- The podcast

Tommaso Fatichi
《 - The podcast》Podcast

The podcast for Formula 1 enthusiasts that tells the history of motorsport. Curated by Tommaso was born in 1999 from our passion for motorsport, and especially for Formula 1.Why Nuvolari? Because the flying Italian driver from Mantua has always represented courage and speed.A name that can be immediately associated with motorsport, whose disciplines we analyzed and talked about.A passion that we bring with us since we were very young, in my case since I was a child. (Smile)Why Formula 1? Because it’s the ultimate representation of the technological progress that we then find in the cars we use in our daily life.This sport has changed a lot throughout the decades, even to improve the drivers’ safety, but it’s still the peak of 4-wheeled motorsport.Hence the decision of creating this project, to talk about Formula 1 as a whole, starting from the very first World Championship in 1950.We will bring you the history of Formula 1, its technological evolution and the biographies of its most famous drivers. “You cannot describe passion, you can only live it”Enzo Ferrari



The podcast for Formula 1 enthusiasts that tells the history of motorsport. Curated by Tommaso was born in 1999 from our passion for motorsport, and especially for Formula 1.Why Nuvolari? Because the flying Italian driver from Mantua has always represented courage and speed.A name that can be immediately associated with motorsport, whose disciplines we analyzed and talked about.A passion that we bring with us since we were very young, in my case since I was a child. (Smile)Why Formula 1? Because it’s the ultimate representation of the technological progress that we then find in the cars we use in our daily life.This sport has changed a lot throughout the decades, even to improve the drivers’ safety, but it’s still the peak of 4-wheeled motorsport.Hence the decision of creating this project, to talk about Formula 1 as a whole, starting from the very first World Championship in 1950.We will bring you the history of Formula 1, its technological evolution and the biographies of its most famous drivers. “You cannot describe passion, you can only live it”Enzo Ferrari








