Hitting Pause

《Keeping Business Real》Podcast

This podcast has been one of Lisa's favourite creative outlets. As a multi-passionate entrepreneur who could talk for hours on end about online business and marketing, it's been bliss to create. With that said, it's time to press the pause button. In this episode Lisa shares why she is pressing pause on recording new episodes. Intentionality, direction and purpose are all coming into play. Tune in to hear what's happening behind the scenes, what Lisa and the team are bringing you next and what the future may hold for this podcast. In this episode, you will hear Lisa mention her Breakthrough Mastermind. This is a 12 month, high-level mastermind experience for female entrepreneurs. The 2019 participants have experienced tremendous growth and success and applications will open for 2020 soon. Join the waitlist to be notified of how and when to apply. Places are limited and those on the waitlist will have the best chance of securing a spot. Links: Connect with Lisa Corduff on Facebook and Instagram (@kbr_with_lisa)








