Cyprian Ahuchaogu

Welcome to 7 THOUGHTS OF TREASURE DAILY Podcast. His word of Grace can build you up financially, emotionally, spiritually and mentally(Acts 20:32).

  1. 16/11/2021


    7 THOUGHTS OF TREASURE TO PONDER ON: 1.SPEAK THE WISDOM OF GOD. THERE'S THE WISDOM OF GOD FOR ANY SITUATION AND YOU CAN ACTIVATE THE POWER OF GOD BY SPEAKING HIS WISDOM. 1 Corinthians 2:7). 2. WHAT IS THE WISDOM OF GOD FOR SOMEONE THAT IS WEAK? LET THE WEAK SAY I AM STRONG. WHEN HE SAYS THAT THE POWER OF GOD WILL BE ACTIVATED FOR HIM.Joel 3:10). 3. THE LIFTING POWER OF GOD COMES WHEN YOU SPEAK HIS WORD IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HIS PROMISES. HIS WORD SAYS, WHEN MEN ARE CAST DOWN, YOU SHALL SAY THERE'S LIFTING UP AND YOU WILL BE LIFTED.Job 22:29). 4. WE SPEAK THE WISDOM OF GOD IN MYSTERIES. HE HAS ORDAINED HIS WISDOM AND POWER FOR OUR GLORY. HIS POWER IS ACTIVATED WHEN WE SPEAK AND WALK BY FAITH.1 Corinthians 2:7, 2 Corinthians 4:13). 5. HE WANTS US TO LIVE IN THE REALITY OF HIS WORD. IF YOU ACCEPT AND DECLARE THAT BY THE STRIPES OF JESUS YOU WERE HEALED, YOU WILL BE HEALED. 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 33:24). 6. WALK AND SPEAK THE WISDOM OF GOD. THE WORD OF GOD IS WISDOM AND GOD HAS ORDAINED SO MUCH FOR YOUR GLORY. John 15:6). 7. AS YOU MEDITATE ON GOD'S WORD, HIS WORD WILL COME ALIVE IN YOU AND YOU PULL THAT WORD AS RHEMA AND YOU WILL HAVE A MIRACLE. ALSO AS YOU PRAY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, YOU CAN RECEIVE HIS WISDOM TO CHANGE ANYTHING AND WHEN YOU SPEAK, IT WILL PRODUCE RESULTS. Joshua 1:8, 1 Corinthians 2:9 to 10, 1 Corinthians 14:2) AFFIRMATION. The wisdom of God is working in me and through me. I speak the wisdom of God and I live by the wisdom of God. My life is an ever increasing glory and I am making progress from one level of glory to another. I am strong in the grace that is in Christ and strengthened by the Holy Ghost to do all things. I am a goal getter and I am a success at every count in Jesus Name. Amen. FURTHER QUOTES "However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him-- these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God."1 Corinthians 2:9 to 10)

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  2. 14/11/2021


    7 THOUGHTS OF TREASURE TO PONDER ON. 1. ONE SURE WAY TO WALK IN VICTORY IN CHRIST AND HAVE HIS VICTORY CONTINUALLY IS BY SAYING HIS WORD WITH YOUR MOUTH, Hebrew 13:6, Romans 10:10). 2. SALVATION IN CHRIST BEGINS WITH YOU CONFESSING THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS AND YOU JOURNEY WITH HIM WITH HIS WORD IN YOUR LIPS. Romans 10:9, Revelation 12:11) 3. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR WAY PROSPEROUS AND HAVE GOOD SUCCESS BY FIRST KEEPING HIS WORDS IN YOUR LIPS. DON'T BE AFRAID TO SPEAK GOD'S WORD BECAUSE ONE OF THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IS IN AFFIRMATION Joshua 1:8) 4. THE SPIRIT OF FAITH SPEAKS. SO IF YOU BELIEVE IN DIVINE HEALTH, SPEAK IT, IF YOU BELIEVE IN PROSPERITY SPEAK IT. IF YOU DON'T SPEAK WHAT YOU BELIEVE, YOU MIGHT NEVER EXPERIENCE IT OR HAVE IT. 2Corinthians 4:13). 5. THE WORD IS NEAR YOU AND IT IS YOUR TICKET AND FAST TRACK TO HAVING WHATEVER GOD HAS SAID CONCERNING YOU. SO SPEAK IT. DON'T KEEP QUIET. Romans 10:8) 6. YOU AGREE WITH GOD WHEN YOU SPEAK THE SAME THING HE HAS SAID CONCERNING YOU. TWO CANNOT WALK EXCEPT THEY AGREE. Amos 3:3). 7. DECLARE YOU ARE WHAT GOD SAYS YOU ARE AND YOU HAVE WHAT GOD SAYS YOU HAVE CONFIDENTLY FOR HE HAS SAID HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU, SO SAY THE SAME WITH CONFIDENCE.I AM A SUCCESS. Hebrew 13:5 to  6) AFFIRMATION. I am what and who God says I am and I have what God says is mine in Christ. All things are mine in Christ, I walk in divine health, I walk in Wisdom because Christ is made unto me Wisdom and Righteousness according to the scriptures, therefore, I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I am bold, I am sound and I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. The eternal God is my refuge and my dwelling place therefore I will not be afraid of anything. Glory to God. FURTHER QUOTES. The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. And he thrust out the enemy before you and said, ‘Destroy.’(Deuteronomy 33:27)

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  3. 13/11/2021


    7 THOUGHTS OF TREASURE TO PONDER ON. 1. HE IS THE I AM THAT I AM. GOD SPEAKS BY NAMES. HE CALLS AND REVEALS HIMSELF BY NAMES.Exodus 3:15, Exodus 15:26). 2. HE KNOWS YOUR NAME, AND HE INTRODCES HIMSELF WITH A NAME THAT REVEALS HIS CHARACTER AND WHAT HE WANTS TO DO. Isaiah 43:1, Exodus 15:26). 3. WHATEVER HE CALLS YOU IS WHAT YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU BECOME. YOU ARE THE BLESSED, THE HEALED AND THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD.2 Corinthians 5:21). 4. GOD CALLS THINGS INTO EXISTENCE. HE CALLS INTO EXISTENCE THE THINGS THAT DO NOT EXIST AND HE GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD AND TO ANY SITUATION. Romans 4:17). 5. HE IS COMMANDING LIGHT OUT OF EVERY DARKNESS IN YOUR LIFE. GOOD IS COMING OUT OF YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS. 2 Corinthians 4:6) 6. ARISE SHINE FOR YOUR LIGHT HAS COME AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD IS RISEN UPON. DO WHATEVER YOU COULD NOT DO BEFORE. RISE UP AND WALK IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Isaiah 60:1). 7. THE LIFE OF GOD IS IN HIS WORD. AS YOU BELIEVE HIS WORD IT WILL PRODUCE IN YOU WHAT THE WORD TALKS ABOUT. Hebrew 4:12, John 1:1, Luke 1:38, John 1:14). AFFIRMATION. I am what God says that I am and I can do the things that God says that I can do and I am who God says I am. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, I am the blessed of the Lord, and I am above and shall only be the head in all that I do and not the tail. Blessed Shall I be when I go out and when I come in. Everything I do is blessed and I am walking in grace, in wisdom and in power for Christ Jesus is made unto me wisdom, righteousness, santification and redemption. Thank you father in Jesus Name. Amen. FURTHER QUOTES. "But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."Isaiah 43:1).

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  4. 12/11/2021


    7 THOUGHTSTO PONDER ON TO PONDER ON. 1. GROW IN GRACE. GRACE BRINGS ACCEPTABILITY INTO YOUR LIFE AND FAVOUR WITH GOD AND WITH MEN. IT SINGLES YOU OUT AND BRINGS TO YOU WHAT OTHERS ARE STRUGGLING TO HAVE. YOU CAN HAVE MULTIPLICATION OF GRACE AND PEACE THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST. 2Peter 1:2) 2. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE IS A LIFE OF GRACE THROUGH FAITH, Ephessians 2:8 to 9). 3.GROWING IN GRACE IS SO IMPORTANT AND THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE THE GLORIOUS LIFE IN CHRIST. 2 Peter 3:18). 4. TO GROW IS THE GREEK WORD AUXANO WHICH MEANS TO GIVE INCREASE. GOD HAS MADE SALVATION AVAILABLE AND WE MUST GROW THEREBY. 1peter 2:2). 5.GRACE IS THE DIVINE INFLUENCE ON OUR SPIRIT THAT CAN BE SEEN ON THE OUTSIDE. IT IS THE OUTWORKING OF DIVINE INFLUENCE. Acts 11:23). 6. THE LORD MAKES A DEPOSIT OF THIS DIVINE INFLUENCE CONTINUALLY TO US THROUGH HIS WORD AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AS WE STUDY HIS WORD .Acts 10:44). 7. THERE ARE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF GRACE BECAUSE GOD TOLD US TO GROW IN IT AND THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS OF GRACE LIKE FINANCIAL GRACE, GIFTS ETC AND GOD IS ABLE TO MAKE ALL GRACE TO ABOUND TOWARDS YOU. 2Corinthians 9:8). AFFIRMATION Precious Heavenly father, Thank you for the Grace that is in Christ Jesus. I take advantage of this grace and I declare that I am strong in the grace. I have favour with God and I have favour with men. Everything I set my heart to do prospers and things come to me in free course. I refuse to struggle for anything for He that enters into Christ's rest ceases from struggles. Great things are happening in my life for Christ is my peace and My life and all things are mine in Christ Jesus .Amen. FURTHER QUOTES. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. " Ephessians 2:8-9)

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  5. 11/11/2021


    7 THOUGHTS OF TREASURE TO PONDER ON: 1. REMEMBER THE POOR. THERE'S A RICH MENTALITY THAT USHERS YOU INTO THE NEXT AND HIGHER LEVEL OF GOD'S BLESSINGS. Leviticus 19:9 to 10). 2. DON'T JUST THINK ABOUT YOURSELF AND FAMILY, THINK OF OTHERS. BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS. Philippians 2:3 to 4). 3. THERE'S A BLESSING THAT COMES WHEN WE OPERATE BY THE PRINCIPLES OF GOD'S WORD. THE FATHER PRUNES YOU SO YOU BECOME MORE FRUITFUL. John 15:1 to 2). 4. HAVE THE RIGHT MENTALITY AND GIVE UP WHAT YOU DONT USE. GOD HAS A RICH MENTALITY AND HE WANTS US TO HAVE RICH AND BLESSINGS MENTALITY. Deuteronomy 24:19) 5. YOU ATTRACT GOD'S BLESSINGS INTO YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU LEAVE SOMETHING FOR THE POOR, ORPHANS AND WINDOWS. ( Proverbs 19:17). 6. THERE'S A MENTALITY THAT ATTRACTS PROSPERITY FROM THE LORD AND THERE'S A MENTALITY THAT ATTRACTS POVERTY. Proverb 11:24) 7. LEARN TO RELEASE WHAT YOU HAVE SO AS TO ATTRACT MORE BLESSINGS. DONT STOP YOUR BLESSINGS BY HOLDING BACK, GIVE TO THE NEEDY AND INVEST WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND. MONEY AND THINGS ARE MADE FOR MOVEMENT. Luke 6:38, Proverb 11:24). AFFIRMATION. My life is for the Glory of God. I am blessed to be a blessing to others. This world needs me and I have something to offer to my world. I am a Helper to the needy and God can count on me to bring His word, His blessings and His love to those in need. I am a world changer and an agent of positive change and blessings to the world. Help me Lord to fulfill my destiny in you in Jesus Name. Amen. FURTHER QUOTES. "'When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the LORD your God.Leviticus 19:9 to 10)

    5 min


Welcome to 7 THOUGHTS OF TREASURE DAILY Podcast. His word of Grace can build you up financially, emotionally, spiritually and mentally(Acts 20:32).

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