
Religious Liberty Explained and Analyzed

  1. 20 SEPT


    Miami-Dade school board votes against recognizing LGBTQ+ History Month for 3rd year in a rowFor the third year in a row, the Miami-Dade County school board voted against a proposal to recognize October as LGBTQ+ History Month.The 5-3 vote on Wednesday came hours after the school board heard a mix of passionate opinions about whether to approve item H-10. VOTE NO ON AMNDMENT 4  NO Definitions  Unlike other Amendments, Amendment 4 does not define any of its key terms.  For example, it does not define “viability,” “health care provider,” “patient’s health,” or how serious a health concern would need to be to allow exceptions for late-term abortions. These uncertainties create loopholes resulting in more abortions later in pregnancy than voters intend.  Too EXTREME Amendment 4 goes TOO FAR by allowing late-term abortions, far beyond when science says the baby is capable of feeling pain.  Amendment 4 would overturn current laws requiring a parent’s consent BEFORE a minor can have an abortion, thereby making abortion the only medical procedure that can be performed on a minor without a parent’s permission. Amendment 4 pretends to “just bring things back to how they were with Roe vs. Wade” – but it actually goes much further – creating a constitutional right to abortion throughout all nine months with no protections for the unborn baby. Should Christians be in politics? Can politics save America? For years, RLR has urged Christians to take seriously theirobligations as citizens, starting with exercising the right tovote. In the public square and at the ballot box, we must bemore engaged, not less.  Q. But what happens in a race where Christians are facedwith two morally problematic choices? Q. Should voters cast a ballot for the lesser of two evils? When it comes to citizenship in our current political context, Christians are plagued by two opposite mistakes.   The first is French theologian Jacques Ellul called “the political illusion,” or, assuming that everything rests on political outcomes. “If our guy is in office, all will be well. If their guy is in office, all will be lost.” The political illusion, to be clear, plagues both sides of the political and theological aisles. To describe a particular candidate in messianic terms is to suffer from the political illusion. To describe him or her as the anti-Christ is also to suffer from the political illusion. No political candidate will “save Christianity.” No candidate can “irreparably harm” it either. Other Christians are plagued by the political delusion, the idea that political engagement of any kind is pointlessly unnecessary or perhaps even implicates one in evil. Of course, there are cases throughout history where an election is a farce, or where political engagement aligns one with unmitigated evil. Neither is not the case for American Christians today. I will put it bluntly, for American Christians, voting is both a civic duty and a Christian responsibility.   The late, great Chuck Colson once wrote: The next time you hear someone tell you that Christians ought to take a vacation from politics, tell them to go fly a kite.  Listen, it’s our duty as citizens of the kingdom of God to be the best citizens of the society we live in. Brothers and sisters, Christianity and good citizenship go together.

    29 min
  2. 6 SEPT


    Forgiving, But Not Forgetting The phrase “forgive and forget” is not found in the Bible. However, there are numerous verses commanding us to “forgive one another” (e.g., Matthew 6:14 and Ephesians 4:32). A Christian who is not willing to forgive others will find his fellowship with God hindered (Matthew 6:15) and can reap bitterness and the loss of reward (Hebrews 12:14–15; 2 John 1:8). If by “forgive and forget” one means, “I choose to forgive the offender for the sake of Christ and move on with my life,” then this is a wise and godly course of action. As much as possible, we should forget what is behind and strive toward what is ahead (Philippians 3:13). We should forgive each other “just as in Christ God forgave” (Ephesians 4:32). We must not allow a root of bitterness to spring up in our hearts (Hebrews 12:15).However, changing hearts is God’s business, and, until an offender has a true, supernatural heart change, it is only wise to limit the level of trust one places in that person. Being cautious doesn’t mean we haven’t forgiven. It simply means we are not God and we cannot see that person’s heart. When we neglect or refuse to forgive the sins of others, we become like a collection agency. The debt of their sin weighs us down with an obligation to make them pay. At first, we may relish the prospect of extracting restitution from the person who wronged us. Over time, though, the task of debt collection grows burdensome. When the offender does not meet our expectations, our hearts harden toward them. If we continue the relationship, resentment may seep in. I was in a discussion the other day about forgiveness and somebody said forgiving isn't forgetting it's just remembering without anger they also suggested forgiveness can't be extended unless repentance is first expressed?Some suggest that we can only forgive when someone truly repents or that we can somehow forgive but not forget.In Luke chapter 23 Jesus prayed for the soldiers who were crucifying him and he said “father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing” and his prayer asking forgiveness isn't based on any repentance on the part of the soldiers In Matthew 18 when Peter asked how many times he's to forgive someone who sinned against him Jesus doesn't condition forgiveness on the requirement for repentance on the part of the offending party. Peter was willing to forgive 7 times but Jesus said no it needs to be 70 * 7 which I think is a hypothetical grand number. A number suggesting you need to extend forgiveness an infinite number of times. still another verse is ephesians 4:26 where we are told that when we get angry we are not to sin and we're told to be sure not to let the sun go down on our wrath now, when it comes to the concept or argument or proposition that forgiving isn't forgetting, that I still struggle to match that up with Scripture. in Hebrews 8:12 God said I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. I am concerned that when someone says “I'll forgive...

    29 min
  3. 23 AUG


    South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary, Whether you're looking to lead in business, counsel with compassion, run a church, or enrich your spiritual life, our new programs are designed just for you. Introducing our Master’s in Business Administration, Master’s in Mental Health Counseling, and Doctor in Ministry. Aim high with a degree that sets you apart. South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees. These degree programs are available online or on campus. As of August 2019, South Florida Bible College offered over 20 total programs, on campus and online. There are 10 graduate programs including 2 doctoral programs offered on campus. Explore our diverse range of programs in ministry, theology, business, and counseling, from associate to doctoral levels. All are available both online and on-campus, embracing a multicultural and interdenominational community.As the top 10 most affordable Bible colleges in the U.S., we provide quality education at an affordable price. And with scholarship opportunities just a click away, nothing should stop you from pursuing your dreams. South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary. Fully accredited and ready to serve you.Visit us online at SFBC.EDU/ to learn more and apply today. Join us and transform your future. There has been more data produced in the last two years than in the whole of human history. This information ocean is getting more turbulent every single day," he continued. "The only tools we have to navigate through this maelstrom are the critical thinking skills that we are trying to develop in people as scientists."  Karl Marx infamously said that if you want to take over a generation you erase their history, their legacy. That's what you do, and that's exactly what the enemy is doing, trying to erase that identity from that child.   The U.S. Supreme Court voted 9-0 to uphold the preliminary injunctions that block the three provisions of the Biden administration’s new Title IX Final Rule. These provisions include the new definition of sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, sex-segregated spaces, and hostile environment harassment.  "Please vote accordingly."

    29 min
  4. 2 AUG


    We review the absurdity of viewing ethics and truth as depending on person, group or culture, like it would for one's taste in ice cream or music. In Messiah: 2030 ­ an astounding, bold and very biblically focused little book ­ Clive Douglas Campbell makes the case that biblical and historical chronology, as well as the figurative meanings of biblical texts, indicate the year but not the day and hour of the coming of the Messiah, God¹s King Who is coming to reign. In addition to a strong case being made for a seven-millennia plan and time line of God, Campbell puts forward some astounding new thoughts: Between probably 4 1/2 billion B.C. and 3966 B.C., the earth was further from the sun.  The creation "week," which began in 3970 B.C., was seven years long.  The moon is a figure for the Holy Spirit in the fourth "day" of the creation "week."  The garden of Eden was at the site of Jerusalem.  God likely tilted the earth's axis at the Fall.  The World Trade Center Towers are in the Bible.  The fifth Arab-Israeli war will be over in 2003.  Animal sacrifices at a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem will begin about 2020.  At the Rapture, in 2023, the Lord will return with Moses and Elijah,both who have immortal bodies, to receive "the dead in Christ" and those "who are alive and remain," respectively.  The Antichrist will come out of the ten-nation C.I.S. Druze (/ˈdruːz/ DROOZ;[19] Arabic: دَرْزِيّ, darzī or دُرْزِيّ durzī, pl. دُرُوز, durūz), who call themselves al-Muwaḥḥidūn (lit. 'the monotheists' or 'the unitarians'),[20]are an Arab and Arabic-speaking esotericethnoreligious group from West Asia who adhere to the Druze faith, an Abrahamic, monotheistic, syncretic, and ethnic religion whose main tenets assert the unity of God, reincarnation, and the eternity of the soul. Most Druze religious practices are kept secret. The Druze do not permit outsiders to convert to their religion. Marriage outside the Druze faith is rare and strongly discouraged. The Druze maintain a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer...

    29 min
  5. 19 JUL


    The day when Kennedy was shot...the Kennedy day. Where were you when the second plane hit the tower? Man is bent toward evil. It's easy to be bad. it's hard to be good. The reason we need a government the reason we need police the reason we need an army a Navy an Air Force a Marine Corps the reason we need protection the reason we need Secret Service is because the central teaching of the Christian worldview—a unique teaching of the Christian worldview, most other worldviews don't teach this—is that men are bent toward evil, that we're basically evil and it's easy to be bad and hard to be good. One scholar theorizes that there are three main reasons for murder: there was either a (1) sex issue (2) a money issue or (3) a power issue. sex money or power. Those are the three things that can motivate people to murder. Without God there's no right, there's no wrong. There's no good. There's no evil. There's no just. There's no unjust. There's no right. Everything is a matter of opinion, and even atheists like Richard Dawkins would agree with this. They are assuming a moral standard when in their own worldview they have no way of justifying that moral standard because they don't even believe in God. They don't even think there's a God. What went wrong with security at the site? Men should be protecting women. Women shouldn't be protecting men. This is a basic teaching of Christianity. By the way, men and women are equal in essence only in Christianity. Other religions and worldviews do not abide by the equality of the essence of the sexes. But Christianity also teaches the obvious truth that men and women are also different in what they can and can't do and men most of the time are stronger than women.

    29 min
  6. 28 JUN

    154 - 2024 Tallahassee Victories - Presidential Debate Debacle - Pontius Pilate's Day After - A Strange Night and Execution

    I more felt it, Gaius, than heard it. I questioned him mechanically and he answered very little. But what he said and the way he said it, it was as if his level gaze had pulled up my naked soul right up into my eyes and was probing it there. And a voice kept saying in my ears, “why, you’re on trial Pilate!” And the man wasn’t even listening to the charges. You’d have sworn he had just come in out of friendly interest to see what was going to happen to me. And the very pressure of his standing there had grown unbearable when a slave rushed in all a tremble, interrupting court bringing a message from Claudia; she had stabbed at the stylus in that childish way that she does when she’s distraught, “don’t judge this amazing man Pilate” she wrote, “I was haunted in dreams by him this night”. Gaius, I tried to free him. From that moment on I tried and I’ll always think he knew it. I declared him out of my jurisdiction being a Galilean, but the native King Herod discovered he was born in Judea and sent him right back to me. I appealed to the crowd hoping that they would be his sympathizers. But Caiaphas had stationed agitators to whip up the beasts that cry for blood, and you know how in this town here any citizen loves the blood of another person just after breakfast and screams for another’s blood.I had him beaten Gaius, a thorough barracks room beating. I’m still not sure why, to appease the crowd I guess, but do we Romans really need any reason for beatings? Isn’t that the code for anything we don’t understand? Well, it didn’t work Gaius, the crowd roared like some slavering beast when I brought him back. If only you could have watched him. They had thrown some rags of mock-purple over his bleeding shoulders; they had jammed a chaplet of thorns down on his forehead and it fitted. It all fitted Gaius! He stood there, watching them from my balcony, flamed from weakness by now, but royal I tell you. Not just pain but pity shining from his eyes. And I kept thinking: somehow this is monstrous, this is upside-down, that purple is real, that crown is real, and somehow these animal noises the crowd is shrieking should be praise! And then Caiaphas played his master-stroke on me: He announced there in public that this Jesus claimed the crown and that was treason to Caesar. And the guards began to glance at one another quickly, and that mob of spineless filth began to shout, “Hail Caesar! Hail Caesar!” And Gaius, I knew I was beaten; I gave the order.I couldn’t look at him. Then I did a childish thing: I called for water. And there on the balcony, I washed my hands of that whole affair. But as they led him away Gaius, I did look up and he turned and looked at me, no smile, no pity, just glanced at my hands, and I’ll feel the weight of his eyes on them from now on. But you’re yawning Gaius; I’ve kept you up.  And the fact of the matter is you are in need of some rest and some holidays. Claudia will be asleep by now. Rows of lighted lamps line her couch; she can’t sleep in the dark anymore; no, not since that afternoon. You see Gaius, the sun went out when my guards executed him; that’s exactly what I said.  I don’t know how; I don’t know what; I only know that I was there and though it was the middle of the day it turned as black as the tunnels of hell in that miserable city. And while I tried to compose Claudia and explain how I had been trapped, she railed at me with a dream and she’s had that dream ever since when she sleeps in the dark, some form of it, that there was to have been a new Caesar and that I, her husband, had killed him. Oh, we’ve been to Egypt; to their seers and magicians. We’ve listened by the hour to the oracles in the musty temples of Greece chattering their inanities. We’ve called it an oriental curse that we’re under and we’ve tried to break...

    29 min


Religious Liberty Explained and Analyzed

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