48 集

💗桃園市外師任意門 E-door To the World💗

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Hosted by English Teaching Resources Center of the Department of Education, Taoyuan.
Music by Oleg Fedak
Music by Breakz Studios

Hosting provided by SoundOn

桃園市外師任意門E-door To The World 桃園市英語教學資源中心ETRC

    • 教育
    • 4.4 • 7 則評分

💗桃園市外師任意門 E-door To the World💗

Download Weekly Worksheet-下載學習單
👉 https://drive.google.com/file/d/16dj1ct45R1j26Q1PB1qPQ0BUOgwySwnb/view?usp=sharing
Send You Worksheets-上傳學習單
👉 https://forms.gle/2picyzmyBqWWEvdt9

Hosted by English Teaching Resources Center of the Department of Education, Taoyuan.
Music by Oleg Fedak
Music by Breakz Studios

Hosting provided by SoundOn

    #15 Travel | Countries That Are Not Recommended For Traveling | 不建議前往旅行的國家

    #15 Travel | Countries That Are Not Recommended For Traveling | 不建議前往旅行的國家

    1. recommend (v.) 推薦
    2. conflict (n.) (v.) 衝突
    3. theft (n.) 盜竊
    4. war (n.) 戰爭
    5. Myanmar (n.)緬甸
    6. gang (n.) 幫派
    7. crime (n.) 犯罪
    8. food poisoning (n.)食物中毒
    9. parasite (n.)寄生蟲
    Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
    📚Title: The most dangerous countries in the world by region
    📚Author: Global Guardian
    🌍Link: https://www.globalguardian.com/global-digest/most-dangerous-countries
    🎥The Discussion Questions from This Episode:
    What are some other countries that are not safe for traveling?
    ✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
    Music by moodmode from Pixabay
    Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
    Photo by Z on Unsplash
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 13 分鐘
    #14Environment Protection | Floods in South Sudan | 南蘇丹: 災難性洪水摧毀無數家園

    #14Environment Protection | Floods in South Sudan | 南蘇丹: 災難性洪水摧毀無數家園


    大規模水災似乎已成為南蘇丹的新現況。 為應對由此帶來的無數挑戰,需要當局、捐助者和人道組織共同努力,確保當地人能夠獲得醫療護理外,亦要能夠預測和應對該區因未來氣候變化帶來的後果。
    1.Flood (n.)水災;洪水
    2.climate change (n.)氣候變遷
    3. Resilience(n.)恢復力;彈性
    Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
    📚Title: Floods are affecting an increasing number of people
    📚Author: UNICEF
    🌍Link: https://www.unicef.org/southsudan/what-we-do/climate-change-and-flooding
    🎥The Discussion Questions from This Episode:
    What do you think people should do to help those affected by the floods?
    ✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
    Music by moodmode from Pixabay
    Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
    Photo by Jonathan Ford on Unsplash
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 6 分鐘
    #13 Technology | The bravest but also the smallest-the Water Bear | 最勇敢的"小"水熊

    #13 Technology | The bravest but also the smallest-the Water Bear | 最勇敢的"小"水熊

    1.Hardy (adj.)勇敢的、強壯的
    2.Water bear (n.)水熊
    3. Shrivel (v.)乾枯
    Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
    📚Title: Why Tardigrades Are So Badass: 7 Secrets of the Only Animal That Can Survive in Space
    📚Author:Popular Mechanics
    🌍Link: https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/a11137/tardigrades-water-bears/
    🎥The Discussion Questions from This Episode:
    Which facts about the water bear do you think are the coolest?
    ✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
    Music by moodmode from Pixabay
    Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
    Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 7 分鐘
    #12 Culture | The Global K-Pop Impact | 韓流所帶來的全球影響

    #12 Culture | The Global K-Pop Impact | 韓流所帶來的全球影響

    1. definitely adv. 毫無疑問
    2. reveal v. 揭露
    3. inside n. 裡面
    4. relationship n. 關係
    5. motivate v. 激勵
    6. behavior n. 行為
    7. community n. 群體
    8. worldwide a. 全世界的
    9. impressive a. 深刻印象的
    10. disappoint v. (使)失望
    11. effort n. 努力
    12. deserve v. 值得
    Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
    📚Title: Inside the world of K-pop
    📚Author: David Pogue
    🌍Link: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inside-the-world-of-k-pop/
    🎥The Discussion Questions from This Episode:
    Do you think being a K-pop star is a good job? Why? Or why not?
    ✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
    Music by moodmode from Pixabay
    Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
    Photo by Photo by ibmoon Kim on Unsplash
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 9 分鐘
    #11 Music & Movie | Suzume on Netflix | 鈴芽之旅

    #11 Music & Movie | Suzume on Netflix | 鈴芽之旅

    1. Streaming service (n.) 串流平台
    2. Steam (v.) 在線收看;在線收聽
    3. Rating (n.) 評分
    4. Provide(v.)提供
    5. Scene(n.)(電影)場景
    6. Shape(n.)形狀
    7. Transform(v.)轉化:轉變
    8. Capture(v.)捕捉
    9. Interaction(n.)互動
    10. Plot(n.)劇情
    11. Mythology (n.)神話;古代故事
    12. Catfish (n.)鯰魚
    提到的動畫:Naruto 旋渦名人/Bleach 死神/Dragon ball 七龍珠/宮崎駿系列動畫Hayao Miyazaki
    Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
    📚Title: One of the best anime movies of the past few years is now on Netflix
    📚Author: Megan Garside
    🌍Link: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/news/one-of-the-best-anime-movies-of-the-past-few-years-is-now-on-netflix/ar-BB1lJAUj
    🎥The Discussion Questions from This Episode:
    - What Japanese anime do you like to watch on a streaming platform?
    - What are your thoughts on Suzume no Tojimari(鈴芽之旅)?
    ✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
    Music by moodmode from Pixabay
    Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
    Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 10 分鐘
    #10 Environment Protection | Earthquake in Taiwan | 0403花蓮大地震

    #10 Environment Protection | Earthquake in Taiwan | 0403花蓮大地震

    1. Earthquake (n.) 地震
    2. Damage(n.) 受損
    3. Rescue (v.) 營救
    4. Affect(v.) 影響
    5. Landslide (v.) 土石流
    6. React (v.) 反應
    7. Those in need (phr.) 需要幫助的人
    Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
    📚Title: Taiwan earthquake: Hundreds still awaiting rescue, death toll rises to 13
    📚Author: Wayne Chang and Heather Chen, CNN
    🌍Link: https://reurl.cc/Djv0LQ
    🎥The Discussion Question from This Episode:
    What do you think people should do to help those affected by the earthquake?
    ✏️Upload Your Worksheet and Share Your Answer with Us:
    Music by moodmode from Pixabay
    Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
    Photo by Jens Aber on Unsplash
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 7 分鐘


4.4(滿分 5 分)
7 則評分

7 則評分

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