EP13 - 美劇推薦系列 - 追愛總動員

This is A podcast - Austin 聊英文

大家這週好嗎?又到了週六聊英文的時候了!今天要來聊 sitcom 情境喜劇 (situation comedy),今天要聊《追愛總動員How I met your mother (2005-2014)》,這部的背景設置在紐約,是五個主角的故事,最常一起出現的地方是麥卡倫酒吧,這樣的故事設定跟剛完結的六人行很像,不過他卻沒有走六人行的老路,反而走出自己的風格。HIMYM最厲害的是他的敘事手法,不像是六人行順時間的推演,反而像是一個鏡框式的故事架構,從Ted 告訴他的孩子怎麼遇到媽媽的,開始講述五個好友的生活故事,表面上看起來是一個追愛的故事,但是卻又柳暗花明又一村,好幾個框架在進行,慢慢讓觀眾愛上這部片。

📝Tr. Austin 回答:
1. 預先安排讀書時間規劃。
2. 複習課本跟寫練習題要同時進行。
3. 沒有念得完的書,只有掌握得好的題目。

💬dialogue 1
Ted: It was like something from an old movie, where the sailor sees the girl across the crowded dance floor, turns to his buddy and says, “See that girl? I’m gonna marry her someday.” Hey Barney, see that girl?
Barney: Oh, yeah. You just know she likes it dirty. Go say hi.
Ted: I can’t just go say hi. I need a plan. I’m gonna wait until she goes to the bathroom. Then, I will strategically place myself by the jukebox.
Barney: Hi, have you met Ted?
Ted: Hi.
Robin: Let me guess, Ted?

#️⃣ 必備單字:
📝strategically (adv.) 策略性地
📝jukebox (n.) 自動點唱機

💬dialogue 2
Ted: So, what do you do?
Robin: I’m a reporter from Metro news 1. Well, kind of a reporter. I do those dumb little fluff pieces at the end of the news. You know, like, um.. Monkey, who can play the Ukulele. I’m hoping to get some bigger story soon.
Ted: Bigger like um gorilla with an upright bass? Sorry, you are really pretty.
Ted: Oh, your friends don’t seem too happy.
Robin: Yeah, see the one in the middle just got dumped by her boyfriend. So tonight, every guy is the “enemy.”
Ted: You know if it’ll make your friend feel better, you can throw a drink in my face. I don’t mind.
Robin: She would love that! And it does look fun in the movies.
Ted: Hey, you wanna have dinner with me Saturday night?
Robin: Oh. I can’t. I’m going to Orlando for a week on Friday. Some guy’s attempting to make the world’s biggest pancake. Guess who’s covering it?
Ted: That’s gonna take a week?
Robin: Yeah, he’s gonna eat it too. It’s another record.

#️⃣ 必備單字:
📝fluff piece (n.) 可愛的、提供消遣的輕鬆小品
📝gorilla (n.) 大猩猩
📝upright (adj.) 直立式
📝get dumped (phr.) 被甩
📝attempt (v.) 試圖,嘗試
📝cover (v.) 報導

💬dialogue 3
Friend: Hey, What’s taking so long?
Ted: Uh, I know this is a long shot. But how about tomorrow night?
Robin: Yeah, what the hell. Jerk! That was fun!
Barney: De… wait for it …nied! Denied.
Ted: We’re going out tomorrow night.

#️⃣ 必備單字:
📝a long shot (phr.) 希望不大的嘗試
📝what the hell (phr.) 管他的

📈片尾主題曲:How I Met Your Mother
Hosting provided by SoundOn








