跟著Emma認識中途家庭對救援團體的重要性 *注意,圖有澳洲猛男消防員出沒!*Candid Interview with Emma Hammond (*PACK’s Fundraiser with Australian Firefighters!‪)‬ Friday Happy Hour in Formosa

    • 教育

.邀訪來賓:肯德-傑克遜酒莊亞洲銷售總監 Emma Hammonds
*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #47 第47集*

Candid Interview with Emma Hammond (*PACK’s Fundraiser with Australian Firefighters!)
跟著Emma認識中途家庭對救援團體的重要性 *注意,圖有澳洲猛男消防員出沒!

人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
I met so many people through my puppy rescue journey a few months ago and one of these awesome peeps is Miss Emma who just happens to be on the board of directors of PACK 巴克幫 - 浪犬之家. And I’ve invited this “Vino Queen” (*Emma is the Asia Sales Director of a famous winery) to talk to us about the importance of fostering and also what additional training/support
PACK offers. Also, be sure to check out these exclusive photos Emma has shared with us of this very successful fundraising event she helped to organize with The Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (ANZCham) where all the proceeds went directly to help fund PACK to rescue more animals in need! Emma even managed to get the Australian firefighters to come to Taiwan to bring more awareness of everything PACK is doing!

Lastly, If you are an animal lover and are only living in Taiwan for a short term! After listening to this episode learning what it means to be a foster for PACK sounds like something you would be interested in, you can sign up here for the foster training with PACK. I promise you, it will be the rewarding thing you will ever experience!

To find out more about becoming a foster with PACK
To purchase a copy of the limited signed edition of the 2024 Australian Firefighter Calendar (Woohoo~)

這個禮拜我們邀請到了PACK 巴克幫 - 浪犬之家.董事會成員同時也是知名酒莊的亞洲銷售總監來跟我們分享最近跟澳洲紐西蘭商會一起合辦的募款午餐會。 還邀請到了澳洲的消防員們特地來幫忙! 在餐會上他們總共為了PACK 巴克幫的狗狗們募款了將近二十四萬元!澳洲的消防隊員們也來到了PACK 巴克幫山上的狗園做了一天志工,跟狗狗們互動。在聽完所有狗狗的故事以後他們更加碼另外捐贈10萬元給PACK!而且還不只這樣,澳洲的消防人員們也利用參訪狗園這個機會線上認養了巴克幫的一隻狗狗耶!

我跟Emma更深入的跟探討了對於救援動物的組織來說,其實找到領養人之前最重要的一步就是中途家庭這個階段,為了讓狗狗們能夠有與人共同生活的經驗,讓他們未來能夠很快地就適應領養家庭的生活。 我覺得大部分的台灣人對於當中途這件事情並不是很了解,所以特別請Emma來跟我們解釋當一個PACK 巴克幫的中途會有什麼樣的責任呢?然後巴克幫會提供什麼樣的資源以及協助呢?



Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine

.邀訪來賓:肯德-傑克遜酒莊亞洲銷售總監 Emma Hammonds
*Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Episode #47 第47集*

Candid Interview with Emma Hammond (*PACK’s Fundraiser with Australian Firefighters!)
跟著Emma認識中途家庭對救援團體的重要性 *注意,圖有澳洲猛男消防員出沒!

人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
I met so many people through my puppy rescue journey a few months ago and one of these awesome peeps is Miss Emma who just happens to be on the board of directors of PACK 巴克幫 - 浪犬之家. And I’ve invited this “Vino Queen” (*Emma is the Asia Sales Director of a famous winery) to talk to us about the importance of fostering and also what additional training/support
PACK offers. Also, be sure to check out these exclusive photos Emma has shared with us of this very successful fundraising event she helped to organize with The Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (ANZCham) where all the proceeds went directly to help fund PACK to rescue more animals in need! Emma even managed to get the Australian firefighters to come to Taiwan to bring more awareness of everything PACK is doing!

Lastly, If you are an animal lover and are only living in Taiwan for a short term! After listening to this episode learning what it means to be a foster for PACK sounds like something you would be interested in, you can sign up here for the foster training with PACK. I promise you, it will be the rewarding thing you will ever experience!

To find out more about becoming a foster with PACK
To purchase a copy of the limited signed edition of the 2024 Australian Firefighter Calendar (Woohoo~)

這個禮拜我們邀請到了PACK 巴克幫 - 浪犬之家.董事會成員同時也是知名酒莊的亞洲銷售總監來跟我們分享最近跟澳洲紐西蘭商會一起合辦的募款午餐會。 還邀請到了澳洲的消防員們特地來幫忙! 在餐會上他們總共為了PACK 巴克幫的狗狗們募款了將近二十四萬元!澳洲的消防隊員們也來到了PACK 巴克幫山上的狗園做了一天志工,跟狗狗們互動。在聽完所有狗狗的故事以後他們更加碼另外捐贈10萬元給PACK!而且還不只這樣,澳洲的消防人員們也利用參訪狗園這個機會線上認養了巴克幫的一隻狗狗耶!

我跟Emma更深入的跟探討了對於救援動物的組織來說,其實找到領養人之前最重要的一步就是中途家庭這個階段,為了讓狗狗們能夠有與人共同生活的經驗,讓他們未來能夠很快地就適應領養家庭的生活。 我覺得大部分的台灣人對於當中途這件事情並不是很了解,所以特別請Emma來跟我們解釋當一個PACK 巴克幫的中途會有什麼樣的責任呢?然後巴克幫會提供什麼樣的資源以及協助呢?



Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine

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