41 How to manage your time and the numbers with Helene Sewell

《CASE Mastermind Broadcast》Podcast

In this episode, MēL and PāT discuss with Helene Sewell the Business Navigator the following:

  1. How to improve time management?

  2. What are the key numbers that businesses should keep an eye on?

  3. How best to track and use numbers?

You can read more on these topics below….

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Let’s expound on those topics a little more…

  1. How to improve time management?
    The key is to be purposeful in how we spend our time more than being organised. 2 top tips:

    a. Fitting in the key value-adding activities in the diary first is a great way of making sure they happen like putting the rocks before the pebbles or the sand in a glass.

    b. Don’t let yourself be distracted by phone, emails, WhatsApp social media etc while you are focussing on those key activities. Don’t multitask, it is a waste of time. Dedicate times to catch up with communications and let your team and clients know when that is.

  2. What are the key numbers that businesses should keep an eye on?
    There are 2 types of key numbers. The upstream of lead numbers. They are used to drive behaviour or actions, for example, the number of prospect calls made in a week. The other type is downstream or lag numbers. They are numbers that drive motivation for example total new sales or the number of new customers in a week.
    It’s different for every business but there are some that are common to all businesses such as the number of new leads, number of new customers, cost of acquisition of a customer, gross margin %
    Some more specific ones are conversion rates at key stages of the sales funnel and the total amount of recurring income.

  3. How best to track and use numbers?
    Some numbers need to be tracked weekly and some monthly. They should always be compared to a target so they can be reviewed and corrective action applied if required. When making the comparison between the actual and the target, it is important to start with the mindset that not hitting the target is not acceptable. Any negative variance should be investigated and action taken. Either the target is wrong or the activities didn’t take place and should have. Having the discipline to look at the right numbers objectively is very powerful in keeping a business on track.








