Meta, Perplexity, and ChatGPT, and the results were truly enlightening. The goal of this exercise is for the individual to assume the role of a counselor, while the AI embodies a person exhibiting cognitive distortions. However, I must note that the outcomes were not always predictable, as different language models sometimes altered the dynamics of the interaction. Despite this unpredictability, I found the interactive conversations to be incredibly valuable, sparking insightful discussions around cognitive distortions and Aaron Beck's groundbreaking work in this field. I invite you to try this out and share your experiences with your students (and with me as well as I'd love to hear how you've been using - and possibly modifying - this prompt). I am continuously refining this experiment and welcome any suggestions to enhance its reliability and effectiveness. I encourage you to engage in this thought-provoking exercise and explore the potential of AI to create engaging and meaningful conversations around psychological concepts. As you'll see, I instructed the AI to draw from content on the Psych Central site, so thanks to them for providing very clear explanations of various types of cognitive distortions. Happy experimenting! Instructions: copy all of the text below (without the lines) and then past it into whichever AI large language model of your choice. I have tried this in the free version of ChapGPT as well as paid versions of Perplexity, Gemini, and Meta, and it works well, though differently, in each one.

    4 dk.
  2. 11.05.2024

    Paralyzed by Fear: Exploring Tonic Immobility in Sexual Assault

    In this episode of "The Psych Files," we delve into the complex and sensitive topic of sexual assault, focusing particularly on the phenomenon of tonic immobility, often referred to as "frozen fright." This involuntary response can leave victims unable to move or speak during an assault, a reaction that is not only common but also deeply misunderstood. Our journey begins with a fictional account from the Netflix series "A Nearly Normal Family," where a young woman experiences this paralyzing effect during an assault. This portrayal opens up a discussion about the real-life implications of tonic immobility, including the challenges it presents in legal contexts where victims' lack of physical resistance is often misinterpreted as consent. Throughout the episode, we explore the biological and psychological underpinnings of tonic immobility. Experts explain that this response is an evolutionary defense mechanism, akin to the "freeze" response observed in many animals when confronted by predators. It's a survival strategy, not a choice, triggered by extreme fear and a complex cascade of hormonal reactions in the brain. We also discuss the broader implications of misunderstanding tonic immobility, particularly the undue guilt and shame that can afflict survivors, complicating their recovery and the pursuit of justice. The episode highlights the importance of education and awareness, both for mental health professionals and the general public, to foster a more compassionate and informed response to survivors of sexual assault. This episode is not just an exploration of a psychological phenomenon but also a call to action to support survivors more effectively and to challenge societal misconceptions about sexual assault and victim behavior.   #SexualAssaultAwareness #MentalHealthMatters #EndTheSilence: #SupportSurvivors #TonicImmobility #MentalHealthAwareness

    10 dk.

Sunucular ve Konuklar


The Psych Files is a podcast for anyone interested in the topic of psychology and how ideas in this field apply to everyday life. Michael Britt brings you an upbeat, fun podcast of interest to everyone from psychology majors to those just interested in why people do what they do.

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