Port of Entry

Port of Entry Podcast

These are cross-border stories that connect us. Border people often inhabit this in-between place. From KPBS and California Humanities, “Port of Entry” tells personal stories from this place — stories of love, hope, struggle, and survival from border crossers, fronterizxs, and other people whose lives are shaped around the wall. Rooted in San Diego and Tijuana, we are a transborder podcast for transborder people. We live life on la linea. Hosted by Alan Lilienthal and Natalie Gonzalez, written and produced by Julio C. Ortiz Franco, mixed and sound designed by Adrian Villalobos, and edited by Melissa Sandoval.

  1. The Planetary Scale,  part 1

    16 HR AGO

    The Planetary Scale, part 1

    We're in the midst of an environmental crisis, and our current urban lifestyles clash with the natural systems that support our existence, especially when it comes to building our homes. An earth-building collective in Baja called Tequio is taking an age-old approach to construction that may help ease these environmental pressures. In today's episode, we sit with Alex Santander, a Tijuana-based architect to talk about building a future that's in harmony with the planet. Plus, we joined Tequio members Diego Larios and Miguel Angel Perez for a hands-on lesson in earth building. Join us as we explore what it means to build with the planet in mind, using traditional methods to tackle today's challenges. Cover art by Diego Larios About Season 6 Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Listen in and join us! Social media and contact From KPBS, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at www.portofentrypod.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Support our show at www.kpbs.org/donate. Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email corporatesupport@kpbs.org. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show or email us at podcasts@kpbs.org. Credits Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Writer/Producer: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Technical Producer/Sound Designer: Adrian Villalobos Editor: Elma González Lima Brandão and Melissa Sandoval Episodes translated by: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Director of Audio Programming and Operations: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people

    34 min
  2. El Derecho a la Ciudad

    17 JUN

    El Derecho a la Ciudad

    La congestión vial es un problema enorme en Tijuana y San Diego. Si conduces durante el día, seguramente te tocará estar en algún embotellamiento de tráfico. Entonces, ¿deberíamos construir más carreteras para aliviar la congestión del tráfico? En este episodio, quisimos explorar qué es lo que impide a los Tijuanenses obtener una mejor calidad de vida. La respuesta nos sorprendió. Conversamos con los arquitectos y urbanistas René Peralta y Sharlinee Ceniceros Toscano, y Andrew Bowen de KPBS, para escuchar su opinión sobre qué impide que los tijuanenses tengan una mejor calidad de vida. ¡Nos vemos pronto! Arte de portada por René Peralta Echa un vistazo al podcast de Andrew, “Freeway Exit”, https://www.kpbs.org/podcasts/freeway-exit. Redes sociales y contacto De KPBS, Port of Entry cuenta historias que cruzan fronteras. Para escuchar más historias visita www.portofentrypod.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en www.kpbs.org/donate, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento podrás recibir un regalo. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a corporatesupport@kpbs.org Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a podcasts@kpbs.org con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro podcast. Créditos Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Escritor/Productor: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Productor Técnico/Diseñador Sonoro: Adrian Villalobos Editora: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodios traducidos por: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people

    39 min
  3. The Right to The City

    24 MAY

    The Right to The City

    Traffic is a huge problem in Tijuana and San Diego. If you drive around during the day, you will most certainly be caught in a traffic jam. So should we build more roads to ease traffic congestion? In this episode, we wanted to explore what is keeping residents of Tijuana from a better quality of life. The answer took us by surprise. Join us in our conversations with architects and urbanists René Peralta and Sharlinee Ceniceros Toscano, and KPBS’ own Andrew Bowen, to hear their take on what is keeping Tijuanenses from a better quality of life. Nos vemos pronto! Cover Art by Rene Peralta Check out Andrew’s podcast, “Freeway Exit”, https://www.kpbs.org/podcasts/freeway-exit. About Season 6 Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Listen in and join us! Social media and contact From KPBS , “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at www.portofentrypod.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Support our show at www.kpbs.org/donate. Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email corporatesupport@kpbs.org. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show or email us at podcasts@kpbs.org. Credits Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Producer: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Technical Producer/Sound Designer: Adrian Villalobos Editor: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodes translated by: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Director of Audio Programming and Operations: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people

    36 min
  4. WDC: El Diseño llegó a la Ciudad(es)

    24 APR

    WDC: El Diseño llegó a la Ciudad(es)

    Iniciamos nuestra nueva temporada con la historia de cómo Tijuana y San Diego ganaron la designación de Capital Mundial del Diseño 2024. Hablamos con Jorge Francisco Sánchez y Catalina Silva, dos colaboradores del equipo de Tijuana sobre cómo lograron la designación en conjunto con el equipo de San Diego y qué hizo que su propuesta destacara. ¡No te pierdas este primer episodio de nuestra nueva temporada! Redes sociales y contacto De KPBS, Port of Entry cuenta historias que cruzan fronteras. Para escuchar más historias visita www.portofentrypod.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en www.kpbs.org/donate, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento podrás recibir un regalo. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a corporatesupport@kpbs.org Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a podcasts@kpbs.org con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro podcast. Créditos Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Escritor/Productor: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Productor Técnico/Diseñador Sonoro: Adrian Villalobos Editora: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodios traducidos por: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people

    31 min
  5. WDC 2024: Design comes to Town(s)!

    18 APR

    WDC 2024: Design comes to Town(s)!

    We kick off our newest season with the story of how Tijuana and San Diego won the designation as World Design Capital of 2024. We spoke with Jorge Francisco Sanchez and Catalina Silva, two contributors of the Tijuana side of the team as to how they landed the designation as well as what made their proposal stand out. You won't want to miss the first episode of our newest season! Nos vemos pronto! About Season 6 Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Listen in and join us! Social media and contact From KPBS , “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at www.portofentrypod.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Support our show at www.kpbs.org/donate. Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email corporatesupport@kpbs.org. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show or email us at podcasts@kpbs.org. Credits Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Producer: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Technical Producer/Sound Designer: Adrian Villalobos Editor: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodes translated by: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Director of Audio Programming and Operations: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people

    29 min
  6. Episodio Bonus: 8 de Marzo

    10 APR

    Episodio Bonus: 8 de Marzo

    En este episodio bonus, Natalie nos lleva a través de la marcha del Día Internacional de la Mujer en el corazón de Tijuana. En esta fecha, mujeres de todos los ámbitos se reunen para exigir justicia, igualdad y el fin de la violencia contra las mujeres en México. Acompañamos mientras navegamos los sonidos y testimonios de resiliencia y solidaridad que hacen de este 8 de marzo un evento tan transcendente.  No te pierdas este episodio! Nos vemos pronto! Port of Entry tiene una nueva temporada con más historias de nuestra región fronteriza. En esta ocasión, estamos mostrando las perspectivas de algunos moldeadores y visionarios de las tierras fronterizas. Te contamos historias de personas que están impactando la región, y en algunos casos, el mundo con su trabajo e investigación; desde urbanismo hasta arquitectura, educación y política, y hasta arte y robótica. ¡Escucha nuestra nueva temporada! Redes sociales y contacto De KPBS, Port of Entry cuenta historias que cruzan fronteras. Para escuchar más historias visita www.portofentrypod.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Puedes apoyar nuestro podcast en www.kpbs.org/donate, escribe en la sección de regalos (gift section) “Port of Entry” y como agradecimiento podrás recibir un regalo. Si tu empresa u organización sin fines de lucro desea patrocinar nuestro podcast, envía un correo a corporatesupport@kpbs.org Nos encantaría recibir tu retroalimentación, envíanos un mensaje al 619-500-3197 o un correo a podcasts@kpbs.org con tus comentarios y/o preguntas sobre nuestro podcast. Créditos Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Escritor/Productor: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Productor Técnico/Diseñador Sonoro: Adrian Villalobos Editora: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodios traducidos por: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Directora de Programación de Audio y Operaciones: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people

    18 min
  7. Bonus Episode: March 8th

    4 APR

    Bonus Episode: March 8th

    On this bonus episode, our host Natalie takes us on her journey through the International Women's Day march in the heart of Tijuana. On this special date, Women from all backgrounds gathered to call for justice, equality, and an end to violence against women in Mexico. Join us as we navigate the sights and sounds of the collective spirit of resilience and solidarity that make this March 8th such a transformative event. You won't want to miss this episode. Nos vemos pronto! About Season 6 Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Listen in and join us! Social media and contact From KPBS, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at www.portofentrypod.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Support our show at www.kpbs.org/donate. Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email corporatesupport@kpbs.org. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show or email us at podcasts@kpbs.org. Credits Hosts: Alan Lilienthal and Natalie González Writer/Producer: Julio C. Ortiz Franco Technical Producer/Sound Designer: Adrian Villalobos Editor: Elma Gonzalez Lima Brandao Episodes translated by: Natalie González and Julio C. Ortíz Franco Director of Audio Programming and Operations: Lisa Morrisette-Zapp This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people

    18 min
  8. 22 MAR

    Season 6 - Visionaries and Shapers of the Borderlands!

    Hola Amigoooooos!! Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and to art and robotics! Come and join us in this new season. New season drops April 17th Nos vemos pronto! @portofentrypod ************** Port of Entry is in a production hiatus! We will be back with more stories soon! Follow hosts Natali Gonzalez and Alan Lilienthal as they sit down with these fascinating people who share their stories. Listen in and join us! If you like this episode, show us some love @portofentrypod ************** From KPBS and PRX, “Port of Entry” tells cross-border stories that connect us. More stories at www.portofentrypod.org Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/portofentrypodcast Find us on Instagram or at www.instagram.com/portofentrypod Support our show at www.kpbs.org/donate. Search “Port of Entry” in the gifts section to get our sling bag as a thank-you gift. If your business or nonprofit wants to sponsor our show, email corporatesupport@kpbs.org. Feedback is a gift. Text or call the "Port of Entry" team at 619-500-3197 anytime with questions or comments about the show. Email us at podcasts@kpbs.org. “Port of Entry'' is written, produced and directed by Julio C. Ortiz Franco. Adrian Villalobos is our Technical Producer and Sound Designer. Elma Gonzalez is our Editor. Episodes are translated by Julio C. Ortiz Franco and Natali Gonzales. Lisa Morrisette-Zapp is Director of Audio Programming and Operations This program is made possible, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.

    1 min


These are cross-border stories that connect us. Border people often inhabit this in-between place. From KPBS and California Humanities, “Port of Entry” tells personal stories from this place — stories of love, hope, struggle, and survival from border crossers, fronterizxs, and other people whose lives are shaped around the wall. Rooted in San Diego and Tijuana, we are a transborder podcast for transborder people. We live life on la linea. Hosted by Alan Lilienthal and Natalie Gonzalez, written and produced by Julio C. Ortiz Franco, mixed and sound designed by Adrian Villalobos, and edited by Melissa Sandoval.

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